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Carshow Winner - 56K warning

25 September 2002
I had entered my car at a local car show here in Des Moines a couple of weeks ago. Well it was a little strange answering the preverbal "What kinda car is that anyway" questions.

My son who is 7 years old wanted me to participate and he sat with me during the show. It was a pretty big indoor show with all sorts of nice show cars. Everything from jet powered trucks to Harley choppers and everything else in between.

The whole time my son keep on asking "Dad, are you gonna win 1st place and get one of those big trophies?" I told him the reason we were there was to be a part of the show and those trophies go to only the best cars, (I really did not think about winning anything considering the collection of show cars there.)

The end of the show came and we sat with the crowd as the awards were announced, pictures taken, etc. Then the MC announced the "Second place in the 2 seat class" was me??????? (An AC Cobra took 1st.) I took my son with me as we received a plaque and had our picture taken. It was a great moment for my son. Then the big trophies and checks were awarded last.
The MC announced "And 1st place overall Champion in the Import category is...(drum roll)......ME???????????"

I was shocked to say the least! Again we shook hands, got the big trophy, pix taken, etc and I even won a $100 for 1st place! My son got his wish. Dad's Red Rocket had indeed taken a first place.

The trophy and plaque now are proudly displayed in his room! :smile:










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Wow, congratulations! Your car looks great.

Btw, I got a chuckle out of your captions. "Eye candy...sort of" Haha. :biggrin:

How long did it take to change your dash out like that?!?!?!? :biggrin:
Excellent Job!

skyguy said:

hmmm... First-off, congrats on the showing at the auto show! I love reading such stories, they never get old! That is the essence of the NSX, you don't have to try but you'll still get noticed & appreciated. I think of it as subtle prominence!

However, the pick-up truck pic w/ the two "cruise missile jet engines" is very disturbing. In the aftermath of Worldtrade Center Bombing 1993, Oklahoma City Bombing 1994, Branch Davidian Cultists in Waco TX, Ruby Ridge standoff in CO, and the 9/11 Terrrorist Hijackings & WTC... it just boggles the mind. We spend in excess of $145 billion in Afghanistan & Iraq, more billions to create Dept of Homeland Security, trump up the Dept of Defence budget to over $440 billion, rewrite the Constitution more-or-less to impliment the Patriot Act, and further bolster the FBI & INS. YET, the general public can obtain surplus missile engines? I am a bit furious w/ that pic above. Thank you very much for posting it. My Congressman, Senator, and Homeland Secretary will be getting a personal phone call VERY SOON. :mad:

Iowa area Hooters seem to make me lose my appetite, lol! :p

BTW, I think those liquid-fueled jet turbine engines are from SAM's (Surface-to-Air Missiles), but I can be mistaken... ;)

I know the feeling.... My 10yr old son and I turned up to a Dyno day with all these modded cars and he asked me if I was putting the NSX in. Truth be told no I wasn't but I did it for him...

At the end of the day we took home the trophy for most powerful NA 6 cylinder!

My son has the trophy in his bedroom....
Congratulations!! I know you spent a lot of time preparing the car. Great job. The fact that your son was with you is priceless. One of those moments you both will always remember. Probably the hooters girls as well :biggrin: Seriously, you must know them by their first names by know.

So, the question is, will you do more car shows?

My first show experience was very similar to yours.
Not sure if I am retired or will do it again this year.

Going to build a shelf for your trophy and keep competing? Sounds like your son might keep after you for more shows. I am sure you are teaching him some great lessons with this hobby. Congrats again, you deserve it.
The cab of that truck looks like it might just get in the way of the air that those engines need to operate.

I'm pretty sure those aren't SAM turbines. I think SAM's are much smaller than that.

Congrats on the win.
pt91 said:
Not sure if I am retired or will do it again this year.

Not sure. It was fun, but a lot of work. Maybe my last.

skyguy said:
Not sure. It was fun, but a lot of work. Maybe my last.


It's a lot of work if you don't keep the car immaculate between shows, and it's even harder if the car is your daily driver. My father owned a few show cars when I very young and we travelled to many shows with car in tow. I had a great time, especially when we recieved best in class, and best in show. My father stopped doing this about 25 years ago, but I started to enter some of my cars in shows and began winning a few first place awards, and even and editor choice award from a major magazine. It did become a chore getting ready for the shows, and the scene started to change and the cars that started winning were the imports with all the electronic gizmos galore.

If your son enjoyed the competition and feeling of pride, you should continue to enter some shows. I'd also involve him in the preperation of your car with easy tasks such as polishing the wheels and cleaning the interior of the car. I can still remember polishing the chrome spoke wheels of my fathers Morgan at the show and having people ask me, a kid, about the car. :biggrin: Just think of how much he'll talk about winning a show that he helped in getting the car ready for. I know I couldn't stop talking about it when I was his age. It's also a great way for him to appreciate what you are able to provide for him, and it'll give him the satisfaction of being rewarded for doing a good job. If the big show that you just won was a little over the top for you, check you local newspaper for listings of future car shows that are fund raisers for specific charities. They are usually more laid back and the competition isn't as fierce.
Said it before- I will say it again- NSX's bring Fathers and Sons together. :)

REAL close together if you are driving long distance to NSXPO.

Great story. :D

H-carWizKid said:
Said it before- I will say it again- NSX's bring Fathers and Sons together. :)

What a *Beautiful* Story ! Keep Sharing it !!

like nsxtasy says ... 'NSX... "Spread the Word" ...
Congratulations!! It looks showroom new.

A 1991, I see from your profile. How many miles may I ask??
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