Easiest way to own a NSX

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Yeah, pretty appalling, eh??? That's the only reason I'm fairly sure that it's the one he 'owned'.

He's been too busy playing poker in Las Vegas casinos and didn't need it anymore, apparently.

Nick Sitko
* Posted in the Sports Forum

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2
Bluffton, SC

Friday Apr 18

Very good poker player I played against him at bellagio.

Now isn't that a coincydink that somebody who lives in the same city as Nick would go all the way to Vegas and end up at the same poker table at the same time when Nick is there too? Wow.

Then somebody (I wonder who? LOL) posted this response:
Royally Flush Nick
San Diego, CA

4 hrs ago

Justin wrote:
Very good poker player I played against him at bellagio.

You mean Nick Sitko the sex offender and scammer?

I hope he doesn't get pwned at poker the way he gets pwned when he tries to scam people on Internet forums!!!
Hi Nick!
Hi all,
I just sat and read this whole goddamn thing.......I am writing a comedy bit as we speak.....daaaamn this should be published as a book.

I tour as a stand-up comic and very few things make me laugh...there is some brilliant writers here...good job guys.

I have linked from my forums at www.mpcomedy.com
even though it is small compared to this board, I had to give my peeps something to laugh at.

Oh, and is this a bad time to mention a great website to play poker at..........JUST KIDDING, back the F*CK OFF!
Hi all,
I just sat and read this whole goddamn thing.......I am writing a comedy bit as we speak.....daaaamn this should be published as a book.

I tour as a stand-up comic and very few things make me laugh...there is some brilliant writers here...good job guys.

I have linked from my forums at www.mpcomedy.com
even though it is small compared to this board, I had to give my peeps something to laugh at.

Oh, and is this a bad time to mention a great website to play poker at..........JUST KIDDING, back the F*CK OFF!

If you want more spectacular comedy check out this gem from our master brewer http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104987
Don't be so mean, you'd drink if you had to live with nick.
Yes, it is assuming that profile is accurate. The Army doesn't stoop so low as to take registered sex offenders.
Yes, it is assuming that profile is accurate. The Army doesn't stoop so low as to take registered sex offenders.

I was doubting the authenticity of that profile, since he (or she) was spamming a gambling website around Myspace. Maybe it's Nick trying to be slick.
Time to do a background checkup on Michael Storac. What "attracted" him to his line of work??

15-year-old girls.

"Convicted in 2004 for traveling from Indiana to Ohio and attempting to meet someone he thought was a 15 year old girl for sex. Arriving at the arranged meeting place with Teddy Bear in hand, Michael was instead met by law enforcement and subsequently spent 8 months in prison for ATTEMPTED UNLAWFUL SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A MINOR."

Hi all,

First up I want to thank you for all the lol's you have provided :biggrin:

Your thread was brought up in our own pwnage session on our Australian forum boostcruising.com LOL


This all started when a moderator posted a thread about a fridge he was giving away. She then screwed him around and he gave the fridge to someone else, She then decided to make a thread about how he was the rudest member on the forum and even decided to poke fun at the lose of his baby son at birth. Feel free to come by and pwn this dickhead too :)

peace out from Australia yo!:eek:
I registered the domain nicksitko.com early in the life of this thread. It just expired. Should I renew? I'm not sure it's worth the $20 or so it will cost me.

What do the readers of this thread think? :smile:
I registered the domain nicksitko.com early in the life of this thread. It just expired. Should I renew? I'm not sure it's worth the $20 or so it will cost me.

What do the readers of this thread think? :smile:

You should turn it into an online gambling site. You should be able to make enough $20's to eventually buy an NSX.
It's been a while since I've seen him driving around, I wonder if he went back to jail?
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