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Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap her"

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18 July 2006
Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap her"

I see that there are a few threads up here about beautiful girls, girls' pictures and women--all in good sense--so I take the liberty of discussing a scenario that quite a few men have to face: Getting married but felt that it would have been nicer if you could have physically been with a few other (selected) women. Please give the reasons why, if possible. I will get us started:

- Melissa G.: My first girlfriend; tall and half-blond, young, worked at McDonald's at the time while going to school, as we were classmates. Adored me but we were all growing at the time--in all facets. She was still trying to figure out herself and because of a small mistake, it didn't work out. Only in bed with her one time, but good heaven, even after all those years, I still missed her. Man, she praticed Kegel and when a man is inside a woman like that, she squeezed you until you realized that you are definitely not on earth no more. She was young at the time, can you imagine what she is like, now? Wow!!

- Nicole C.: Hot dang it, what was I doing? She was at my house almost everyday in college, studying together. Plenty of opportunity... The girl loved the night's life and willing to party it up when not studying together. Man, she was a brunette, fashionable (loved her selection of panties every time she bent down), tall and has a great set of chest you wouldn't believed. One time I was on top of her and I didn't do anything. Why??? She was just attractive as my wife--just different. I imagined it would have been one hell of an experience being in bed with her--experience--being a rich party beach girl and all.

- Priscilla B.: This girl, a few years back, before we stopped talking, used to love the car scene almost as much as me. She is Vietnamese, but not as attractive as my wife... However, the girl had a few admirable qualities--She was loyal, had a caring side, very intelligent, trendy (loved short skirts), and very ambitious; however, because she was small, she has, what I assumed, is a tight piece of... She was somewhat of a money-searching type of woman, but no one can blame her wanting to look for that kind of security in a man. She would be the opposite of what Nicole would be in bed--tight and nice. Real tight!

- Rebecca S.: Blond and was a manager of Starbuck; as she gave me free coffee all day long. The girl was about a 7, loved to wear beautiful long skirts on dates, and i assumed, would have give it up nicely, if I didn't get mad, stopped talking, and started hitting on her co-workers; all because she mentioned about how she was hanging out with some fool in English class one time. She looked like the type that, if you are an experienced performer, you need to teach her a few things; but once things get along, watch out. I took her to the beach a few times; it could have been nice...

- Yelena V.: Loved her Russian look, St. Petersburg finesse, voice, and language. So easy and trustful, too. Very impressionable! Took her out for coffee and immediately got a kiss from her. Why the heck did Nicole have to be in that class, too? I tried to play them off against each other and I lost both. Would have been lovely to hear her screaming out my name in bed--in that amazing Russian tone of hers.

- Tram N.: Lovely Vietnamese girl. About a 7 in look, and she had all the loyalty and cares a man would want in a woman. Would have been her first sexual experience if I would have just been nice and pushed it a little bit. She came visisted all the way from Texas when I was stationed in Oklahoma, with plenty of gifts in hands. You know what I did? Because I was mad that we never had times alone, just ourselves, instead of with all the friends--and I realized now that was because I never asked her--I took all her gifts and threw it in the trash can, right in front of her. She broke down crying, drove back to Texas with her friends. Gave me a chance to apologize but I screwed that up, too. I came back out here and we never saw each other again. Dang, would have been her first!!

- Megan H.: California girl, extremely smart and tasteful. Tall, sporty and in good shape. Father worked in the oil business in Saudi Arabia when she was a little kid so she can speak a bit of Arabic and have that explorer kind of spirit. We worked together at a Research company and hit it off right away. I took her downtown, Jazz concerts, and an art museum--all the while, shoving my tongue down her throat, even on the first date--and she allowed it, albeit a little protest. With this girl, I think I did a lot of pushing to get her in bed first, and should have just kept on going instead of stopping. Once I stopped, she was like, "What happened?" Even my advisor, Patrick, said that was not a good reason to parted. Last thing I remeber was she walking by in a set of blue sweat-pants with her panties wanting to come out. Ohh well!

- Ca D.: Wow, this absolutely would have been one of my top, top conquest if i could have got her to bed. She was half Vietnamese/half White, Catholic, slender body, absolutely gorgeous, polite, and innocent, too. Freshman in college, as I was in the first year of my Master's. The girl was fresh, clean, and can wear the sexy Vietnamese ao dai like no one can. Took her out, what, four times, and i wasn't sure what to do with her and how she might react, given her image. Would have gotten to where I want if not for one mishap, where I said a few things that shouldn't have been said. Still talk to her! Who knows?

- Miss S, my research teacher: She was about thirty-something, a doctor in her field, worldly, and absolutely a genius. I didn't do jack in her class, as her class was one of the GE that I didn't really liked. She was a hot chilly pepper, loved to wear this black dress, and was very easy on the eyes. Would have failed me if I didn't start pushing to get her to help me, and in the process, getting to know her a little bit. I brought her some gifts and got in her head a little bit. Came into her office many times, bringing Starbuck's and what-not. Kept on pushing for her to go to the Jazz concert with me, because she said she wasn't dating anybody at the time. I pushed a little bit too hard. A woman like that; should have just let her come to me, especially after i already made all those moves, and we could have gotten it on. Absolutely genius and deadly attractive.

What's your story?
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Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

I skipped out on opportunity and sexual depravity with 5 different women over the last 5 years that were gorgeous, smart, and available simply because I wasn't in the mood. As you guessed, that's a big turn off and most don't rise up to the challenge.

What makes us different is that I'm single. :cool: I blame the inability to just switch off and bone down as a result of my upbringing by a single Father and a brainiac Grandfather who did their best to make sure I didn't think or act like others.

My mind has to be turned on and the women in So Cal fall short. I'm talking about the good looking, single women from the top 5% of the population. The last couple of months I've been pursued by a now single co-worker and I just don't want to be bothered.

You might think back and wonder what their flesh felt like, but would you trade the things you learned about yourself or others for the sake of a piece of ass?
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Co'mon Jaguar, you're sounding like Dimitri!

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Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Maybe I am just getting old but threads like these make consider retiring from Prime. :frown: I'm sorry but I see no redeeming value to describing your sexual exploits starting with what would be considered statutory rape in most states and then getting unnecessarily graphic with certain descriptions. Are you that desperate to validate your sense of self-importance that you felt compelled to share this with us?
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Maybe I am just getting old but threads like these make consider retiring from Prime. :frown: I'm sorry but I see no redeeming value to describing your sexual exploits starting with what would be considered statutory rape in most states and then getting unnecessarily graphic with certain descriptions. Are you that desperate to validate your sense of self-importance that you felt compelled to share this with us?

I am going to have to second that. I attribute posts like the above to the unfortunately ever changing demographics of NSX ownership - or maybe just the want-to-be owners/dreamers.
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Yeah, I didnt even read that first post. It was too long. Glancing at it now I agree.

Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

RSO 34 - All in good sense, my friend. For starter, I wasn't 18 yet when I beded Melissa, as we were classmates. I just wanted to point out how amazing it is that someone can make me remember... that many, many years later--even when I am married. Absolutely amazing!!!! Check around and you can see that my thread certainly can't compared to the value, in that sense, to other threads up here. But once again my friend, all in good sense and humour. Please join us!

JaguarXJ6 - I know what you are saying; but even then, as a man, like myself, even when you are married--if there is a moment in the relationship that allowed flashbacks, you remember the ones that you could physically have been with...

I will edit my original post for some information--hopefully helpful!

I had what--my fifth NSX.
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Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

When you are young keep the same beer on tap and have an import every once in a while. When you get older switch to whiskey if you liked the imports or wine if you liked the draft.

HA...I just made that up. Pretty damn good!!:biggrin:
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Check around and you can see that my thread certainly can't compared to the value, in that sense, to other threads up here. But once again my friend, all in good sense and humour. Please join us!

You obviously "don't get it" (and I am not referring to your pathetic recounting of relationships about which no one other than yourself could possibly care). You have added nothing to this site by your narcissistic musings and your immaturity in starting this thread contributes nothing to the NSX community.

What do you mean by "joining us"? Are you suggesting that others should should participate in your solipsism and offer up essays of their conquests? And for what - to allow others similary situated as yourself the opportunity to glorify and revel in your hunter-gatherer roots?

Do you think that publicly displaying your desire to be a retrograde high schooler somehow adds value to Prime?
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap


Damn, I had to look that one up. Thanks. great use of the word. Now I need to use it today so I don't forget it. I could call this girl I use to know and use it on her.:biggrin:

1. Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
2. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.
Re: Once married, as a man, is there any woman that you said, "Dang...I've never tap

Damn, I had to look that one up. Thanks. great use of the word. Now I need to use it today so I don't forget it. I could call this girl I use to know and use it on her.:biggrin:

1. Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
2. extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.

Thanks Steve. I was going to look that one up as well. Appreciate your help.

Only thing that made this thread worth reading.
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