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A Nasty G35 Driver F up my Sunday drive.

28 June 2004
Well it’s been raining all week here in DC. Finally on Sunday it’s not raining so I decide to take my son out for a ride in my NSX. Immediately as I get on 50 going towards Bowie, Maryland this guy in a g35 is riding my bumper. I had my 7 year old son in the car so I pay the g35 driver no attention. But as I exit the highway on to a one lane street this guy decides to pass me on the driver side. “Endangering other driver’s lives”
A few rocks hit my car so I’m pissed.
I’m thinking to myself what an idiot. Once again he does the same thing. This time around I said fuck it if he want race let’s do without endangering other people lives. So immediately I drop the NSX in 2nd and rolled down my window and said if you want race let’s do it. Immediately this guy starts to curse, put up his middle finger, yells out the window that my car is 15 years old, and to holler at him when my money is right. After hearing all this shit he was talking I was thinking to myself this idiot must be drunk and the best thing to do is to drive pass him like I never notices him. I have nothing against g35 drivers but this is the second g35 driver that I have run into that has acted like an ass. But the next time I see this guy I’m going try my best to embarrass him with my 15 year old weekend only driven toy. Hopefully nobody runs into this guy in the Maryland area.
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rogers said:
Well it’s been raining all week here in DC. Finally on Sunday it’s not raining so I decide to take my son out for a ride in my NSX. Immediately as I get on 50 going towards Bowie, Maryland this guy in a g35 is riding my bumper. I had my 7 year old son in the car so I pay the g35 driver no attention. But as I exit the highway on to a one lane street this guy decides to pass me on the driver side. “Endangering other driver’s lives”
A few rocks hit my car so I’m pissed.
I’m thinking to myself what an idiot. Once again he does the same thing. This time around I said fuck it if he want race let’s do without endangering other people lives. So immediately I drop the NSX in 2nd and rolled down my window and said if you want race let’s do it. Immediately this guy starts to curse, put up his middle finger, yells out the window that my car is 15 years old, and to holler at him when my money is right. After hearing all this shit he was talking I was thinking to myself this idiot must be drunk and the best thing to do is to drive pass him like I never notices him. I have nothing against g35 drivers but this is the second g35 driver that I have run into that has acted like an ass. But the next time I see this guy I’m going try my best to embarrass him with my 15 year old weekend only driven toy. Hopefully nobody runs into this guy in the Maryland area.

and hopefully your child won't be in the car to observe or be put unnecessary risk.
rogers said:
Well it’s been raining all week here in DC. Finally on Sunday it’s not raining so I decide to take my son out for a ride in my NSX. Immediately as I get on 50 going towards Bowie, Maryland this guy in a g35 is riding my bumper. I had my 7 year old son in the car so I pay the g35 driver no attention. But as I exit the highway on to a one lane street this guy decides to pass me on the driver side. “Endangering other driver’s lives”
A few rocks hit my car so I’m pissed.
I’m thinking to myself what an idiot. Once again he does the same thing. This time around I said fuck it if he want race let’s do without endangering other people lives. So immediately I drop the NSX in 2nd and rolled down my window and said if you want race let’s do it. Immediately this guy starts to curse, put up his middle finger, yells out the window that my car is 15 years old, and to holler at him when my money is right. After hearing all this shit he was talking I was thinking to myself this idiot must be drunk and the best thing to do is to drive pass him like I never notices him. I have nothing against g35 drivers but this is the second g35 driver that I have run into that has acted like an ass. But the next time I see this guy I’m going try my best to embarrass him with my 15 year old weekend only driven toy. Hopefully nobody runs into this guy in the Maryland area.

G35s really aren't all that fast...I pay them little heed and am in the DC area.

Someone in a G35 talking smack about how much a car costs is a real hoot. Those cars aren't all that expensive nor really all that premium and most of them are leased. A 15 year old NSX is comparable in price.
When I am put in similar "challenging" situations I continue to ignore the other car, no matter what. If I am directly challenged to race I invite the challenger to meet me at Laguna Seca or Infineon for the next track day. And I agree with Hal about confrontations on the road with "guests" in the car.
The 15 year old statement didn't bother me at all. Man with the service/mods I put on my car within the first month I could have purchase a new g35. Hell I could have trade in my cl typeS and save some money. I just didn't like the way the guy was carrying on. If he wanted to race no problem. But don't endanger other people lives to prove a point but says nothing when I offer him the challenge.
lame people give import/forgeign cars a bad name...

hmmm... Quite an unfortunate situation you and your son got put not of your own volition. Always bests' to exercise restraint & composure! It's a pity that such unpleasant people are often identified along w/ the car they are driving, thus giving the car-brand also a negative image.

On a tangent, what are the child-carseat laws in Md (also NoVA)? My sis' is now visiting us in TX from NoVA (use to reside in Md), and she's hyper-vigilant about her kids sitting in the front seat of any car (ages: 8, 6, 3). I know in Texas, carseat/children in the front-seat are rather vigorously enforced! :redface:
I sympathize - I just don't get some people.

I was out for a short Sunday drive with my daugher (who loves the NSX) to run a couple of errands. Top out, she's waving and smiling - traffic's fairly heavy (3 lanes, averaging 40 in a 50, beach region) and I'm happy just to stay in the slow lane on our way home. While coming up to a light, there's a guy in a Boxster S in the left lane eyeballing the car.

The light turns green, I take off normal, then I see this car come whipping out of the left lane, cutting someone off, into the middle lane, all so he can shoot past me at full throttle. I speed up, to (45 in a 50) to see the car's plate (some sort of doctor, based on the vanity tag) and he then proceeds to downshift, take off and weave in and out of traffic.

Why do some people insist on acting like that? If I see a car I like, I'll wave, give a thumbs up or something. I don't find it necessary to act like an ass in heavy traffic, I don't need to show off and I sure as hell don't want to put my little girl in any danger. Open road, no traffic, no passenger - fine, I may play a little.

Besides, the silly doctor should have known better. An NSX with a suspect "whine" coming from the engine compartment would have flat out demolished the Boxster. :D

RyanITV said:
I sympathize - I just don't get some people.

I was out for a short Sunday drive with my daugher (who loves the NSX) to run a couple of errands. Top out, she's waving and smiling - traffic's fairly heavy (3 lanes, averaging 40 in a 50, beach region) and I'm happy just to stay in the slow lane on our way home. While coming up to a light, there's a guy in a Boxster S in the left lane eyeballing the car.

The light turns green, I take off normal, then I see this car come whipping out of the left lane, cutting someone off, into the middle lane, all so he can shoot past me at full throttle. I speed up, to (45 in a 50) to see the car's plate (some sort of doctor, based on the vanity tag) and he then proceeds to downshift, take off and weave in and out of traffic.

Why do some people insist on acting like that? If I see a car I like, I'll wave, give a thumbs up or something. I don't find it necessary to act like an ass in heavy traffic, I don't need to show off and I sure as hell don't want to put my little girl in any danger. Open road, no traffic, no passenger - fine, I may play a little.

Besides, the silly doctor should have known better. An NSX with a suspect "whine" coming from the engine compartment would have flat out demolished the Boxster. :D


Ha Ha Nice post
Don't give in to temptation, that is what they want. It doesn't prove anything to anybody either. Just puts you, family and innocent people in danger when you feel the need to match someone elses way of driving.
I have a 04 G35 and my Dad has his 04 NSX.

I know my place............... :wink:
And your seven year old son is in the car....
Crazy guy. Fortunatley I really haven't ran into anybody like that in a G35 coupe or a 350Z for that matter here in So Cal. But I will say that I see a G35 at least 10+ times a day as they're so common, that it's sad to see their mentality and acting like that.... it's almost funny when you think about it because A) their car is like every other car on the road, where as you rarely see a NSX on the road, and B) 90% of the G35 coupes you see the road driven by some younger guy is most likely leased with little down (if not purchased by the parents) because they did not quality for a loan on a NSX :tongue: . That may sound a bit harsh, but I see it all the time with people I know directly or indirectly, especially with STi's, EVO's, and 350Z & G35 cars.
Newman said:
Crazy guy. Fortunatley I really haven't ran into anybody like that in a G35 coupe or a 350Z for that matter here in So Cal. But I will say that I see a G35 at least 10+ times a day as they're so common, that it's sad to see their mentality and acting like that.... it's almost funny when you think about it because A) their car is like every other car on the road, where as you rarely see a NSX on the road, and B) 90% of the G35 coupes you see the road driven by some younger guy is most likely leased with little down (if not purchased by the parents) because they did not quality for a loan on a NSX :tongue: . That may sound a bit harsh, but I see it all the time with people I know directly or indirectly, especially with STi's, EVO's, and 350Z & G35 cars.

I agree to a degree here, but please let's not bash other cars. I am an owner of a new G35 coupe. I love my car, just like most (make that all) of you love yours. Would I race an NSX? Probably not. I know the limits of my car. I may engage in some spritied driving from time to time, like most of us, but I would not put another person in danger. If I have a passenger, then I wouldn't even attempt it.

Also, I did in fact lease my G35. Why? Not because I couldn't get approved on a loan (or outright buy an used NSX or G35) but I have always leased my cars. It is what I prefer to do. A car is a depreciating asset. And since I always want something new leasing just works out better for me. I guess by your mentality anyone who took advantage of the NSX lease rates should also be bashed too huh? :wink:

Now, back to your regularly scheduled rants..... :biggrin:
rogers said:
Well it’s been raining all week here in DC. Finally on Sunday it’s not raining so I decide to take my son out for a ride in my NSX. Immediately as I get on 50 going towards Bowie, Maryland this guy in a g35 is riding my bumper. I had my 7 year old son in the car so I pay the g35 driver no attention. But as I exit the highway on to a one lane street this guy decides to pass me on the driver side. “Endangering other driver’s lives”
A few rocks hit my car so I’m pissed.
I’m thinking to myself what an idiot. Once again he does the same thing. This time around I said fuck it if he want race let’s do without endangering other people lives. So immediately I drop the NSX in 2nd and rolled down my window and said if you want race let’s do it. Immediately this guy starts to curse, put up his middle finger, yells out the window that my car is 15 years old, and to holler at him when my money is right. After hearing all this shit he was talking I was thinking to myself this idiot must be drunk and the best thing to do is to drive pass him like I never notices him. I have nothing against g35 drivers but this is the second g35 driver that I have run into that has acted like an ass. But the next time I see this guy I’m going try my best to embarrass him with my 15 year old weekend only driven toy. Hopefully nobody runs into this guy in the Maryland area.

I wouldn't mind running into this guy with my NSX. I think he may be a bit suprised.
lol some people are so retarded. It's funny to see the people with NSX's now that are the 3rd or 4th owners who think there shit does not stink. I see a lot of punks are starting to get NSX's now you can get them for the high 20's. I had a NSX 7 years ago and had it for 5 years.

Newman said:
Crazy guy. Fortunatley I really haven't ran into anybody like that in a G35 coupe or a 350Z for that matter here in So Cal. But I will say that I see a G35 at least 10+ times a day as they're so common, that it's sad to see their mentality and acting like that.... it's almost funny when you think about it because A) their car is like every other car on the road, where as you rarely see a NSX on the road, and B) 90% of the G35 coupes you see the road driven by some younger guy is most likely leased with little down (if not purchased by the parents) because they did not quality for a loan on a NSX :tongue: . That may sound a bit harsh, but I see it all the time with people I know directly or indirectly, especially with STi's, EVO's, and 350Z & G35 cars.
the nsx is unique there are few of them on the road. I see g35's and all of the other typical cars all day, who wants to be typical? Of course our shit doesnt stink :biggrin: or we would be driving rustangs and camarslows
But most ppl that want a mustang have to get a NSX because the mustang costs more then a 1991 nsx ;)

the nsx is unique there are few of them on the road. I see g35's and all of the other typical cars all day, who wants to be typical? Of course our shit doesnt stink :biggrin: or we would be driving rustangs and camarslows
Ryanmcd2 said:
But most ppl that want a mustang have to get a NSX because the mustang costs more then a 1991 nsx ;)
:confused: Wrong.

I think this is the most inane thing I've ever read on this forum.
I have just over $100k invested in my NSX, I can't ever remember seeing a Mustang that cost anywhere near that. I have nothing against the mustangs, as I love the new ones. Just not in the same price range. 2005 NSX = $94k and change, 2005 Mustang = $30k
I can only hope that when someone actually races someone like the idiot in the G35, and the police have the good fortune to witness the event that they then book the driver of the car with the child in it for child endangerment and tow the car. I can only hope in this type of situation a parent would not race anyone with their 7 year old child in the car.

Oh, and could we all stop dropping the F-bombs in posts? I am sure that we all know the word, but at some point it becomes annoying to read it on a forum of typically intelligent, mature, accomplished people. I am sure there is another word that can be used to convey the point, right?
Excuse me I never said I was going to race the guy with my child in the car. I would never put my son in danger just to prove a point to someone I don't even know. Actually if I saw this guy again I probaly would pay him no attention. I have no respect for people that don't respect me.