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Voting Democratic or Republican

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30 May 2000
Southampton, PA, USA
Putting aside McCain vs Obama for a moment...

Why on Earth would someone vote for the Democrats when they put us in the financial mess we're in today?

They're the ones who gave us the Community Reinvestment Act (i.e. risky loans to people who couldn't afford them).

They're the ones who ran the show at Fannie and Freddie.

They're the ones who repeatedly said Fannie and Freddie were fine.

They're the ones who shut down ANY attempt at Fannie and Freddie reform.

I find it unbelievable that some people are willing to vote back into office the same people who brought about this mess we're in....and to totally ignore that it was John McCain (and Bush) who fought for reform.
Because republicans got us into war (bipartisan actually)
Because bush eats babies
Because bush went to iraq to get revenge for "daddy"
Because bush favors the wealthy
Because bush hates minorities
Because bush favors big oil
Because bush severely restricted our personal liberties (bipartisan again)
Because bush ran up a huge deficit (bipartisan at least to some extent)
Because bush got C's at Yale and should have got A's like Obama

I think that is most of the claims. Danny will get the rest down, I'm not a democrat nor blame bush if my soda gets stuck in the vending machine so I don't have them all* memorized.

Welfare housing policies are on the brink of destroying the global market place and potentially causing WWIII. Who would have thunk it?
Historically America has had more wars and international conflict under democratic ruling than under republican, but try to tell that to a democrat and they look at you like you have two heads. Republican now = WAR!

War = fiscally irresponsible = opposite of traditional republican values

That said, the current republican party is an obsolute joke and I refuse to vote for them. They are just the same as the democrats. We don't have a fiscally conservative choice anymore sadly:frown:
Because republicans got us into war (bipartisan actually)
Because bush eats babies
Because bush went to iraq to get revenge for "daddy"
Because bush favors the wealthy
Because bush hates minorities
Because bush favors big oil
Because bush severely restricted our personal liberties (bipartisan again)
Because bush ran up a huge deficit (bipartisan at least to some extent)
Because bush got C's at Yale and should have got A's like Obama

I think that is most of the claims. Danny will get the rest down, I'm not a democrat nor blame bush if my soda gets stuck in the vending machine so I don't have them all* memorized.

Welfare housing policies are on the brink of destroying the global market place and potentially causing WWIII. Who would have thunk it?

Hey Steve,

Nothing to add. Glad you said them all, especially the last sentence:wink:

Oh you forgot the one where the Dems forced Terri Schiavo's husband to pull out her feeding tube, thereby forcing the Republican Senate to call an emergency session (to save her life) and force Bush to cut his vacation short so he could fly back to DC, thereby taking their eyes off of Fannie/Freddy in 2005.


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I don't like M, but i won't vote for O. So M will be the president. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I'll be voting for the man that actually encompasses true Republican values, Ron Paul. Who can argue with a man that doesn't want to take my guns away, doesn't care what you do in your private life, and wants to abolish the IRS???
I'll be voting for the man that actually encompasses true Republican values, Ron Paul. Who can argue with a man that doesn't want to take my guns away, doesn't care what you do in your private life, and wants to abolish the IRS???

Just abolishing the IRS, while providing a reasonable alternative of course, would increase the efficiency of our government so much it would be staggering. We'd have to be a little creative to make sure it's not regressive like a heavy sales tax, but we could do it.
Just abolishing the IRS, while providing a reasonable alternative of course, would increase the efficiency of our government so much it would be staggering. We'd have to be a little creative to make sure it's not regressive like a heavy sales tax, but we could do it.

That's my concern. If we abolished the IRS, the local govt's would go bonkers and add more tax. This is what my loser governor did! We'are 10% sales tax, or will be after this upcomign bs initiatives.

Back when the tax cuts were made, the sales tax deduction made, Gov Witch Gregoire said "goody, we get to raise taxes!"... and so..
We have the highest gas tax (highest gas in the country, passed California)
One of the highest small business rates.
One of the highest unemployment in the country or soon to be..

I may vote for Ron Paul next, or even put him in if McCain comes out with more socialist ideas. But, whatever happens, keep Obama thug Socialist out of office.
Neither. I'm voting Libertarian. Barr in '09.

I like Barr and RP. Neither are perfect but..uhh.. you checked out the other guys...?!?
I'm a fan of Ron Paul...

Not sure why he didn't go further....actually, I take that back.
I'm a fan of Ron Paul...

Not sure why he didn't go further....actually, I take that back.

Why didn't he? I think it's b/c he wanted to focus on his Congressional race. I think he should have ran as an Independent. Obama wouldn't have gotten the 270 needed to win - what would happen then? Highest count wins?
Why didn't he? I think it's b/c he wanted to focus on his Congressional race. I think he should have ran as an Independent. Obama wouldn't have gotten the 270 needed to win - what would happen then? Highest count wins?

I think it's because the media didn't give him a fair shot. He was hardly ever mentioned. It was pretty lame....the guy had some pretty interesting ideas.

I truly believe that we need a 3rd party to come up and bitch slap the other two (dems/repubs) back to reality.
I think it's because the media didn't give him a fair shot. He was hardly ever mentioned. It was pretty lame....the guy had some pretty interesting ideas.

I truly believe that we need a 3rd party to come up and bitch slap the other two (dems/repubs) back to reality.

I agree on the third party, either that or get rid of the other two.

While we are piling on the democrats lets not forget whose behind the Social Security mess.:wink:
I think it's because the media didn't give him a fair shot. He was hardly ever mentioned. It was pretty lame....the guy had some pretty interesting ideas.

I truly believe that we need a 3rd party to come up and bitch slap the other two (dems/repubs) back to reality.

I was in your position about 8 years ago. I looked into the Libertarian party. I knew nothing about them and had written them off as some crazy cult-like offshoot party, but the more I read, the more I liked what I saw. Try reading about their party platform and tell me if you have a hard time agreeing with what they are for. Compared to the Reps and Dems, they just seem to make a lot more sense.
I was in your position about 8 years ago. I looked into the Libertarian party. I knew nothing about them and had written them off as some crazy cult-like offshoot party, but the more I read, the more I liked what I saw. Try reading about their party platform and tell me if you have a hard time agreeing with what they are for. Compared to the Reps and Dems, they just seem to make a lot more sense.

Ditto. The problem is that it "makes too much sense"
PS: Palin is considered as close to a Libertarian as you are going to get in this election
I was in your position about 8 years ago. I looked into the Libertarian party. I knew nothing about them and had written them off as some crazy cult-like offshoot party, but the more I read, the more I liked what I saw. Try reading about their party platform and tell me if you have a hard time agreeing with what they are for. Compared to the Reps and Dems, they just seem to make a lot more sense.

65-75% of their stuff is almost dead-on. The rest is a little "optimistic" or "imaginative". That being said, I think the same percentage applies to the degree of opinions/strategies on issues are completely off the wall idiotic with the two major parties.
I'm voting for Ron Paul....but then again my vote means nothing since this state's electoral votes will go to Obama no matter who I vote for.

I'm voting for Ron Paul....but then again my vote means nothing since this state's electoral votes will go to Obama no matter who I vote for.


It still matters. In TX some areas were over 10% in favor of RP and it forced the media to recognize he was a viable candidate to some extent. Every vote probably coincides with one person knowing your candidate exists than before.
PS: Palin is considered as close to a Libertarian as you are going to get in this election

Acutally I'd have to disagree with that statement and wildly disagree with the author of that article. As far as closest Libertarian candidates, aside from the obvious Libertarian candidates themselves, Palin differs strongly form Libertarian views on many issues. In fact she is almost the most non-Libertarian of all of the candidates in my opinion (which is also why I don't fancy her much at all).

Libertarians believe in religious freedom and keeping religion out of goverment policy making. Palin practically uses religion to dictate her policies and govermental views.

Libertarians believe in freedom of choice when it comes to abortion and sexuality. Palin has clearly stated her opposition to abortions and homosexual rights. Again using her religion as a guiding rod in those positions.

Libertarians believe in reducing world-wide conflict and maintaining a military force to defend against agression rather than being "world police." Palin clearly wants to use military force against countries who she deems are our "enemies".

There are many other issues where she differs on Libertarian views, but these are just an example. I do not think Palin reflect Libertarian views very much at all. I think Ron Paul is more Libertarian than Palin is by a long shot.
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It still matters. In TX some areas were over 10% in favor of RP and it forced the media to recognize he was a viable candidate to some extent. Every vote probably coincides with one person knowing your candidate exists than before.

I agree completely with this statement which is why I will be voting Libertarian despite the fact I know clearly they will lose. But I firmly believe that over time as people tire of the Rep and Dems, they will look for a third party. I hope by that time, the Libertarian party will have garnered enough attention and support that they will then be considered a viable option. And it takes support in them today to secure that viability in the future.

FWIW, I really feel that Ron Paul is more Libertarian than anything else. I feel that he went on the Republican ticket purely because it was his only chance to even have a chance. But if you look at his positioning, he falls along a lot of Libertarian lines.
Acutally I'd have to disagree with that statement and wildly disagree with the author of that article. As far as closest Libertarian candidates, aside from the obvious Libertarian candidates themselves, Palin differs strongly form Libertarian views on many issues. In fact she is almost the most non-Libertarian of all of the candidates in my opinion (which is also why I don't fancy her much at all).

I agree with your disagreement. There's precious little Libertarian about Palin. If anything, she's more old-school Republican, unlike McCain, who's more of a RINO.

I will also be voting Libertarian this election, for the reasons you put forth.
FWIW, I really feel that Ron Paul is more Libertarian than anything else. I feel that he went on the Republican ticket purely because it was his only chance to even have a chance. But if you look at his positioning, he falls along a lot of Libertarian lines.

Did you know that Rob Paul has ran for president before as a Libertarian? I voted for him for president in 1988.
Did you know that Rob Paul has ran for president before as a Libertarian? I voted for him for president in 1988.

Ron Paul was pretty badass. I'd love to write him in, but honestly, what good is that going to do?

Pretty sad the state of affairs.

Here's a "Truth about Sarah Palin" web page supposedly set up by Alaskans. Not sure if it is or not...some interesting stuff tho.

Gee, I don't know what to say.

It was a very lovely day here in the Philly area. Ummm... Let's see....

Hey, how about our Phillies? Looks like they might go to the World Series. How about that?

Anyone read any good books lately?

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is a great and timely read if you're so inclined.
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