Comptech Supercharger in Daily Driver

12 March 2002
SF Bay Area
Hello All,

I am thinking of putting a Comptech Supercharger kit in my NSX which is my daily driver. I would love to hear from any Comptech Owners out there to give me their input on what they think of this. Does the Supercharger require too much maintenance to be used on a daily driver? Any thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated!
The supercharger requires no more maintenance than a non-supercharged car. My supercharger failed, but it was one of the first 3 units Comptech ever released:
Thanks for the reply. Doesn't the Comptech Supercharger require the oil, belt, and air filter to maintained more regularly and watched more closely than a non-supercharged NSX? Also, it seems to be more effort to change the oil in the Supercharger as it has no drain plug. This is all based upon what I read on the Comptech Web-site.

Let me know your thoughts.
I too have one of the early "hand made manifold" units. IMO the addition of the SC only improves the driveability of the car and the maintenance should not be a consideration. These are all easy items to monitor and maintain, especially by a certified tech.
The oil change is easy - go to an auto parts store and buy a hand-held vacuum pump. I can do a supercharger oil change in ten minutes. I do mine at every engine oil change.
Again thanks for the replies regarding the NSX supercharger. Has anyone changed to the Comptech Performance clutch as well or are you using the stock clutch? What I like about the NSX for daily driving is the easy clutch and I have heard the Comptech clutch isn't as light to use.

Thanks in Advance!!

[This message has been edited by Rococo (edited 18 March 2002).]
i've had my ct blower installed for ~15K miles in ~15 months... never a hiccup from it and it's been buckets of fun. were i doing thinking of having a blower added, i'd check w/mark on his unit... better performance and price, if i read it right; that said, there might be some negotiating room in the ct pricing these days.
