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Another Auto Trader scam!!!

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
Auto Trader scam $11,500 Silver NSX....What are these people thinking???

Let me guess...."send $3000 deposit and yada,yada,scam, yada...."

Got to be the same guy last month with the $9000 NSX :eek:
91 X said:
Auto Trader scam $11,500 Silver NSX....What are these people thinking???

Let me guess...."send $3000 deposit and yada,yada,scam, yada...."

Got to be the same guy last month with the $9000 NSX :eek:

They should at least make it realistic but sound like a good deal. "Forced to sell due to loss of job, 91 w/ 60k, $20k" See they could lure real buyers in like that. Plus most can't speak english (or spell) worth a damn. If they took the time to learn the language and become more convincing maybe they could get somewhere. Lucky for us, they're dumb.
but wait!!! there's more!!! $7900 NSX

Shouldn't Auto Trader be a little more responsible then they are??? Letting people work scams through there website so blatantly??? :confused:

I'm affraid to even call the phone number on the ad just to pull their chains. :eek:
I swear I've seen those pics of the Black NSX before. It was either someone's on this board, or I saw them on a different ad in autotrader, cars.com or somewhere else. Anyone here know?
Hi Everyone
I am a not yet owner....still looking for red/tan, anyway I responded just for laughs to one of these ads. I got this long email back about how the car is in Rome, Italy and if I give my $21K to a "third Party" they will ship it to me. Not to worry they say.......
If anybody would like to see the email, I can forward it to you for a good laugh. Who in their right mind would give $21 thousand to a "third party"
Interesting thing was I was selling an old seville a few months back and I get this email from a guy supposedly in Moscow that will pay for shipping of my car if I will just bring it to a "reliable third party"...........
These scams are out of hand, I'm trying to sell some wheels right now and I get an email offering me about 5 times what the wheels are worth. But they want all my personal info in order to pay me. Plus the spelling and grammar is horrible. Sorry for the off topic post but I'm really sick of this scam BS.