Voting Democratic or Republican

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Listen ya'll. A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism and a vote against democracy and your freedoms. That's just the truth. Do some research.

Off hte top of my hea:
-Obama's going to make Gore his EPA hippie czar. Watch emissions restrictions tighten, huge gas tax're not going to be able to get a emision work sticker, or find counties where you don't have to pass emissions.. have a turbo? Too bad.
-He's going to put the most marxist judges on the court.
-He's going to (re)instate the "Fairness" (eg hypocrisy) doctrine that forces radio stations to give time for "dissenting" controversial views. WTF? That's straight up communism. In fact, the "fairness" doctrine actually arose to COMBATE socialist movement in the 30s/40s. Now it's going to be used backwards!
-Welcome to "hate speech" laws where if you say something that could be considered "offensive" to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation you can be draggd out in court or easily sued.
--Look up "Ezra Levant" and "kangaroo courts" in Canada. Read "America Alone."

America is blind. We are the best nation in the world, which has always led, and now we want to FOLLOW backwards socialist ideas.

If you want the US to be like France, or Canada, MOVE THERE. Move to a place where 10% unemployment is considered a strong economy, where you have 100k knive crimes and 10K+ deaths b/c you can't protect yourself and hae a gun. Meanwhile, gangs are getting guns anyway..

You think Obama and Democrats won't do this? You're wrong.

Obama is the most socialist (he was actually part of the Socialist Party), far left nutjob ever. He makes Clinton & Kerry & Teddy blush.

A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism, against Democracy, against freedoms, against economy, and maybe, just maybe, a vote for terrorism.

Saved for a good laugh later.

Let's just hope (and pray) that we can laugh about this 4 years from now.
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