Carbotech Panthers. Simply the best dual purpose pads available.
Carbotech makes several types of pads. The Carbotech Panthers, while offering decent braking performance, are well-known for creating horrific amounts of brake dust and turning wheels black. You have to be sure to keep washing the dust off immediately.
However, they now have a new compound, called the Carbotech Panther Plus, that is supposed to be superior to the original Panther in this regard. I haven't tried them yet. Are these the ones you're using, Andrie, or the original Panthers?
The metal master pads CT sells is simply reboxed of Axxis metal master, not Porterfield.
Correct. And the metal masters are far inferior (in terms of bite as well as heat management) to the Porterfield R4S or the RM Racing pads.
[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 14 August 2001).]