Varsity meet, downtown Atlanta

5 December 2003
Atlanta, GA
Alot of the import guys meet up on the first Thursdays in Atlanta at the Varsity on North Ave downtown. The NSX crowd is probably above that scene a bit, but I thought I'd throw the offer out there anyway. I'd personally like to see some NSX love there. I have seen Romeo there on occassion, but never with his NSXs. :( Anyway, that's tonight and I will be there for a bit around 9 or so if anyone is interested.
I am just getting this thread. Let me know when you are meeting up again down at the Varsity. If I am not on my bike, I will bring the NSX. Romeo was just over to my house the other night with his NSX. You can also call me.

Sorry for the last minute cancellation. I bought a new set of tires and put them on one of the cars and I was swapping wheels between cars so I could use the new tires at Barbers this weekend, only to get finished and find out the wheels didn't fit, so I had to swap them back. By the time I got finished, it was 9:45. :( Hopefully we can catch up next time. Did the 3 make it out?
Eiffel, Bobby and I showed with the NSXs and Romeo made his appearance about 45 minutes later. Excellent turn out with other cars. About 150-200 total.
Ahh yet another meet i missed. Stupid ankle. I shouldnt complain its healing rather fast but 4 weeks on crutches is starting to get to me. Well maybee in another couple weeks I can show up.