The World's Longest Thread

Email I received. When will these guys give up. Does anyone really answer these guys back?

Dear Sir,

With a very desperate need for assistance, I have summed up courage to
contact you. I am from (will disclose this later), presently working in Iraq
with an international organisation that I will also disclose later, I found
your contact particulars in an address journal. I am seeking your assistance
to evacuate the sum of (US$8.523 Million Dollars) Eight Million five
Hundred Thousand And Twenty Three Dollars to your country or any other safe
country of your choice, as far as I can be assured that my share will be safe
in your care untill I complete my service here,this is no stolen money,
and there are no dangers involved.


Some money in various currencies was discovered concealed in barrels
with piles of weapons and ammunitions at a location near one of Saddam,s old
palaces during a rescue operation, and it was agreed by all party
present that the money be shared amongst us, this was quite an illegal thing to
do, but I tell you what? no compensation can make up for the risks we
have taken with our lives in this hell hole.

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind
of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a German contact
working here, and his office enjoys some immunity, I was able to get the
package out to a safe cation entirely out of trouble spot. He does not know the
real contents of the package, and believes that it belongs to an
Asian/American who died in an air raid, and before giving up, trusted me to hand over
the package to his business associate. I have now found a secured way of
gettingthe package out to a safer country for you to pick up, and will discuss
this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me.

One passionate appeal I will make to you is not to discuss this matter
witha third party, should you have reasons to reject this offer, please
destroy this mail as any leakage of this information will be too bad for us.
I do not know for how long we will remain here, and I have survived 2
suicidebomb attacks by the special grace of God, this and other reasons I will
mention later has prompted me to reach out for help, I honestly want
this matter to be resolved immediately. Please contact me as soon as

Ali Ibrahim
I don't think these people are too bright. One of them actually tried to sell an NSX on Ebay at the same time the original owner had posted it again.

I sent him an email telling him that I had some pretty sweet magic and bowstaff skills.

That'll teach him.
I've gotten some of these many times in the mail. It is also spreading to chatbox....I had such a great time chatting and giving her a run a round :D working out the transaction......................she gave up!!!
NeoNSX said:
What has this thread come too.... oh wait... this is how it's always been. :D

65468461321684354679873.48746576 * 94643464641651651561564748976878 * 71354941357987313216549879613797 = ????

Haha! The Calculator in Windows will not compute a number this large... it goes into scientific e+<I>nn</I> mode. So only true mathematic experts will be able to do it.... where's <B>gheba</B>? ;)

or wait... let's try to calculate pie... that will ensure this is the longest thread. :D


See.. now i wanna see if he's right...


Some money in various currencies was discovered concealed in barrels.with piles of weapons and ammunitions at a location near one of Saddam,s old palaces during a rescue operation, and it was agreed by all party present that the money be shared amongst us, this was quite an illegal thing to do, but I tell you what? no compensation can make up for the risks we have taken with our lives in this hell hole.

Isn't this taken from the screenplay of 'Three kings' with George Clooney and Ice Cube? :biggrin:
Subject: Good Manners
During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners asks
the students "Michael, if you were on a date, having supper
with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have
to go to the bathroom?"

"Just a minute, I have to go pee."
"That would be rude and impolite!!! What about you John, how
would you say it?"

John, "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom,
I'll be right back."

"That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word
bathroom at the table.

And you Peter, are you able to use your intelligence for
once and show us your good manners?"

"I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment,
I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom
I hope you'll get to meet after supper."

MIAMI (Reuters) - The vultures are circling the construction cranes and unfinished concrete-and-glass towers of Miami's white-hot condo craze.

A handful of real estate entrepreneurs are forming "vulture capital" funds to pounce on what they call an inevitable downturn in an exploding south Florida real estate market fueled by foreign buyers searching for safe havens and aging baby boomers looking to downsize and move closer to the coast.

Analysts have long predicted a slowdown in the blazing U.S. real estate market, where stock investors scorched by the Internet bubble of 2000 poured money into rental properties and second homes.

Owners in New York, Washington and California cities have seen double-digit annual growth in property values for years. Nowhere is the champagne fizz of the real estate mania more evident than Miami.

In the city of Miami, more than 60,000 high-rise condo units are in some stage of planning or construction, officials say. The city has fewer than 400,000 people, a fraction of greater Miami's 2.3 million population.

Jack McCabe, chief executive of McCabe Research and Consulting of Deerfield Beach, Florida, said he has formed an "opportunity fund" that is nearly "eight figures" to take advantage of a swoon he sees coming next year as a result of a bulge in the south Florida condo pipeline.

"We're seeing people taking equity loans, people emptying their savings accounts. The really giddy are maxing out their credit cards to get in on this gold rush," he said. "We think a lot of people are not going to be able to close."

The median price of an existing U.S. home climbed from $156,000 to $185,000 from 2002 to 2004, according to the National Association of Realtors. The price of a greater Miami home shot from $190,000 to $277,000 in the same period.

Price rises in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach were even higher, and Florida cities like Bradenton, Melbourne and Sarasota were red-hot as well. Buyers who failed to act quickly tell tales of desired properties rising $10,000 or $20,000 from month to month.


A flood of money from Latin America and Europe has financed 30- and 40-story tower projects in Miami's Brickell banking district, downtown's Biscayne Boulevard and on flashy South Beach, as developers sell urban lifestyle and boomers seek water view homes.

"We're getting, easily, between Latin America and Europe, easily 40 to 50 percent of our buyers in this downtown area," said Pedro Martin, chief executive of developer Terra Group.

Miami's condo boom has shown notable signs of excess. When the bayside Mirador rental building was converted to condos last fall, buyers pitched tents in its driveway for days to have a shot at a unit.

In South Beach, the beach/hip-hop/model mecca, developers throw wine-and-hors d'oeuvres parties to open sales offices with the aim of creating buzz for frothy unbuilt projects where $600,000 apartments will sit next to noisy roadway overpasses.

Last week, developer Leon Cohen revealed plans for the Empire World Towers, a 110-story downtown condo project that would be the world's tallest residential building, if it gets off the ground.

"I believe many of them won't get built," said David Dabby, president of Coral Gables-based Dabby Group and a longtime observer of the Miami market. "If all those projects go forward it seems pretty clear that there will be an oversupply."

Local real estate analysts say 80 percent of the units in some projects are bought by speculators. About 48,000 new condos are scheduled to hit the south Florida market -- Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, by 2007, McCabe says.

He believes a market downturn beginning next year will leave some speculators unable to close, buyers in bankruptcy or foreclosure and developers out of business. That's when the vulture capitalists will swoop.

"Some of the greatest fortunes were made in down markets," he said. "A down market sorts out the really savvy from the naive. The savvy will understand what opportunities are out there and the naive will suffer the consequences."

The vultures may flock too early, Dabby said, recalling that the south Florida market took about six years to recover from a condo bubble in the early 1980s.

"That's a fool's game right now," he said.

But with an estimated 1,000 new residents moving to Florida every day and land available for development running dry, particularly in south Florida, some analysts say any downturn will be less a crash than a period of flat or moderately lower prices.

"South Florida will always be an excellent real estate market in the long term," McCabe said. "We have a scarcity of land and we have constant population growth."

(Additional reporting by Michael Christie in Miami)
donwon said:
Why do boiled eggs smell like fart?

I always thought farts smelled like boiled eggs. Watch out for farts made from pickled boiled eggs they are the worst.

I think I may be addicted to garlic stuffed olives. Help!!! I dream about them when I am sleeping and eat them with every meal and sometimmes inbetween meals when I am awake. Just finished a small bowl before this post.
steveny said:
I always thought farts smelled like boiled eggs. Watch out for farts made from pickled boiled eggs they are the worst.

I think I may be addicted to garlic stuffed olives. Help!!! I dream about them when I am sleeping and eat them with every meal and sometimmes inbetween meals when I am awake. Just finished a small bowl before this post.

as the forums nazi might say regarding farts.....

Allow me to introduce you to your new best friend, the search! Just find the red bar at the top of your screen - the one that starts with User CP - and look to the right. You can click on the word Search to search previous topics in these forums.

For example, if you click on Search, and then click on Advanced Search, you can do a search for all topics with the word "farts" in their titles. You will find lots of topics (including this one), and most contain previous discussions which answer your question.

The search function can be very useful. You can look through what has already been posted. Then, if you still have any questions or are looking for more posts about your topic, you can simply post your question to one of the topics that already exists, instead of opening a new topic. (That way, others, too, can read what has already been said before replying.) And the search is fun! Try it!
New to NSXprime? Click here for posting guidelines.

And remember your friend, the search!

thanx forums nazi.....just adding to world's longest thread :rolleyes:
Driver's License

This is upsetting, thought I should pass it along.
Check your driver's license!
Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!
I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!
Thanks Homeland Security! Privacy, where is our right to it?
I definitely removed mine, I suggest you all do the same!
Go to the website and check it out. Just enter your name, City and state to see if yours is on file.
After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove".
This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
not everybody has a DL.......

this one will really tweak yer interest.....


steveny said:
This is upsetting, thought I should pass it along.
Check your driver's license!
Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!
I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!
Thanks Homeland Security! Privacy, where is our right to it?
I definitely removed mine, I suggest you all do the same!
Go to the website and check it out. Just enter your name, City and state to see if yours is on file.
After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove".
This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
I just realized I never contributed to this thread... We should start some kind of flame war on here to stir interest again...

Here I go... Zymol sux!

Now you go...
