Tropic Thunder

P P P P P Plueez St St St Stop hitting me!

Simple Jack!!! FTW!!! :biggrin:
Great movie. Can't really understand all the "retard" controversy people are screaming about though.

I wonder if it was some sort of viral marketing.

I had never heard of this movie until I saw news reports of the controversy. Now, I kinda want to see it :wink:.
I agree, RDJ stole the movie. If he wasnt in it, it would have sucked.

" i dont read the script, the script reads me "

Good to see RDJ back in fine form. Loved him in IronMan.

Its been a long hard ride since his "Less than Zero" days which sadly enough was foreshadowing or the years to come.....
I'm a lead farmer mutherF*cker!

i laughed till i cried.
you gotta see Pineapple Express before this movie though.

Pineapple express was good too. I enjoyed tropic thunder, best stiller movie in a fair while. Robert downy JR seems to be riffing off of his australian character in "Natural Born Killers" and maybe taking a jab at certain australian method actor. Good stuff, tom cruise was great too, didn't recognise him for five minutes.
Pineapple express was good too. I enjoyed tropic thunder, best stiller movie in a fair while. Robert downy JR seems to be riffing off of his australian character in "Natural Born Killers" and maybe taking a jab at certain australian method actor. Good stuff, tom cruise was great too, didn't recognise him for five minutes.
I didn't recognize him till the closing scene! but then the second time I went to see the movie i noticed it was obvious in the first scene.
Did the opening scene surprise anyone? My wife kept looking at me, and I couldn't stop laughing :biggrin:. What was some of yall's favorite parts? I thought when the director stepped on the land mine and blew up was hilarious.
Just saw the movie last night and it was freakin great, I actually had times where I was still laughing long after the scene had ended. The beginning is great, my wife was totally confused because she didn't know the premise of the movie. RDJ was out of this world funny !!
Funniest tom cruise movie ever :biggrin:
GREAT MOVIE!!! I just wish they had more movie-making scenes (i work on movies). So naturally my favorite part was at the begining when they cut, and they had the Chapman Hustler IV camera dolly (didn't get a good view, maybe it was the Hybrid but I doubt it) and the huge HMI lights on stands (similar to our HIDS but brighter and hotter and bluer) and the scaffolding platform.... could have used more movie making scenes.. but I'm sure that would have bored the general population to death =]

There were a few movie-industry jokes in there that I imagine would be hard to catch if you weren't in this industry.. well I didnt hear/see anybody else laughing except me in the theather =]

Gonna go see it again next week with my crew on a movie i'm working on next week! Will be great fun!
Saw it this weekend, meh.

Ephiphany: Tom Cruise does a better job at acting like a real person than he does at being a real person.
Dude you gotta bring me to one of the film sets when I visit LA again. I gotta do that atleast once in my lifetime man. :biggrin:
