Buy now or later

26 March 2001
I am thinking about purchasing a 91-95 nsx. Do you think that when the new nsx comes out in a year or three, that the prices will drop on the older models. Thanks
I doubt that prices will drop significantly. Used '91's haven't changed in price a whole lot in the past 4-5 years. There seems to be a threshold around $30K where a lot of people will jump into the market.

If you want one and can afford it, get one now and you'll have an extra few years to enjoy it. If you're waiting for prices to drop, you're liable to just keep waiting.
If you've got the money now, AND you find one you like, go for it. I got my '95 from a dealer two years ago, and prices are still about the same. I'm pleasantly surprised. And that means I've had two years to enjoy it!! =)


1995 NSX-T
1997 Integra GS-R 4-dr
1999 3.2TL

[This message has been edited by FuryNSX (edited 29 March 2001).]
I struggled with this question. Life is short and you cannot predict what may happen next year.

I have searched for about 6 weeks now and have found a beautiful '99. It will be mine if we come to terms.

Can't wait.

Good luck
