Car was stolen yesterday JH4NA1154MT001089

gheba_nsx said:
I parked my NSX a couple night outside in the city and I always disconnected ther battery using a switch that is under the hood. (
Hmm...thats even an easier idea than pulling fuses.
I found this one...
Look at the first one on this page--and it's lockable :biggrin: >>>

I am going to order and give it a try.

Thanks for all the moral support. Money aint the issue, I can afford it, had it insured very well, etc. I have 5 cars and the NSX is the only one I really get a misty eyed over being gone, but in the end it's a car. Going to get another one, fer sure :biggrin:

This was the first car ever stolen from the complex I work in, nice part of town, etc. The guys on the tape look like "Fast n Furious" geekers to me.
Anyways, I dont want to reveal much 'cause the losers might be trolling the board, but the cops have been great, have license numbers, couple of witnesses, etc, so chances are good these dicks will be caught at some point. Of course they will probably get 6 months probation....

Talked to the luxury auto theft folks at the Ins Co and they said its most likely in a container on its way to Nigeria, Russia, Jamaica, Mexico, MIddle East (no dis to the members there) etc etc.
Interesting that she has done high line theft for 10 years and only handled perhaps a couple of NSX thefts. They and the cops are scratching heads over this as they all admit its a poor chop shop or joyride candidate for obvious reasons. Most likely a steal to order. Frankly, I'd rather a Columbian drug lord drive it than get it back a basket case.

One smart thing I did was get "agreed value" replacement cost- learn from my theft- call your agend TODAY and get this on your policy.

Just in case, I will trolling the parts boards, EBay. The wheels were kinda rare
(Silver Work Anhelos) so if you see some for sale, PM me and don't notify any authorities. I have some associates in LV I'd like to make the purchase for me.....seriously.
sorry about your loss I hope those guys are found and punished....
jimmycinla said:
Hmm...thats even an easier idea than pulling fuses.
I found this one...
Look at the first one on this page--and it's lockable :biggrin: >>>

I am going to order and give it a try.

I used something like this:


mine did not have any wire. You put the metal part on the (-) pole of the battery between battery and the cable, it is intalled in 10 minutes, and you can switch it on/off in seconds by rotating the black part.

The part is pretty cheap too, around 10$.

Sorry to hear about it.
I had the same thing happen to me years ago. My blk 93 nsx
The most annoying thing was the f-in garage guy telling me that I didnt remember where I parked it and saying that I must have parked on a diff. floor.
He came within inches of losing his life :biggrin:

It really sucks that you can't have anything nice without some dirtbag messing with it
Good luck
Paul M
Two words, TRUNK MONKEY!!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
LeftLane said:
Sorry to hear about your car - maybe it will be found soon.

What the hell is a person who "stills" cars? "Steal" is not that difficult of a word to spell, is it?

(Was that harsh?)

We all make mistakes from time to time………….Sorry professor.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Hope this all gets settled by your insurance.

gheba_nsx said:
I used something like this:


mine did not have any wire. You put the metal part on the (-) pole of the battery between battery and the cable, it is intalled in 10 minutes, and you can switch it on/off in seconds by rotating the black part.

The part is pretty cheap too, around 10$.


So does this unit cuts off all power to the car which means you would have to reset say like your radio's clock setting and stations? Also if you have an aftermarket alarm system, does this mean that it will be shut off (non-operational) too? For those who actually have this, can you chime in? Thanks.
Personally, I'd just install a fuel cutoff switch somewhere in the car. They won't get far...the trick is to hide the switch so only you know where it is, while keeping it easy enough to reach that it's not a pain to engage when you park the car.

Working on mine right now.
On Newer cars the chip in the key makes them very hard to steal without the OEM key - this makes me think that you're was an inside job.

Someone at the garage went with your key (and title/owenership, what was in your glovebox?) to an Acura dealer and had a dupe done.

Scary, but sometimes we order them over the phone and just read off the VIN :eek: :eek: :eek:

My reccos:
1) don't bother with all the anti-theft cut-offs, etc if you have a chipped key (I know the earlier cars that can use the metal key aren't chipped, but I dont know the cut-over year) - if someone is in a position to copy your key it is very likely that you've shown them the anti-kill because they are close to you.
2) Insure your car properly (Like Vegas did) now you get the new car shopping experience! :wink: why be sad, the new one will be cooler.
3) Try not to leave your car with a garage/shop for more than a day - unless you know everyone there, or lots of people who do. One "inside guy" can do you in - but generaly they are a worker bee, who can't do anything until after quitting time.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Hope this all gets settled by your insurance.

So does this unit cuts off all power to the car which means you would have to reset say like your radio's clock setting and stations? Also if you have an aftermarket alarm system, does this mean that it will be shut off (non-operational) too? For those who actually have this, can you chime in? Thanks.

The little fused wire next to the knob keeps your clock and radio presets, but I do not think an alarm would still work, unless you wired it direct to the battery.
are you still expecting to hear from the police? you mentioned the security cameras got the plate of a car involved in the theft. that should be pretty easy to trace (assuming that wasnt stolen too). im curious to know how this turns out, keep us in the loop!
Will post if any new info, nothing so far. Cops think it's halfway to China by now most likely.

I am having Lojack put in the M5 next week. According to BMW, the newer BMWs are very difficult to steal if armed. What is funny is that what the crooks do now if they really want a car that is well protected is they just tow it away.

I, too, thought it was very, very odd it was stolen 3 hours after it left the shop it was in for a week. Cops are looking into it, the lead has to be checked out.

I have a feeling I am going to be NSX-less for a while, I'm real picky and finding another one to my liking is going to be challenging.
robr said:
are you still expecting to hear from the police? you mentioned the security cameras got the plate of a car involved in the theft. that should be pretty easy to trace (assuming that wasnt stolen too). im curious to know how this turns out, keep us in the loop!

Good news!- the security guys at my office have located....... a donut shop!
Seriously, it's almost funny that anyone expects these $7/hour bozos to
be effective.
So does this unit cuts off all power to the car which means you would have to reset say like your radio's clock setting and stations? Also if you have an aftermarket alarm system, does this mean that it will be shut off (non-operational) too? For those who actually have this, can you chime in? Thanks.

Sorry for the late answer, I was in holidays last two weeks.

You are right, you have to re-set the clock and radio stations. I only use this when parking in a "not 100% safe" place for more than 2-3 hours (like in Italy for example :biggrin: ).

The resetting of the radio does not bother me, I never listen to it. The clock can be done in 30 seconds...

I had an alarm on my old red NSX and it used a separate battery when the main one was disconnected.
gheba_nsx said:
Sorry for the late answer, I was in holidays last two weeks.

You are right, you have to re-set the clock and radio stations. I only use this when parking in a "not 100% safe" place for more than 2-3 hours (like in Italy for example :biggrin: ).

The resetting of the radio does not bother me, I never listen to it. The clock can be done in 30 seconds...

I had an alarm on my old red NSX and it used a separate battery when the main one was disconnected.

No problem, thanks for the info.
you got marked, then robbed. Someone at the shop that installed your car marked you.

I never ever give out my real address when and if i take my car in. Its like saying. "if you like my car, check out the security system right now..... make a copy of my key too! and come and take my car at night" :biggrin:

be smart about it.
gheba_nsx said:
I used something like this:


mine did not have any wire. You put the metal part on the (-) pole of the battery between battery and the cable, it is intalled in 10 minutes, and you can switch it on/off in seconds by rotating the black part.

The part is pretty cheap too, around 10$.


my car has a flaming river battery kill switch installed already however i never use it. I was always under the impression that if someone really wanted it, they would just tow it away. Plus I get worried that I'll misplace the battery key.

Here is flaming river's website with battery kill switch info.
I'm going with the shop theory too. We (ins co.) had a theft ring busted about a year ago here. It was out of a well known national electronics store. The car stereo install guys would have the customer's car for at least a few hours. While they had the car there, they would make duplicate keys from the cars and houses (if the customers were dumb enough to hand over all of their keys) They would already have all of the customer info and just go steal the car later.

By the way, what insurance company do you have?
how is a switch under the hood going to do anything....?

lol wont a car thief check?... i know i would.

Car theifs arnt stubid.... cause if they where, they would not be stealing cars... or they would be in jail already.

They would study the way the locks work and have previous knowledge of how to do it and how long it will take.

The underhood swtich in my opinion is ineffective. If a thief knows how to hot wire your ignition ( not very hard ) they surely can check under the hood. Also the ineffectiveness of the hood lies in your unwillingness to use it.... cause everytime you have to pop the hood and get out and disonnected the swtich. Its just the dumb dumb way of doing it.

Acturally a thief would want to get access to your hood first.... cause from there they can really do a number on your secruity system.

Disconnect the battery cable in about 20 seconds..... or just cut the horn wire from under the car..... your left wide open.... and if you put in a switch in there.. that cuts down their time from 20 seconds to about 5 :biggrin:

I dont think any of you have the security run off a back up power supply... i know i dont.

Hotwiring your car with out the alarm is a breeze :biggrin: if they didnt give a crap about your trim.... it would take less then 1 minute to bust your knee padding trim, get a automatic screw driver to undo the top 2 10mm bolts of the metal plate underneeth and rip out your ignition wires. Twist the fattest wire with all the rest then touch the starter wire to the fatest one and there goes your baby.... no drama required. and YES! it will take them as long as it took you to read this paragraph.

easier way is to take a large flat head screw driver. Get a hammer and slam the head in to your ignition. Then you can get a vice grip on the handle and put extreme torque on the ignition cylinder and brake the little pin that is preventing you from turning your key when the tumblers dont line up. :biggrin: This takes like 30 seconds and is the perfered method.

If they really really really want your car in mint condition, they'll just get a flat bed and take your car. :biggrin:

Do a easy fuel cut off switch... whats better is have 3 cut off switches. Ones for the fuel pump, one for the injectors, one for the starter. You can also cut the power to the ECU or the MAF sensor all of which will result in a dead car.

its pretty easy to wire yourself. Just gota get 3 push button swtiches for like 2$ each and some wire and then break the contiunity between the switch and the actural units..... hide 3 puttons in three locations. Activate 1, 2 or all 3 dpending on how unsafe your area is. Thats is THE best security system you can make or buy. It cant be by passed.

As for the dude who got his car snatched.... they marked your car and had 2 drivers follow you to work. If you had even 1 cut off switch or drove to work in the speed, style and fashion the NSX was made to be driven, you would still have your car.

Its not all bad tho. You got your $, someone else got a NSX to part out. You probably just injected 30K into the US economy. Take your money and buy a new one. If you didnt have full coverage...... :biggrin:
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