Will you ever sell your NSX?

I haven't been on prime in ages, about as much as I drive my 91. After 15 years of ownership it's time to sell and let somebody younger than me enjoy it and drive it. I'll be posting an ad in the for sale section soon and if I can get it listed on bat, it'll be there. Letting it sit in the garage isn't doing it any good.

afaik Bat won't let you co-list...
No harm in posting it here for a while and if no bites then go Bat...
So what do you guys think about when you consider selling or not selling your NSX? I'm curious what your thought process is like.

I've had my NSX for 13 years. That's pretty junior level compared to some of you, I know. I've toyed with the idea of selling it but never realistically considered it. Even when I got a couple of "crazy" offers here and there over time. I even go in and out being interested in the car. Sometimes it sits in the garage for weeks/months but there are those days that are magical and it's just a part of my life. There are so many reasons why to keep it and so many reasons to sell it.

* Expand your horizons, try something different
* Who needs a bunch of cars, don't be a hoarder
* The price appreciation is crazy right now (which can be said for any point in the last few years)
* It doesn't cost much to maintain
* It's still fun and puts a smile on my face when I drive it
* but other cars are so much faster, etc
* have someone else enjoy it
* you can't take it with you when you die
* ... I can't probably think of 10 more pros and cons...

p.s. this is the first new thread I've started in years (that wasn't in the classified lol)
p.s. 2. let's bring sexy (nsxprime) back
They all eventually sell
I haven't been on prime in ages, about as much as I drive my 91. After 15 years of ownership it's time to sell and let somebody younger than me enjoy it and drive it. I'll be posting an ad in the for sale section soon and if I can get it listed on bat, it'll be there. Letting it sit in the garage isn't doing it any good.

@lunchman NICE to see you back here. Wondered if you still enjoyed your NSX and still packing those lil gal's lunches each day.

Don't want to see you sell, but if you must it's understood. Take good care, Dom.
Haha...just bought my Imola back! Won't be leaving my place anytime soon...

But yes, the difficulty in today's market is selling and perhaps pricing ones self out of the market for the same thing to try and purchase again.
@lunchman NICE to see you back here. Wondered if you still enjoyed your NSX and still packing those lil gal's lunches each day.

Don't want to see you sell, but if you must it's understood. Take good care, Dom.
I wish I could enjoy it more. With age (mine, not the car) it seems to be more and more difficult to enter and exit. But when I do drive it, I've still got that "you're crazy to sell it" mentality. But reality sets in and it does need to go to a new owner who will drive it like it deserves to be driven. Somebody will enjoy the heck out of this car.
WOW, I cannot believe what prices have done since I stopped visiting Prime, new look, "new" faces! Glad to see that the activity continues to bring folks here, I should have never gotten rid of mine . . . I'm toying with my next car being a TypeS, but who really knows. I'm shocked my login still works! KH
Glad to see the Bee is still around, didn't expect to recognize anyone . . .
Good to see you back! Honcho /Lud et all, did a real nice job migrating the old prime to the cloud..likely not a cheap endeavor..What is the current type S market looking like..last I checked some were trading hands in the high 3's..
What is the current type S market looking like..last I checked some were trading hands in the high 3's..
Nah, I'm not a buyer in the 3s, I was looking at them in the high 2s, but I will also just wait and buy used (like I always do). I think the Type S is underappreciated (like the NA1 used to be), who knows . . . Nothing wrong with a daily supercar, I like the face lifted version "better", but wouldn't throw either out of bed in the morning. I'm always thrilled to see an NSX on the road, I cannot believe the numbers those cars are pulling these days!
Still in acquisition mode. No cause to sell.
Find something good and comfortable in your life - you stay with it.
Nah, I'm not a buyer in the 3s, I was looking at them in the high 2s, but I will also just wait and buy used (like I always do). I think the Type S is underappreciated (like the NA1 used to be), who knows . . . Nothing wrong with a daily supercar, I like the face lifted version "better", but wouldn't throw either out of bed in the morning. I'm always thrilled to see an NSX on the road, I cannot believe the numbers those cars are pulling these days!
One thing that struck me was how much better the "regular" NC1 looks in person. It oozes exotic and special. But yeah, I too like the Type-S front look better.
Would I sell my NSX? Sure, why not. I am not married to my cars, nor am I a car collector. I enjoy them for what they are and have no issues modifying them to meet a specific purpose.

Would I regret it? Possibly. I regret selling my 1970 Porsche 911S years ago when they were $20,000 cars, but I have no remorse in selling it, nor do I have any interest in obtaining another. Been there, done that sort of thing. I used the funds and moved on to something else that I enjoyed more than the 911. Same holds for the NSX.
I wish I could enjoy it more. With age (mine, not the car) it seems to be more and more difficult to enter and exit. But when I do drive it, I've still got that "you're crazy to sell it" mentality. But reality sets in and it does need to go to a new owner who will drive it like it deserves to be driven. Somebody will enjoy the heck out of this car.
It didn't reach reserve on BaT, but the highest bidder and I reached an agreement, so the car will be heading to NJ shortly. Prior to listing it, I had it professionally detailed, installed a new battery and had the oil changed yesterday. The new owner is bound to enjoy this car. I will miss it, but it needs to be driven, not sit in my garage. I've had my fun with it for the past 15 years.

It didn't reach reserve on BaT, but the highest bidder and I reached an agreement, so the car will be heading to NJ shortly. Prior to listing it, I had it professionally detailed, installed a new battery and had the oil changed yesterday. The new owner is bound to enjoy this car. I will miss it, but it needs to be driven, not sit in my garage. I've had my fun with it for the past 15 years.

Deal fell through, so for the foreseeable future, my NSX remains in my possession. I may list it here again.
If the next deal falls through you may have to change your screen name to dinnerman...:p
@lunchman Yes, it is time to sell mine for much the same reason as yours.
I have owned 'Slick' for 16 years but have only put 800 miles in the last 2 1/2 years. Time for someone else to enjoy it!

BTW: I have started using a neutral pronoun, not for PC reasons but to make it easier on me to let it go. I will miss it!

Now on BaT.
Going to make people mad possibly but my low mile 91 isn't going anywhere after 25 years of ownership as
it's an investment that I can put my hands on and dive if I wish. Also there is this emotional connection after researching cars those 25 years ago and realizing the NSX's potential. There is more to come BTW as investment in JDM cars is still in its early years.
I'm currently looking at V12 manual shift Aston Martins like the V12 vantage or DBS. Kinda missed that boat a few years ago on the manual DBS when they were 100K to 150K or thereabouts.
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PS it would be kind o fun to pick up a Beater / salvage NSX and mod the engine with a supercharger , updated suspension and other value killing mods. Body work a no-no.
IMO the similar concept ALFA 4C will also be collectable but I don't like the tranny. First of its kind. However the NSX is already a proven investment.
PS it would be kind o fun to pick up a Beater / salvage NSX and mod the engine with a supercharger , updated suspension and other value killing mods. Body work a no-no.
IMO the similar concept ALFA 4C will also be collectable but I don't like the tranny. First of its kind. However the NSX is already a proven investment.
There's a orange NSX on BAT right now that might fit your criteria for a beater, although it does have some customized rear body work. Lots of value destroying mods already on it that you could rip out.