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Anyone ever heard of a 7 to 10 day funding period on an Acura lease?

tbck2793 said:
The "getting it done asap" becoming "whenever it happens" is exactly what I'm worried about and why I called and talked to Acura last night.

I got the papers from Libertyville this morning. They're all filled out, but I'm not going to send them until at least the very end of the day before Fedex closes, if at all.

I'll know today if my local dealer can swap the yellow they have coming next week with a blue/camel or blue/blue if there's one going to someone else and they're willing to trade.

If I don't hear something back from Acura customer service today telling me that they will have a window sticker asap and that Acura will get the lease funded asap and/or my local dealer can't get me the color combo I want..... I may just contact Greenwich Acura and see if they still have the blue/black that was there the other day.

If you need help with the Greenwich Acura, just let me know, it's very close to my home/ Place of business, I know them (got my car there, lease too), and I'd be happy to lend a hand :biggrin:
Dave Hardy said:
If they can't get the window sticker you can bring it in for inspection. I've had to do this when getting full coverage on used cars. It is a cursory inspection that takes 10 minutes tops. They are just making sure that you aren't buying a car with damage that you then file a claim for.

I can't bring it in for inspection within 7 days....because they won't release the car until they receive all the money from AHFC and they said this can take up to 3 weeks after the car and insurance are in my name.

That's why I need the sticker to keep the insurance from getting cancelled in 7 days if I start it up..
RPM217 said:
If you need help with the Greenwich Acura, just let me know, it's very close to my home/ Place of business, I know them (got my car there, lease too), and I'd be happy to lend a hand :biggrin:

AWESOME........thank you very much. I'll let you know if I decide to go that route.
AWESOME NEWS from my local Acura dealer!!!!!!!

They were able to change their yellow that was coming to a Long Beach Blue / Camel, which was my first choice of interior.

The car is still in Japan right now and will take 30 days to ship to the port in CA and then about 2 weeks or so to get here from there, which will put us in July. I have no problem waiting for a car I'm not paying for and insuring while it sits in a dealer showroom during the wait, so I'm going to go with it.

I know the current lease deal says it expires 7/5, but they said the lease is still going to stay the same after that just like it did when it expired on 5/2. Also, just to be certain, they are going to fill everything out to lock me in at the current lease.

Now I just need to call Libertyville and tell them their feet dragging on delivery lost them the deal and to refund me my $1,000 deposit back to my Amex.
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Well, I think they should just deliver the car even without AHFC funding them first. That is how I got my last year from Acura of North Scottsdale. I signed and FedEx them the paper work on 2/18, they confirm rec. on 2/20, the car was on delivery truck on 2/21. I'm sure they did not get funded first before they put it on the delivery truck.

If you were at the dealer, they would deliver the car after you sign the contract, because without taking delivery of the car, you can still back out, they want to see you drive the car out of the lot. They can always get pay from AHFC if they got the approval already.

Best of Luck and welcome to the community.
congrats on being able to get the car you want locally. you will realize what a simple process this should have been when your car comes in and you drive away 15min. after you sign the contract in it. it'll be worth the wait :biggrin:
zanardi43 said:
congrats on being able to get the car you want locally. you will realize what a simple process this should have been when your car comes in and you drive away 15min. after you sign the contract in it. it'll be worth the wait :biggrin:

Thanks...I should have went to them first. I've bought many cars off them, and was always out of there WITH THE CAR in no time. But I knew they were getting a yellow and was under the impression that nobody could swap NSX's anymore.

But it all worked out for the best....and as anal as I am about my cars.....it'll be great to get one right off the truck, that no one at the dealership will ever wash.
awsomr1 said:
Well, I think they should just deliver the car even without AHFC funding them first. That is how I got my last year from Acura of North Scottsdale. I signed and FedEx them the paper work on 2/18, they confirm rec. on 2/20, the car was on delivery truck on 2/21. I'm sure they did not get funded first before they put it on the delivery truck.

If you were at the dealer, they would deliver the car after you sign the contract, because without taking delivery of the car, you can still back out, they want to see you drive the car out of the lot. They can always get pay from AHFC if they got the approval already.

Best of Luck and welcome to the community.

Thanks :biggrin:

I know, I don't know what Libertyville Acura's problem is. Acting like that just cost them the sale. I've never heard of a dealership that won't let you take the car home until the loan you've been APPROVED for gets funded.
I called the people at Libertyville to cancel but got voice mail instead of a person, so I also sent them the following email:

Date: Thu, 19 May 2005
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: 05 Long Beach Blue
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

****Names Edited due to them saying they won't refund my $1000 deposit if I don't take their names and the email they sent me off this page*******,

The odd way in which you were handling my leasing your NSX:
1) Wanting me to insure the car and put it in my name, but not allowing me to take home the car home for up to 3 weeks while you wait for funding from AHFC on a loan that I was APPROVED for.
2) Not having the window sticker I would need to keep the insurance on the car if it's not inspected in Florida in 7 days.

Caused me to look around at other options.

I knew my local Acura dealership was expecting delivery of a Yellow NSX but hadn't checked to see if the could change it because I thought it wasn't possible anymore with NSX's. However, your handling of the situation caused me to call them yesterday. This morning their rep let them know that the yellow was in Japan, just about to be shipped; and he could swap it for them to a Long Beach Blue Pearl with Camel interior instead. They arranged for the swap and that is what they are getting now instead of the yellow.

Therefore I am going to go with that one instead, as I would rather wait for one that I will not be paying for and insuring during the wait. It will also be fresh from the factory and untouched.

Therefore, I am going to need your dealership to refund the $1,000 deposit that was charged to my American Express. Please let me know when this refund is completed. Thank you for your time and sorry the odd restrictions you had caused the deal to fall through.

Thank you,
Tim Blake
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Here is the SARCASTIC email response I received from the General Manager at Libertyville Acura:

******Edited due to Libertyville saying they won't refund my $1,000 deposit if I don't take their names and the email they send me off this page*****

Here is what I replied (along with a carbon copy to the owner's so they could see what he sent me):

Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 13:28:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Tim Blake" <xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: 05 Long Beach Blue
To: "xxxxxxxx" <xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: <xxxxxxxxxxx>

What costs are those? It better not be more than $15 for the overnight delivery or I will be calling and disputing it with my credit card company and will also call Acura customer service about it as well.

I don't mind the wait, as long as I'm not paying for the car while I'm waiting. No one has said anything about your dealership online other than that you wanted me to put the car in my name and insure it but weren't going to allow me to take delivery for up to 3 weeks even though I would be paying for it and insuring it. Seems to me that you are the ONLY dealership requiring people to pay for and insure a car while it site in your showroom. I talked to quite a few Acura dealer's with very good reputations in my search for a new NSX and NONE of them required what you do.

Thank you for your time and sarcastic reply about waiting for an NSX. I will be looking for the refund of my $1,000 to my AMEX with NO MORE THAN $15 subtracted from it.

Thank you,
Tim Blake

I also just called Acura Customer Relations and had this information added to the information in the case # that they gave me yesterday when I called them.
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2793, you just saw their real colors. can you imagine dealing w/ them if you were waiting for the w. sticker for 3wks or some other unforeseen problem? you will receive your deposit in full, accept nothing less. great job on your part documenting the issues w/ honda themselves. it is very good to get a legitimate 3rd party involved, just in case they try to charge you a couple hundred for their time. also did it seem to anybody that they didn't actually own the car, even on their floorplan, and needed ahf's money to pay and THEN receive the title or sticker? :confused:
zanardi43 said:
2793, you just saw their real colors. can you imagine dealing w/ them if you were waiting for the w. sticker for 3wks or some other unforeseen problem? you will receive your deposit in full, accept nothing less. great job on your part documenting the issues w/ honda themselves. it is very good to get a legitimate 3rd party involved, just in case they try to charge you a couple hundred for their time. also did it seem to anybody that they didn't actually own the car, even on their floorplan, and needed ahf's money to pay and THEN receive the title or sticker? :confused:

I will get my full deposit back. When I told the dealership people down here about it they said "Acura carries a big stick with the dealer's" and would make sure I got all my money back.

You are so right, they really did show their true colors. After that sarcastic email, I am REALLY glad I didn't trust them to get me anything on time after they had the rest of my money.
Here is the latest:

I had to remove the names of the people I was dealing with at Libertyville Acura and their email that was sent to me because their latest email said they won't refund my $1,000 deposit until I remove them from this website

They said they wanteed the contract they sent me before they would refund my $1,000 deposit. I sent them their contract back in the return Fedex envelope I had from them just like they requested. It got there this morning.

I got an email from them claiming the envelope was empty. I wrote them back and told them to stop playing games and refund my money now that they have their paperwork back.

I got an email back from them telling me that my "lasck of veracity is not appreciated" and that the Fedex letter they sent me was 5.9 ounces and that the one that they got back was 1.8 ounces.

Let's see....the package they sent me had a SECOND FEDEX ENVELOPE inside it, a total of NINE business cards (3 from each of the 3 people I had talked to there), a letter on their thick coverpaper, a large paperclip, and their contract ALL inside

The package I sent them back had only their contract inside!!!!

GEE.....I wonder why what I sent them weighed less!!!! Maybe because IT CONTAINED MUCH LESS STUFF!!!!!

I have called Acura client relations and AMEX about this and got it put into the records........these people are ridiculous.

WARNING to everyone......think LONG AND HARD about what I am having to go through with these people before dealing with them!!!!!!
Trust starting to erode in the words posted here by the user posting just above this post?

Put an empty FedEx envelope (airbill and envelope only) on a scale and weigh it! About 1.8 oz? Yes, it is.

Here are several NSX owners who had a different experience with this dealer: (all completed the transaction and are now driving their NSX...)

http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=143774&postcount=15 -- COLORADO (NOW FLORIDA)
http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=296861&postcount=3 -- CALIFORNIA
http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=428815&postcount=1 -- ARIZONA
http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=451656&postcount=4 -- MICHIGAN
Just refund his money. Is there something on the contract you need back?
For the record I too would not pay for a car I could not have immediately. I think most car buyers feel the same way. If you plan on selling NSX's which can't be picked up for 7-10 days, plan on selling very few of them.
nsxster1 said:
Trust starting to erode in the words posted here by the user posting just above this post?

Put an empty FedEx envelope (airbill and envelope only) on a scale and weigh it! About 1.8 oz? Yes, it is.

VERY ODD that you just signed up on this forum today and this is your first post ever.......HELLO LIBERTYVILLE ACURA!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT TOO HARD to figure out it's YOU!!!!!

And have you ever weighed an Acura contract????? I bet if you put that contract on the same Fedex scale it would not barely register .1 ounce.....if at all.

Their damn contract was in your envelope.....you are just looking for excuses to keep my money. Why would I want to keep your stupid contract? Am I going to open my own dealership and use it????

If only everyone could see all the nasty emails I've gotten from you. YOU blackmailed me into removing the first email you sent me from this page using my money as bait....and on all the subsequent emails that you sent you put the following:
(which is why I never poste them)

"This message is intended solely for the above-named addressee and may contain information that is confidential or privileged. Unauthorized use or disclosure is strictly prohibited and may violate certain laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you should not disseminate this message in any way, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee."

It all boils down to.....LIBERTYVILLE ACURA caused the deal to fall apart. THEY got sarcastic and NASTY with me when I said I wasn't buying their car anymore. THEY have been making me jump through hoops trying to get my $1,000 back. THEY got their stupid contract back this morning and now THEY are still playing games.

I mean really........why couldn't they refund my money on THURSDAY whan I said the deal was off?????? Why make such a big deal about that stupid piece of paper?????? If they weren't planning on screwing me over, why wasn't my money refunded last Thursday??????

The fact that a brand new screen name that never posted before today and was just registered signs in and praises Libertyville Acura and calls me a liar......should tell you guys ALOT. THEY just proved my point.

THANK YOU Libertyville for showing your true colors even more than I could show them for you.
steveny said:
Just refund his money. Is there something on the contract you need back?
For the record I too would not pay for a car I could not have immediately. I think most car buyers feel the same way. If you plan on selling NSX's which can't be picked up for 7-10 days, plan on selling very few of them.

Thank you....exactly why I chose not to buy from them.
Please note in my earlier post:
(1) Statement of facts only, make your own judgement
(2) The post did not praise Acura of Libertyville but merely directed inquiring minds to 4 other posts by **members of this board** who purchased/leased their NSX from Acura of Libertyville and did not find it necessary to back out of the deal and then proceed onto an expedition of endless ranting.
(3) No attempt is being made to hide one's identity.

We have every intention to refund his money. Frankly, we would like to put this matter behind us and move on. However, we do need the paperwork returned to us. It is not his to keep and we can't let paperwork pertaining to a lease that never happened be out in circulation. And, we would still like to know where the big stick is... Of course, even if it existed it is entirely unnecessary. All we need is our paperwork back. Busy Acura dealers do not have time to play games.

Reason #1: There are theft problems with VINs for higher priced vehicles. see: USA Today

Reason #2: An Illinois tax form (zero IL taxes to pay but customer must still sign the form) was mailed for his signature and we must have a copy of every IL tax form (they are numbered, even voided forms must be retained) or we are subject to a flat fee of $650.00 for a missing form.

As soon as I receive my paperwork, I will refund the money. We did pay for 2 overnight air shipments, countless long distance phone calls, the [expensive] time of dealership employees, and a fee to get out of state license and titling arranged (http://www.autotitling.com/) but despite all these out of pocket expenses, all we really want is our paperwork back! And he sent us an empty envelope and then lied about it.

As to the 7-10 day wait. It is usually just a few days but we believe in under-promising and over-delivering. Even so, we sell every new NSX we can get, all over the country, and all the "non-cash" deals wait for full funding.

The reason for this is simple. Honda Finance can "return" a contract for any reason they want to. We have had cases where an old form was used and they bounced it despite the new form not yet being sent to dealers. Also, a customer could fail to initial in some spot on the contract and it could be returned. The scenario goes like this: (1) car is shipped 1,000+ miles away without funding, (2) Honda Finance bounces contract for a simple reason, (3) We try to re-contract with the customer and FedEx him or her a new contract but they already have their car and have no motivation to hurry and turn around the contract. Meanwhile, our $80,000+ car is on the road with no funding and plenty of aggravation. THUS, a big mess ensues! We are just protecting ourselves. All of our NSX customers who didn't back out of their deal ended up quite happy (with their car and Acura of Libertyville) By the way, only one customer has backed out so far... (any guesses?)

We're an upstanding dealer and want to put this matter behind us, but just want our paperwork back. We already have the car sold to another customer.

Any potential NSX customer that would like references from our many, satisfied, nationwide NSX clients should simply contact us.
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nsxster1 said:
As soon as I receive my paperwork, I will refund the money. We did pay for 2 overnight air shipments, countless long distance phone calls, the [expensive] time of dealership employees, and a fee to get out of state license and titling arranged (http://www.autotitling.com/) but despite all these out of pocket expenses, all we really want is our paperwork back! And he sent us an empty envelope and then lied about it.

First of all,.....it is YOU who has PROVEN YOURSELF to be a liar by coming on here and PRETENDING to be SOMEONE ELSE until I busted you and called you out on it.

Second of all,.......I called you almost everytime on MY cell phone. You might have called me 3 times.

Third of all you received your stupid contract back and are looking for excuses to try and keep my money. As to the VIN being "out there", just about every NSX for sale on www.autotrader.com including brand new ones for sale at dealerships have their VIN #'s posted on there. Stop making excuses to try and keep my money.

Fourth, your delivery policy (the problem's you listed are why other dealership's have people sign a POWER OF ATTORNEY for any mistakes in paperwork) as well as you NOT having a window sticker that I would need to keep the insurance on the car if I bought it and it wasn't delivered in time.......are the reasons why the deal fell through. So why should I have to pay for your employees time????? You should AT LEAST have had the window sticker......you had the car for 2 weeks by the time I talked to you abou it. You said you FORGOT to get in the paperwork to Acura to get the sticker.

Lastly, I have printed out this entire thread and all the emails to show to both Acura and AMEX to prove my case and YOUR pattern of deceptiveness.

Thank you for coming on here and deceitfully lying and pretending to be someone else and proving that YOU are the one who is the LIAR.
Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation.
nsxster1 said:
Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation.

You drop it and refund my money. I'm not the one who was on here posting accusations while not informing people who I was or sending me nasty emails......that was YOU.

YOU say no attemp was made to hide your identity in your original post.....did you say that you were Libertyville Acura posting in it???? NO. Was your screenname: Libertyville Acura?????? NO. Other dealerships post on here, but their screenname is their dealership name because they have nothing to hide.

YOU KNOW you have your stupid contract back and I just want my money back. When I see the $1,000 back on my AMEX online account, then I will let everyone know that you did the right thing.......but until then, the TRUTH is going to be here for EVERYONE to read.
The first post [note: it is unedited] is not quite in keeping with the way you describe. BTW, steveny had no trouble discerning the post's origin... No smoke and mirrors here, my friend...

Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. We will deduct the overnight mail costs that you are aware of and refund your money. We have more productive things to do than to spend this much time conversing with a non-customer. Let's bring this to an end. Just PM or email us and advise the contract is on the way and we can all move on.

If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation.
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nsxster1 said:
The first post [note: it is unedited] is not quite in keeping with the way you describe. BTW, steveny had no trouble discerning the post's origin... No smoke and mirrors here, my friend...

Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. We will deduct the overnight mail costs that you are award of and refund your money. We have more productive things to do than to spend this much time conversing with a non-customer. Let's bring this to an end. Just PM or email us and advise the contract is on the way and we can all move on.

If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation.

Yes it is exactly as I described.......NOWHERE in your post did you in anyway make reference to being Libertyville Acura. Steveny had no problem figuring out what was going on because he is NOT stupid just like I am NOT.

Also, if you HAD been a member of this board before......you would KNOW that this isn't the first time a "BRAND NEW" poster posted on someone's thread in defense of a dealership and then turned out to be the dealership.

You KNOW I CANNOT send you your contract back BECAUSE YOUR ALREADY HAVE IT. I am getting so sick and tired of having this conversation with you.

Do what you want, keep lying and don't refund the money. You're just showing how you are to deal with by doing what you are doing. AMEX will get my money. I spend almost $7k per month on my card and pay it in full each month, so I don't think they want to lose my business over your LIES and DECEIT.
Just drop it, send the paperwork back, and move on with your life. We will deduct the overnight mail costs that you are aware of and refund your money. We have more productive things to do than to spend this much time conversing with a non-customer. Let's bring this to an end. Just PM or email us and advise the contract is on the way and we can all move on.

If any other users want to chat about this thread, contact us. We have a great reputation.