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What are the main reasons for buying a 92 over a 93 or 94; looking for first gen!

I know what you mean! I'm seriously killing me too! LOL

So if I hop on a plane to LA then I could drive your car? Right! Wow, that ride would only cost me about 500+ - great, be right out.

Let me say this about a drive - i'd love to take one - I just can't find anyone that I can meet up with that is that generous. Seriously, when you can't even spot these guys on the road it's kind of hard to beg someone to let ME drive their car. But you know what - I have a question, for fear of prolonging this "train wreck" just a little longer, but what is it you think will get me any more fired up than I am now? Impossible. Will that just make me go slap crazy and find the first car I can and buy it? Would everyone say, damn Tim has finally driven one - hallelujah, now he's really one of the "guys". I mean what is it?

I'd love to go to the dealer and drive one - but hey, they quit making em! Big news! I'd love to go to a used car lot and drive one - but hey - there aren't any for sale here! I could find a guy like the one in Cumming, poor guy, that has had that 2002 for sale with out a tire for 6 mos. and trouble him to take a joy ride in a car I wouldn't buy! Now wouldn't that be nice of me and him?

Man you guys need to understand something - I've been driving and owning sports cars all my life and have been driving longer than many of you guys have been born. I konw more about old cars and working on old cars and most of you can't even remember the cars.

So do I need to drive an NSX to know which one I'll be happy with - no.

Do I need to drive one to just truly understand the awesomeness of the car - no!

Do I need to drive one to satisfy my insatiable curiosity - no!

Would I like to - yes. Would I like to ride in one - yes. Is that easy with my and the other guys busy schedules - no, not at all.

So I ask you - what the heck is the deal here. Would I be more serious about buying one if I did- NO!

Are you guys taking this Post way off topic - ABSOLUTELY! You are turning it into a personal adventure, well a few of you are, on picking on me cause I haven't driven one and so that makes me less serious and I couldn't possibly be doing anything but waisting everyone's precious time - is that it???

I really appreciate the understanding I'm gaining about these cars but I really am wondering what in the hell some of you are driving at.

Can I be any more clear about my intentions - NO
I want an NSX and I will find the right one for me - not for you guys - for me. I most likely know more about how to find the right one than most of you and I have learned that those that just "go out and buy one" are usually getting themselves in for it, not always - some get lucky. I have only gotten lucky thru real perseverance and knowing more about what it is that I really want than anyone else and when I find it I'm actually ready. I actually have CASH - as in real dollars - to buy it with. I don't have to arrange anything except a wire transfer or a cashiers check - I'm not bragging at all, I'm letting you guys know that how serious I am - and all this advice I keep getting about just "go out and get one" or "man, you must be kidding me - you've never driven one!" - that is just stupid talk.

Not only is it just stupid rhetoric it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with my Thread Question! So help me or not it matters not. I have made some friends here that I don't have to explain anything too - you know why - cause they get it.

So I'm really sorry if I'm "killing anyone seriously". I just have to do things my own way - just like you guys did when you bought yours - am I right? You know I am.

So find me a white one or a silver one in a 93 or 94 that has been taken care of with the service up to date with 40k miles or less preferably and I'll go away and drive off happily into the sunset for the "great adventure" that awaits. Oh, and guess what, I'll be driving and having a ball! How's that....meet with everyone's approval??? Oh and you guys that are too busy to keep fooling with me I have one word - don't. To the others that get it, THANK YOU! Are we ok now?

I know what you mean! I'm seriously killing me too! LOL

So find me a white one or a silver one in a 93 or 94 that has been taken care of with the service up to date with 40k miles or less preferably and I'll go away and drive off happily into the sunset for the "great adventure" that awaits. Oh, and guess what, I'll be driving and having a ball! How's that....meet with everyone's approval??? Oh and you guys that are too busy to keep fooling with me I have one word - don't. To the others that get it, THANK YOU! Are we ok now?


Here ya go!! :biggrin:


That's the one I've been writing about on this string since I started it. It's the one that's all hacked up in the dash and stereo dept. I have a funny feeling about it and to get it back to stock would be a pain in the arse! I could get it for 35k. I'd have to do about 3k worth of work to get it back to a stock interior - I'm not willing to do that. Unless you have a good idea?

Hugh that is really funny! Thanks and hence one more reason this thread won't die. But neither apparently will your car - man that's GREAT that you have so many miles on your car.

I'm just curious as this thread continues to morph - what would you think your car is worth at this point - I mean seriously - I just never see em with this kind of miles. Again, good for you - at least you are really having fun with it. That's no collector but it sure shows you what the cars are all about.

I'd love to talk with you about what the operating costs have been. Maybe in a PM if you're not so tired of me you can't stand it.

You know I just love talking about these cars and cars in general. I'm just one of those long winded guys, and how, with time to write. Sorry if I'm bumming you out. But it's amazing what kind of feedback I've gotten since here.

I have no idea what it's worth nor do I care. I bought it with the intention of driving it until one of us dies. It's moot anyways with similar non-modded cars out there with much lower miles. To me Charlotte is priceless. I drive the car on average 100 miles per day and take at least 2 long road trips each year. It's my little cocoon where I can blast Iron Maiden to my heart's content and it puts me in a zone where I can think and relax.

Maintenance costs have been commensurate with the mileage. The costs of timing belts, tune ups etc.. have been discussed here ad-nauseum. Just calculate my costs based on my miles and the fact that I adhere to the factory maintenance intervals. I spend more on tires and gas than I do on parts and labor. The car is bulletproof. The chassis's life expectancy is 30 years according to Shigeru Uehara which probably means 60 years.

Just find a nice well maintained/documented example and buy the damn thing already! It's not only the best car ever built, it's the best consumer product ever offered for sale in the history of the world.

Hugh that is really funny! Thanks and hence one more reason this thread won't die. But neither apparently will your car - man that's GREAT that you have so many miles on your car.

I'm just curious as this thread continues to morph - what would you think your car is worth at this point - I mean seriously - I just never see em with this kind of miles. Again, good for you - at least you are really having fun with it. That's no collector but it sure shows you what the cars are all about.

I'd love to talk with you about what the operating costs have been. Maybe in a PM if you're not so tired of me you can't stand it.

You know I just love talking about these cars and cars in general. I'm just one of those long winded guys, and how, with time to write. Sorry if I'm bumming you out. But it's amazing what kind of feedback I've gotten since here.

Just find a nice well maintained/documented example and buy the damn thing already! It's not only the best car ever built, it's the best consumer product ever offered for sale in the history of the world.

Best damn quote of the year!:biggrin:
So do I need to drive an NSX to know which one I'll be happy with - no.

Do I need to drive one to just truly understand the awesomeness of the car - no!

Do I need to drive one to satisfy my insatiable curiosity - no!

Would I like to - yes. Would I like to ride in one - yes. Is that easy with my and the other guys busy schedules - no, not at all.

So I ask you - what the heck is the deal here. Would I be more serious about buying one if I did- NO!

Are you guys taking this Post way off topic - ABSOLUTELY! You are turning it into a personal adventure, well a few of you are, on picking on me cause I haven't driven one and so that makes me less serious and I couldn't possibly be doing anything but waisting everyone's precious time - is that it???

I really appreciate the understanding I'm gaining about these cars but I really am wondering what in the hell some of you are driving at.

Can I be any more clear about my intentions - NO
I want an NSX and I will find the right one for me - not for you guys - for me. I most likely know more about how to find the right one than most of you and I have learned that those that just "go out and buy one" are usually getting themselves in for it, not always - some get lucky. I have only gotten lucky thru real perseverance and knowing more about what it is that I really want than anyone else and when I find it I'm actually ready. I actually have CASH - as in real dollars - to buy it with. I don't have to arrange anything except a wire transfer or a cashiers check - I'm not bragging at all, I'm letting you guys know that how serious I am - and all this advice I keep getting about just "go out and get one" or "man, you must be kidding me - you've never driven one!" - that is just stupid talk.



From my perspective you have an extremely high opinion of the NSX - especially in comparison with other makes like Porsche that you have some experience with. You have come on here and raved about the car and for the most part you will get positive response. After all this is an NSX forum. However, if you were to post the same things over on Rennlist I'm sure you wouldn't get as enthusiastic a response. Now you could argue on Rennlist that you have owned and driven a particular model Porsche and on that regard you should expect a certain amount of respect from having "been there, done that". Rightfully so. And therein lies the rub - you haven't actually driven an NSX to give your own first hand impression of the car. All you have assumed is that it's going to be much better than your Porsche was.

I was once like you - a huge fan of the NSX based upon all the magazine reviews that I had read. I swore up and down to anyone that I met that it was the best thing since sliced bread. After all, experts reviewed it and they must be right, right? However, after my first test drive I was devastated. The car had absolutely no "get up and go" when compared to Porsche's I have owned and driven. Right then and there I decided that if I was to get an NSX it would have to be modified in the power dept (turbo, supercharger, etc.) because to me the power delivery and driving was boring. I still love the looks of the car and think it's a nice piece of engineering but the rose colored glasses are off and now I'm more realistic. That is all I'm cautioning you about. Raving or ranting about something without actually experiencing it yourself makes you come off as a Fanboy or Hater which implies irrationality and immaturity, both of which will lead to fewer people taking you seriously.

I'm hoping you see the positive aspect of what I am saying. I want your first NSX driving experience to not be a downer and that can only come from having realistic expectations. Put yourself in our shoes. What would you say if someone came on here raving about the 993 for how great a performer it was compared to an NSX - without having actually driven a 993? I'm almost certain that you would give him a shot of reality, especially if you have personally drove both cars and formed your own opinion on which one performs better.
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Hi Guys,

"Fan boy" here, after reading Hugh's dissertation albeit short and sweet is what I believe to be the truth of the car in a nutshell. Sure, not having driven one I'm wearing "rose" colored glasses to a point. However, in answer to Solarracer, I would say this about the last paragraph on the 993 comparo. I've been thru the exact scenario you describe with a guy that has become a good buddy of mine. With Porsches there is always a strong dose of reality coming- everyone of them has an achilles heel - everyone of em! The other thing is there are a ton of em. Hence the prices of late. Folks on the rennlist I participate with are a funny bunch not nearly as close nit as you guys are. This is a good group and there are a bunch of you and it's very active.

The rennlist is dwindling well the one I'm on. But it's still there and the guys are nice to folks like the ones in your comparo. The members tell em like it is but believe that Porsche is the greatest - like you guys feel about the NSX. So I wouldn't agree with you on the last comparo cause "I have been there and done that" and I for one acted differently. I'll tell you one thing - no one on the renn list says - "man, just go out and buy one already", know why, cause they know how hard it is to find the right one. It's hard - Porsche folks are very particular and will be the first to steer one away from certain models and cars that don't look good to them. Now that's the truth of it.

I've taken those types of notions here, with renewed fervor, why, because the NSX is "RELIABLE" in a way Porsche will never, ever be, period. Sure there are a bunch of folks that swear about how reliable Porsche is, and for everyone of them, there's a sob story as well. Another reason I'm here, and the main reason I turned to the NSX to start with. It's not about speed only, not at all, I had a real speed machine to me, the 993, it was fast. The NSX is as fast. You may have to get it up in the revs and keep it there to really wring the speed out of it but such is the nature of the car. Yes, all that and I've never driven one!

Guys I'm a fan of machinery, and I'm a bigger fan when that machinery is reliable. I'm tired of the finiky aspects of Porsches and the risks of ownership. The info is all there for Porsche guys that haven't had one, I know I found it. It took me a long while cause there are a lot of models and improvements. They still are great cars - no doubt- but not for the mild at heart or the guy that doesn't have a real deep pocket unless you are a super DIYer. I'm not.

So the NSX fits a bill for me that goes beyond the "speed" aspect. It's a total package, and you guys wouldn't be raving about them like you do if that wasn't the case. If you're looking for awesome speed and a car that will "keep up" with the improvements of others with about 150 more HP, well SCs and TCs will help but they ain't ever gonna be a Lambo, Ferrari Enzo, match a Ford GT V8, or the super Porsches, but they will out last em without major work - can I get an AMEN there?

I'm not looking for max. hp, exotic 0-60 times (even though the NSX is impressive), but a total package that makes this car easy to live with and afford. I'm in it for a different reason than you young bucks that want the car to "evolve", to maximize hp, to maximize acceleration, I'm in it for something else. Some may really get what I'm saying - others will call me "fan boy" or just a "poeser"; I care not!
When I get one I will not lament the fact that others may pass me, others may smerk and say "what's that"?, no I'll just go merily into the turns and toss that light car around and enjoy what it has to offer. Will I be dissapointed that it's not faster or that the gearing is not just right in the early ones between 1rst and 2nd and there's a little pause - I seriously doubt it. I've talked to enough folks already to know what it is.

Remember - the first gen NSX-R at the Nurburgring went 7:56 for a lap - and without an SC or TC, and the big ole 2010 GT3 under Walter Rohl, did it in a "whopping" 7:40. That's what I'm talking about - ok.

How bout that for ole fan boy? I'm going in with my eyes wide open. I'll be joining you shortly with my driving exerience and it may just be sooner than you think! I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for all the info and response to my little posts. You know you guys seem to be more anxious for me to get one than I am - that's funny. You want me to quite yaking and start driving - me too!

Hi Guys,

You want me to quite yaking and start driving - me too!


Tim........I think you meant "yanking" not yaking right?
Hi Tim,

You sounded like me; i looked at the NSX as a total package rather than outright speed or hp. Take your times, don't rush.

I've just bought a GPW 93 that is being ship right now sight unseen.

Good Luck!

To Hot dude:

Anybody get him? Is he like the cool guy on the block everyone bows too, you know like in high school. Naaa, not on Prime surely.

See ya'll - oh, I'll be driving soon if everything works out! Stay tuned - I know Hot dude is waiting with baited breath!

So long for now and thanks Rollingthunder! I appreciate ya.
I personally don't get all the negative comments towards you -- it's actually quite rare on Prime.

As you know, you're taking your time to find a nice, well cared for example. Keep taking your time. There are a LOT of somewhat beat up older ones with questionable histories. Pay close attention to odometer rollback issues on ones that seem too good to be true. As long as you recognized the seat-of-the-pants speed feel (or lack thereof) of the 5 speeds, and can accept that you are buying a 15 year old car, you'll make a good decision and love the car.

Good luck and just ignore us until you have one. :wink::smile:
How bout that for ole fan boy? I'm going in with my eyes wide open. I'll be joining you shortly with my driving exerience and it may just be sooner than you think! I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for all the info and response to my little posts. You know you guys seem to be more anxious for me to get one than I am - that's funny. You want me to quite yaking and start driving - me too!


We'll be able to hook up in Atlanta on one of my annual trips to The Dragon. You haven't lived (in automotive terms) until you've driven an NSX on The Dragon.

Porsches suck by the way. Ugly little Hitler mobiles with less technology than a Cambodian oxcart. :biggrin:
Porsches suck by the way. Ugly little Hitler mobiles with less technology than a Cambodian oxcart. :biggrin:
Statement like this makes you lose all credibility. All the people that take so much pride and dedication at Porsche get degraded by such absurd and racially motivated insult. Porsche owes no one any excuses with their achievements in the automotive world on and off track. Before the NSX, Honda got absolutely NOTHING that came close to the performances of any Porsche of that era. Being a car enthusiast and a long time Porsche owner, I jumped to a decade of NSX ownership due to its exceptional academics. Porsche however has been producing outstanding cars as usual day in day out. I don't see any current Honda car that can hold a candle to any contemporary Porsche. That's the dedication that Honda lacks after that one hit wonder, NSX. And Honda is probably 20 times bigger than the tiny Porsche company.
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i agree with you concerning hugh's comments .. he just likes to get a reaction out of people.

Concerning honda, the s2000 (that goes away after 2009) certainly holds a candle compared to the boxster... ) don't believe me search for top gears comparisons of the boxster v s2000 v bmw. But after the s2000 goes away you will be correct. However from being exclusively a sports car company more then half the cars porshe sells are suv's and with the panamerica they are moving more of the mix away from sports cars.

the only car company that has stayed true to sports cars and racing cars is ferrari. also porsche is very stubborn for continuing with the flagship car (911) with a rear engine format and same basic shape for 40+ years, in my opinion the boxster and cayman are the better choice for a fun drivers car.

i agree with you concerning hugh's comments .. he just likes to get a reaction out of people.

Concerning honda, the s2000 (that goes away after 2009) certainly holds a candle compared to the boxster... ) don't believe me search for top gears comparisons of the boxster v s2000 v bmw. But after the s2000 goes away you will be correct. However from being exclusively a sports car company more then half the cars porshe sells are suv's and with the panamerica they are moving more of the mix away from sports cars.

the only car company that has stayed true to sports cars and racing cars is ferrari. also porsche is very stubborn for continuing with the flagship car (911) with a rear engine format and same basic shape for 40+ years, in my opinion the boxster and cayman are the better choice for a fun drivers car.

I stand corrected. The S2000 is an exceptional car and surely compares to the Boxster or even surpassed it.
I 100% agree with you that the Cayman has a superior platform. My ideal car from Porsche would be a wide body Turbo Cayman with AWD and 400hp but fat chance that Porsche would make such a car.