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Woman bites off her rapist's tongue

2 October 2001
A woman bit off the tongue of her rapist and then gave it to police as evidence. The 32-year-old woman was woken up on Thursday night when a man broke into her bedroom at around 11pm. While raping the woman, the man forced his tongue into her mouth.

Police said: "This was the gravest mistake he made. The woman bit (off) the front part of his tongue." The man immediately ran away.

The woman called police and handed over the piece of tongue. Police then put out an alert for a man with a piece of his tongue missing.
A suspect was arrested on Friday afternoon.

Police have sent the tongue to a forensic science laboratory to test whether it belonged to the arrested 23-year-old man.
He will face charges of rape and house-breaking on Monday.

Full story here: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=79&art_id=qw1113584580159B265
It's fortunate for him that is the only "thing" he put in her mouth. :eek:
Wow. Maybe she saw the episode of "Grey's Anatomy" where a rape victim bit off her attacker's thingy... :eek:
NeoNSX said:
Police have sent the tongue to a forensic science laboratory to test whether it belonged to the arrested 23-year-old man.
He will face charges of rape and house-breaking on Monday.

Forensic science laboratory??? I would say if he's the guy that's missing a tounge odds are with them that they got the right guy. Sheesh!
whealy said:
Forensic science laboratory??? I would say if he's the guy that's missing a tounge odds are with them that they got the right guy. Sheesh!
But his lawyer will attest that the man's story was he fell, hitting his chin, and bit the tip of his own tongue off.

Gotta prove it's his.
PHOEN$X said:
Wow. Maybe she saw the episode of "Grey's Anatomy" where a rape victim bit off her attacker's thingy... :eek:

Bit off his "thingy?" I have this several "thingies" I carry with me at any given time. I don't think I'd mind if I had most of my "thingies" bitten off, but there is one "thingy" that comes to mind that would upset me greatly if I became detached from it.
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The bad part is the rapist will probably sue the woman for assault. And in this country he might win. :mad:

iirc, this occurred in australia where they will likely view this type of situation in a different light than our (at times unimaginable) legal system might.

my bet is the guy's going to be at a loss for words....
You guys didn't check the full article, did you. this occurred in Africa.

In Australia, the woman would have bit off the guys tongue, then kung-fu'd his butt into the next dimension. Aussie women don't tolerate this crap. :D
i still cant believe that she bit his tounge off :eek: