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The Official 2010 F1 Megathread

Sorry to say, but I'm afraid Fred will be 2010 champ.
Re: Comment noted

Hey Harry, why be sorry? He's the odds on fave. But I'll give you a nod for making a pick at all in this crazy season. :wink: Just for grins, I'll bet you a couple of beers it's not Fred.
If that whiney back stabbin' giant necked cheating caterpillar'd El Burro wins this year's F1 championship, I'm writing off F1 for life.

Eh, at least until the start of next year.

PS - I say bring back Nigel Stepney to put some of that concrete powder in Fezza gas tanks.
I'm with Jack...I despise Fred for many reasons, most of which have already been listed here. He CANNOT win the championship, or his head might swell past its already precarious outer circumference and explode, covering the entire F1 press corps in a blanket of bloody eyebrow lashes.

I also dislike Vettel for the simple fact that he seems to be from the Senna/Schumi school of crashing your opponents off the course so that you can win. There is aggressive racing and there is being a dick. Are you really that fast? Yeah? Ok, then show me and out-race the guy. Any chimpanzee can jerk the wheel over and cut off a faster car, or smash it.

Therefore, I am pulling for Webber or- I can't believe I'm saying this- Hamilton. I was pulling hard for Button due to his Honda roots and NSX ownership, but he's pretty much done. If Seabass hadn't pulled his demo-derby move and torpedoed JB's left radiator, maybe Button would still have a chance.

But, I have to say I really want Mark to win. He's a class act, blazing fast driver, been in the sport a long time and endured some really crappy teams and cars. Kind of like Rubens, he really deserves a championship.
I'm with Jack...I despise Fred for many reasons, most of which have already been listed here. He CANNOT win the championship, or his head might swell past its already precarious outer circumference and explode, covering the entire F1 press corps in a blanket of bloody eyebrow lashes.

I also dislike Vettel for the simple fact that he seems to be from the Senna/Schumi school of crashing your opponents off the course so that you can win. There is aggressive racing and there is being a dick. Are you really that fast? Yeah? Ok, then show me and out-race the guy. Any chimpanzee can jerk the wheel over and cut off a faster car, or smash it.

Therefore, I am pulling for Webber or- I can't believe I'm saying this- Hamilton. I was pulling hard for Button due to his Honda roots and NSX ownership, but he's pretty much done. If Seabass hadn't pulled his demo-derby move and torpedoed JB's left radiator, maybe Button would still have a chance.
But, I have to say I really want Mark to win. He's a class act, blazing fast driver, been in the sport a long time and endured some really crappy teams and cars. Kind of like Rubens, he really deserves a championship.

That and the brain fart his mechs had at Monaco when they forgot to remove the radiator covers to his car. I would love for Alonso, Vettel, Webber, and Hamilton to DNF these last two races and for Button to be on podium to take a second WDC, but we know that's highly unlikely, or is it...?

Having said that, I'm rooting for Webber for WDC. Not that I dislike Alonso, but Webber has really shown he's not a has been and has driven better than Vettel which I see as a whining baby.
Wow, guys so many Alonso haters.I still think he is one of 3 fastest drivers on grid and it's Red Bull's problem that they(with best car this year) are not far a way whit points from others.I'm also worried about Ferrari's engine but hope that will make it.It's great year and different from others I will love to see Alonso win WDC.
But, I have to say I really want Mark to win. He's a class act, blazing fast driver, been in the sport a long time and endured some really crappy teams and cars. Kind of like Rubens, he really deserves a championship.

I can relate to Mark (I too have been too tall for nearly every great racecar I've been offered) -- he's really paid his dues... but so has Rubens -- in spades. "Nice guys finish last" isn't that the maxim?
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What an amazing qualifying session for the Brazilian GP. Watching the last 2 minutes of Q3 was very entertaining. Congrats to Nico!

On the bright side, Vettel, Webber & Hamilton are all in front of Alonso; with warm weather predicted for tomorrows GP, I am very confident Alonso will blow another engine, taking himself out of the WDC race!

Winner for tomorrow: Webber
Re: So, what are the less likely scenarios

It's pretty clear that Fred controls his destiny with a 1st or 2nd. But what happens if chaos reins and the big 3 all finish well down the order? Ken, you work up a spreadsheet on that yet? Since I am practicing for retirement, I have no time. :wink:
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I was rooting for Webber. Too bad they didn't go with team orders and ask SV to let Webber through. I realize that Red Bull wanted the WCC and doesn't care AS much about the WDC but....

Unforutnately - his mistake in Korea pretty much ended his chances.
Re: Peter Windsor speaks

After watching the race, I really hope that Webber wins WDC. Alonso is not deserving of the title and I actually applaud RBR in not using team orders. It may come back to bite them in the ass but I think RBR will finish 1-2 @ Abu Dhabi with Alonso out of the podium.

McLaren lost their pace sometime after Monza and never really got back on track to contend with Ferrari or Redbull. I hope they get their act together next season and come back stronger.

Nico definitely deserves a drive for next season as well...hope he gets it.

I am eagerly awaiting this weekend.
Another race RB to strong.Good race for Alonso(overtaking Nico and Lewis).
Let's be real, Alonso never overtook Hamilton, Lewis couldn't find grip, hit an oil patch and lost his position...Alonso never passed him on his own merit.
Oopps, I've just been sworn to secrecy.
Spill the beans!
Outcomes for Abu Dhabi:

Fernando Alonso
- A victory or second place in UAE will ensure he wins his third World title regardless of what the other contenders do
- If Webber wins, he needs to finish P2
- If Webber finishes P2, he needs to finish at least P5
- If Webber finishes P3, he needs to finish at least P6
- If Webber finishes P4, he needs to finish at least P8
- If Webber finishes P5, he needs to finish at least P9
- If Vettel wins, he needs to finish at least P4
- If Vettel finishes P2, he needs to finish at least P8

Mark Webber
- Webber can't afford to finish lower than fifth if he wants to stand any chance of winning his maiden Championship
- If he wins, Alonso needs to finish no higher than P3
- If he finishes P2, Alonso needs to finish no higher than P6 and Vettel no higher than P2
- If he finishes P3, Alonso needs to finish no higher than P7 and Vettel no higher than P2
- If he finishes P4, Alonso needs to be finish no higher than P9 and Vettel no higher than P2
- If he finishes P5, Alonso needs to finish P10 and Vettel no higher than P3

Sebastian Vettel
- Any position lower than second will see him finish the season empty handed
- If he wins, he needs Alonso to finish P5 or lower
- If he finishes P2, he needs Alonso to finish no higher than P9 and Webber no higher than P5

Lewis Hamilton
- He needs to win to stand any chance of winning a second title
- If he wins, Alonso needs to finish P11 or lower, Webber needs to finish P6 or lower and Vettel needs to finish no higher than P3

* Should Vettel win the race and finish level on 256 points with a fifth-placed Alonso, then the Red Bull driver will win the Championship. They will both have won the same amount of race victories (five), same amount of second-place finishes (two) and same number of third place finishes (three). The title will be decided by fourth-place finishes which Vettel leads three to two.

* Should Vettel win and Webber is second they'll finish on the same number of points but the German will take the honours as he will have five race victories to the Australian's four.

Things to look for:

McLaren could be a major spoiler for Vettel or Webber. Abu Dhabi has the longest straight in F1 and the MP4-25 is set for lower downforce/high top speed which should help them against the more well balanced Ferrari F10 which would be lacking in top speed.

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Re: Peter Windsor speaks

No,Lewis let him pass another team order.
Re: So, what's the most bizarre scenario?

It's pretty clear that Fred controls his destiny with a 1st or 2nd. But what happens if chaos reins and the big 3 all finish well down the order? Ken, you work up a spreadsheet on that yet? Since I am practicing for retirement, I have no time. :wink:
Well Ken, you let me down. :frown: But that's OK, because over on ApexSpeed some geek (from that exciting Pine Grove CA) came up with something even more convoluted:

if Vet wins: 231+25=256
if Weber finishes 2nd: 238+18=256
and if Al finishes in 5th: 246+10=256

Webb is eliminated on # of wins and Vet and Fred both have the same # of 2nds and 3rds. Vettel wins on more 4ths. Wow, isn't that bizarre. I'm sure Bernie's laying awake nights scheming on how to make it happen. :biggrin:
Re: So, what's the most bizarre scenario?

Well Ken, you let me down. :frown: But that's OK, because over on ApexSpeed some geek (from that exciting Pine Grove CA) came up with something even more convoluted:

if Vet wins: 231+25=256
if Weber finishes 2nd: 238+18=256
and if Al finishes in 5th: 246+10=256

Webb is eliminated on # of wins and Vet and Fred both have the same # of 2nds and 3rds. Vettel wins on more 4ths. Wow, isn't that bizarre. I'm sure Bernie's laying awake nights scheming on how to make it happen. :biggrin:
Scenario of a lifetime...