Where to get thin rubber trim piece suitable for center console?

6 November 2006
Austin, TX
I was cutting through my cf ddin to make room for my unit.. and cut too much <sigh>. It's not really repairable, or it will cost more money than it's worth.

As far as I can think, I have 3 options..
1.) throw it away
2.) Overlay the plastic rubber square piece that came with the Pioneer on top of the center console, or
3.) Try and find some thin rubber trim that I can place around the cut piece. I'm thinking that might look "the best." I haven't looked heavily at home depot yet.

Any suggestions?
Browse a local hobby store and/or a craft store like Micheal's, you might find something that will work or inspire another solution.
I was cutting through my cf ddin to make room for my unit.. and cut too much <sigh>. It's not really repairable, or it will cost more money than it's worth.

As far as I can think, I have 3 options..
1.) throw it away
2.) Overlay the plastic rubber square piece that came with the Pioneer on top of the center console, or
3.) Try and find some thin rubber trim that I can place around the cut piece. I'm thinking that might look "the best." I haven't looked heavily at home depot yet.

Any suggestions?

Post a picture. I may be able to help