"Winter" Storage Question

15 May 2007
Brea, CA
I have been out of the country for the last 3 months on a biz trip... i put my nsx away for "winter" storage...

my question if do i need to do anything once i get home to get the car ready for a drive?

Any recs would be greatly appreciated.

Here in Michigan, we often put toy cars away for 4-5 months.
What you might need to do after a 3-month "nap" depends on what was done to the car. If all you did was put some gas additive in (so it won't go stale), upped the tire pressures a little and removed / disconnected / trickel charged the battery........then you should be ready to go in no time.
For longer storage intervals I have fogged the cylinders, added dessicant packs to the interior and a whole host of things to mitigate the harm from not using a vehicle.

If you didn't disconnect the battery or install a battery tender, the first thing that you will be doing is charging the battery. I recommend removing it to charge since the electrolyte levels will probably need adjustment after the charge. With summer coming and the temps increasing the electrolyte level is very important. Maintaining the prober level will increase the life of the battery.

Other than that, check all of the fluid levels and tire pressures before hitting the road.

Change the oil if you didn't change it right before you put it away. It is best to change right before you put it away as the acids in the used oil are not good for the engine. You may want to change it before you start the car the first time. Don't warm it up before draining as the most damage occurs upon initial start up. If you do change the oil always pour oil into the oil filter before puting it on, this helps to make sure the pressure is up quicker so it doesn't run dry.

Good luck.

thanks guys...

i did put it on a trickle charger
i changed the oil right before
made sure i had a full tank of gas
and upped the tire presure..

so if i'm reading this right all i have to do is unplug the car and i'm ready to go...
Check and lower the tire air pressure, then you are good to go!
Enjoy! Leter warm up a while though.


Don't forget to bring your insurance coverage back to "normal" (assuming you reduced it to minimum coverage while it was in storage?). Not to mention bringing the air pressure in the tires back to normal.

thanks guys...

i did put it on a trickle charger
i changed the oil right before
made sure i had a full tank of gas
and upped the tire presure..

so if i'm reading this right all i have to do is unplug the car and i'm ready to go...
You still need to check the tire pressure. I've found that my tires typically lose 1 psi per month, just sitting around. Differences in temperature and your added pressure could also cause variations in pressure. Just check it to be sure.