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Got Pulled Over Doing 105 MPH

Mr.Wolf said:
I hate posting twice on a thread, but this needs to be said.

How did the cop pull you over? You were driving an Acura NSX. You could have outrun him. Hell, I do. :D

What he said!
charleysung said:
I got pulled over doing 105 MPH on the Atlantic City Expressway in NJ. The cop slapped me with three tickets: (1) speeding; (2) reckless driving; and (3) excessive speed.

Isn't excessive speed and speeding redundant? Isn't that like charging a person that beats another to death with murder and assault?

I am considering going to court, but I'm pretty sure the judge will show me no mercy because I was going so fast. Any suggestions?

1. Request a court date
2. Purchase NON-Refundable Hotel and Plane tickets to Hawaii for above date
3. Put on rubber gloves and put above tickets in an envelope and mail to the police officer that gave you the ticket.
4. Show up in court and look suprised when the cop doesn't show up.
5. Go home and be happy!

Good Luck!
IMO if your record is clean or nearly clean, fight it and ask to withhold judication on the speeding ticket and continue the reckless ticket before the court hearing. Offer to pay more in court cost and usually because the states are greedy they like someone who is willing to spend money in the court room so they usually except. Then sign up for school for the other ticket as you will not be guilty of this one until you pay it then you amitting guilt or something.
If you have tickets before i would forget about going to court.
Many states are not linked like many would believe, unless you have a License in both states then they can pull your NJ licence up but if all you have was the VA license then you may get lucky
good luck
Vegas Boy said:
Wow, you got off very light, IMO.

The last ticket I got in Vegas was 20 over limit, but I paid
this firm that advertises as the "Ticket Fixer" $200 and he

> went to court for me
> got it knocked down to a parking ticket (no points)
> got the fine reduced to $65

I though that was a pretty good deal.

Wow. I wonder if we have such a "Ticket Fixer" here in CA?

Sorry to hear about your ticket. Suxs...

Well, my good friend got the same ticket this past spring Springfield, I believe on route 78 from a Jersey State Trooper. And, even his military ID unfortnately did not reduce the fine in any which way. =(

Well from his experience this is what you should do and what has happened to him. His offense was 105 in a 65.

1) Definitely get a lawyer.

2) If you have no prior tickets or points then at least your lawyer should be able to plea the ticket to a lower fine. But you do still risk losing your license here in NJ. Really depends on how the Judge in the municipality is. However if your record is clean and the Trooper cuts you a break, you will just have to pay a fine, suffer a few points, most likely minimum 4 and receive a lecture from the Judge. A lawyer should charge close too 1500 to 2000 dollars for his or her services.

Best of luck,

You don't need a lawyer at your initial appearance.

If you don't like what they are willing to do for you, plead not guilty (if you haven't done so already) and then hire a lawyer.

There is virtually no downside (in theory, if you have to travel or have other logistical problems that may be an issue) to showing up unrepresented at an initial appearance for a traffic ticket. If you don't like the deal, get a trial date or an adjourned initial appearance and have your lawyer handle it from there.

(Not legal advice, no atty-client relationship express or implied, YMMV ;) )

it's over, he got it dismissed. No need to keep posting about a resolved issue... ;)
apapada said:

it's over, he got it dismissed. No need to keep posting about a resolved issue... ;)

I wish. It is not over. I did get a lawyer to represent me for a flat fee of $625. My hearing is scheduled on 11/16. My lawyer is a former prosecutor and claims to know the judge well. He says be may be able to get the reckless driving and excessive speed charges dropped, so that I just have to pay a fine and take some points for general speeding.

Most likely the case, "My lawyer is a former prosecutor and claims to know the judge well. He says be may be able to get the reckless driving and excessive speed charges dropped, so that I just have to pay a fine and take some points for general speeding." as the same with my friend. Glad you have someone representing you, this will definitely help. Unfortunately it’s the only way here in NJ.

Best wishes again, let us know how things work out.

apapada said:

it's over, he got it dismissed. No need to keep posting about a resolved issue... ;)

NEVERMIND !!! Keep posting, it's not dismissed... my bad :eek:
As far as the your insurance rates going up, I'm not really sure if it's an absolute. I'm not sure every insurance company scans your driving record every week or month or even year. If you don't have a claim, add or subtract a vechical many insurance companies wouldn't have a reason to check your record. I'm sure some companies do but not all. Maybe some users can give there experiences when they've been convicted of a violation and what happened to thier insurance, either up/no change.
This one area where I am unfortunately an expert in NJ. My driving record is 6 pages, yet I have no points. I got written for 90mph and got off with no points. YOU MUST GO TO COURT AND PLEAD NOT GUILTY. You can, with a lot of negotiation get a decent plea bargain deal. Contact me and I'll give you some pionters. Pay whatever it takes to keep points off your license.
i don't understand how you all could be encouraging him.

doing 105 is stupid not on a race track is stupid.


I honestly hope they throw the book at you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else in the process.
EndLeSS said:
i don't understand how you all could be encouraging him.

doing 105 is stupid not on a race track is stupid.


I honestly hope they throw the book at you. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else in the process.

Sorry, Dad.

If you're calling anyone that hits 105 mph on a freeway in an NSX stupid, I think you may have just offended at least half the people on this forum.
Your Dad

Sorry Charley - I agree with endless.....doing 105 on a public street is stupid. :rolleyes:

And if somebody is offended by that comment, tough.

Love, Dad #2
SO dad1 and dad 2 I suppose you drive 55 mph in your NSX all the time!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
In certain situations yes 105mph is stupid. But I can tell you this I just drove to California and back in my dually towing an nsx, speed 80-85 most of the way. There were plenty of times that if I had been driving one of my NSX's that I probably would have been doing 110-120mph.
The important thing to think about here is that if you are endangering other people because of your speed(or lack of driving ability :confused: ) then yes it is stupid, but if you are on a road with no side streets(Hwys, etc) and are not endangering other people or property then I would consider that :D :D
SO DAD- would you rather have a 75,000lbs truck coming at you at 65mph or an NSX ~3000lbs at 105mph. :confused: :confused:
My bet is that the NSX would stop and the driver could get out before the truck could come to a full stop.(Unless Grandma was driving :p )
I don't have an NSX, so I don't (and can't) reach those speeds.
And the truck quote is a hypothetical statement. What are you trying to prove out of it? It doesn't justify anything.
The truck (even though there is NO TRUCK in this situation, you just made it up to justify his NSX at high speeds) is up to the truck driver, not him. So what if there is someone else driving foolishly? Does that give you the green light to drive foolishly and break the rules as well? So just because the NSX is more nimble than the truck, it gives the driver a right and privilege to drive faster?

Then how about super high end exotics, like the Carerra GT, etc? Because they are even more nimble than the NSX, they should be allowed to drive even faster, because the reaction on the cars are faster? The Elise and the Exige have one of the best braking abilities in the world; so because they can come to a full stop quicker than the NSX, they should be allowed to go even faster than 105? And according to your logic, it's even safer than the NSX, because it's lighter.

I don't want a truck coming at me, nor an NSX coming at me. Either way, I DIE. With that amount of force from both vehicles, I become a bloody mess, litterally. Taking someone else's life into your hands (in a bad way, such as this) is very very selfish. If both the truck driver and the NSX were going at moderate speeds, then both are safe vehicles. If I was hit by either vehicle (me in another car, mind you) at moderate speeds, I would probably survive.

People, especially sports car drivers, should take responsibility for their actions. Or else it puts a bad name to ALL car enthousiasts.

Did you go 105?
Yes you did.

Did you get caught?
Yes you did.

Is that illegal?
Yes it is.

I think that sums it up.

To not pay the fine and accept the punishment is weak and selfish; doing so costs more money for your city, because of court time, fees, etc etc, which is tax payer money best spent elsewhere.

This is my last post on this subject, I hope you take responsibilities for your own actions.
EndLeSS said:
I don't have an NSX, so I don't (and can't) reach those speeds.
And the truck quote is a hypothetical statement. What are you trying to prove out of it? It doesn't justify anything.
The truck (even though there is NO TRUCK in this situation, you just made it up to justify his NSX at high speeds) is up to the truck driver, not him. So what if there is someone else driving foolishly? Does that give you the green light to drive foolishly and break the rules as well? So just because the NSX is more nimble than the truck, it gives the driver a right and privilege to drive faster?

Then how about super high end exotics, like the Carerra GT, etc? Because they are even more nimble than the NSX, they should be allowed to drive even faster, because the reaction on the cars are faster? The Elise and the Exige have one of the best braking abilities in the world; so because they can come to a full stop quicker than the NSX, they should be allowed to go even faster than 105? And according to your logic, it's even safer than the NSX, because it's lighter.

I don't want a truck coming at me, nor an NSX coming at me. Either way, I DIE. With that amount of force from both vehicles, I become a bloody mess, litterally. Taking someone else's life into your hands (in a bad way, such as this) is very very selfish. If both the truck driver and the NSX were going at moderate speeds, then both are safe vehicles. If I was hit by either vehicle (me in another car, mind you) at moderate speeds, I would probably survive.

People, especially sports car drivers, should take responsibility for their actions. Or else it puts a bad name to ALL car enthousiasts.

Did you go 105?
Yes you did.

Did you get caught?
Yes you did.

Is that illegal?
Yes it is.

I think that sums it up.

To not pay the fine and accept the punishment is weak and selfish; doing so costs more money for your city, because of court time, fees, etc etc, which is tax payer money best spent elsewhere.

This is my last post on this subject, I hope you take responsibilities for your own actions.

Have you ever gone over the speed limit?
You probably have. I think everyone has.

Is that illegal?
Yes it is.

Could you use a little more tact in your wording to not appear abrasive and not offend people?
Yes you can.
charleysung said:
Have you ever gone over the speed limit?
You probably have. I think everyone has.

Is that illegal?
Yes it is.

Could you use a little more tact in your wording to not appear abrasive and not offend people?
Yes you can.

How's this for tactful?

The AC Expressway is an extremely stupid place to be almost doubling the posted speed limit.
You've no right to be endangering other (innocent) people by your irresponsible actions.
Count yourself lucky that you weren't arrested and your car impounded, shutup, and accept your punishment.

Edit: speed in and of itself is not the prime factor here. The prime factor in many accidents is the speed differential between the fastest and slowest vehicle. Think closure speed.
lemansnsx said:
How's this for tactful?

The AC Expressway is an extremely stupid place to be almost doubling the posted speed limit.
You've no right to be endangering other (innocent) people by your irresponsible actions.
Count yourself lucky that you weren't arrested and your car impounded, shutup, and accept your punishment.

Edit: speed in and of itself is not the prime factor here. The prime factor in many accidents is the speed differential between the fastest and slowest vehicle. Think closure speed.

Thanks for your support and your kind choice of words.

You're right, I had no right to be going that speed. And I will accept my punishment (but only after I sqirm as much as I can with my lawyer to minimize the penalties ;) ).
But to my defense, it was 3am on the AC Expressway and I was literally the only car in sight on a 4 lane highway on a dry day. So the only lives I endangered were mine and maybe that of an unsuspecting deer.

But just to be clear, are you saying that you've never hit 100 mph in your NSX? :confused:
charleysung said:
Thanks for your support and your kind choice of words.

No problem.;)

charleysung said:
But just to be clear, are you saying that you've never hit 100 mph in your NSX? :confused:

Fastest I can recall driving on a public highway was about 110 in a loose pack of 3 cars on the way back from the Montreal Grand Prix one year. Wide open smooth road, high visibility, zero other traffic.

Problem with sports car forums like this one is we all come off a bit holier-than-thou whenever we criticize speed on public roads. We've all done it - hopefully we learn from it and from the mistakes of others before hurting anyone.
lemansnsx said:
Fastest I can recall driving on a public highway was about 110 in a loose pack of 3 cars on the way back from the Montreal Grand Prix one year. Wide open smooth road, high visibility, zero other traffic.

You're a bad boy. How dare you endanger the lives of other innocent drivers. :eek:
charleysung said:
You're a bad boy. How dare you endanger the lives of other innocent drivers. :eek:

Trust me: there were no innocents in that particular group! One guy in a Corvette had a full roll cage in the car...