• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho


X-actly what will
y'all do when this e...nd........s zzzzzzzzzzz *snore*
**alarm goes off**
[size=+3]Allllllllllrighty then!! :D

Back to work![/size]
Don't you folks have anything to do but play this stupid game?
Dtrigg said:
Don't you folks have anything to do but play this stupid game?

Yes, but I lost my day planner and decided to do nothing today in celebration of hiding, umm, misplacing the day planner so well I can't even find it. j/k

Truth is I don't have a vehicle today as I sent them out to have the windows tinted and auto starters installed. I got a smoking package deal.
Dtrigg - kiss our collective asses......you sound all full of piss-n-vinegar, like me.

But say, if you don't like this thread, don't you have anything better to do than to read it? :frown:

Sigh, just as I turned over a new leaf to be a friendlier and nicer Andy, Dtrigg has to blow on my privates to flip the leaf back to where it was. Presto - asshole Andy is back. See what you started?

:rolleyes: or is it :tongue: or is it :cool:
AndyVecsey said:
Dtrigg - kiss our collective asses......you sound all full of piss-n-vinegar, like me.

....in your case don't you mean piss-n-Margarita or Margarita-n-vinegar? :biggrin: :biggrin:
I think I just may whip up a batch for myself after I am done typing this post. :biggrin:
Thanks Andy. Nice to see you are your wonderful self once again. Plus you ruined our game.
Dtrigg said:
Thanks Andy. Nice to see you are your wonderful self once again. Plus you ruined our game.

Ruined the game.....the one that you called stupid? :confused: In case you didn't notice, the game was already over with the letter "z" by the time I posted. Kisses.
Andy Andy Andy, First of all, Welcome back!.. Thought you were going soft on us here...

Second, I think that it's time that you start putting more Tequila in those margaritas. You seem to be building a tolerance.. :wink:
Let's begin again...

A =

Andy you are a jerk.

It's always the same, "It's Andy being Andy." Well, I don't appreciate your crass comments regarding me in a public forum.

If you read my post, as others have and have recognized, you will see it a joke, and a continuation of the thread.

Grow up little man.
Dtrigg said:
Let's begin again...

A =

Andy you are a jerk.

Agree.....but so are you, and a very much larger than one at that.

D = what seven-letter word comes to mind for you, that ends with the letter “t”?

Dtrigg said:
It's always the same, "It's Andy being Andy." Well, I don't appreciate your crass comments regarding me in a public forum.

Well lookie here…..who started it by calling this thread-game "stupid". You wanna continue this? Call me at 713-215-8016 and we will talk MAN-to-MAN, that ok with you?

Dtrigg said:
Grow up little man.

At 186 and 6-0, I think I can hold my own.

Kisses.........there is a line in a Clint Eastwood movie, that comes to mind right about now. :tongue:
Right. Over the past four hours, I've telephoned you over 20 times. All I get is an answering machine.
steveny said:
Sorry, I am a little mentally handicapped, can I get another hint?

I'm with you Steve, haven't a clue what the word is.. can I buy a vowel?
blknsxnoc said:
I'm with you Steve, haven't a clue what the word is.. can I buy a vowel?
I'm going to take a wild guess:

Di***it (hint: there are no more vowels)

That said...Be nice, Andy!

PHOEN$X said:
I'm going to take a wild guess:

Di***it (hint: there are no more vowels)

That said...Be nice, Andy!

Good guess.....and I :smile: was being nice.