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Connecticut school shooting

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This is SO beyond tragic - haven't been this disturbed with an event since 9/11. Just kept thinking about my own 6 year-old, and how awful it must be for all of those families.
Unthinkable, unimaginable that some creton could do such a thing to young innocent children. Ugh. No answers - it's hard to stop crazy I guess. Prayers to all of those affected.
Knives? Guns? Donkeys are what need banning

This recent attack in Connecticut solidifies that metal detectors need to be put in all schools. The level of evil which took place today supersedes anything which could be imagined to date. There is no way to put into words how the families of those affected could possible feel.

Unfortunately, metal detectors won't help. If someone comes to do damage with a mentality like this, they won't stop for a metal detector .
I was thinking of a sally port type of system that places the detector at the first set of doors and locks the second set if the detector goes off. This wouldn't even require a human to monitor the system. Even better would be a detector after the first set of doors but way before the second set which would lock both sets of doors trapping the perp between both sets and at the same time sending a call/signal to all law enforcement in the area. Obviously it needs to be bullet proof. Like with all crime there is no way to stop it but slowing it down is key to limiting damage. Again like all crime the criminal most always picks the easiest target. Once schools are secured nut jobs will go elsewhere. Staying ahead of the creeps is hard to do.
This is just horrible, Im spending all day playing with my kids today :(

This is an interesting read at the end of this article regarding the government response in Australia after our largest mass shooting, where children were also victims.

As a gun enthusiast myself I hate to say it , but the government buying all of our guns back, and extremely tight ownership laws, seems to have worked here, as nothing like this has happened since. Don't get me wrong there is still sporadic gun crime here, but nothing like it used to be, I remember when I was 13years old I could buy a semi auto from the gun smith with a note from my parents !!!!
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what critics of metal detectors say about elementary/kindergarden applications is that with all the junk kids have on them it takes too long to screen for metal each morning..I say bull..it all starts with mom and dad.We will not solve the age old debate on prime about who or what kills,guns or people......but again in my mind we as a community need to be more proactive /reactive with those around us who raise our internal red flags.....Most of the mass killers have had some issues that should have been acted upon....we'll see as more info on this shooter come to light.
Reports say the shooter was autistic / asperger syndrome..
interesting..afaik violence is not a typical trait or behavior of aspergers patients.....and there are variable disabilities...how these kinds of kids are raised is even more important...there are specific learning/emotional environments these kids need to do well.
i was riding with some co-workers who where ranting about how Obama wants to take guns off the street, honestly after watching these horrific events i can understand why we need stricter gun control. Im am really bothered by this particular shooting. :mad:
My .02.

Everything in the climate of public opinion generated by extreme violence combines to disturb the mind and heart about firearms. The masses, after having been exposed so acutely to the horror of violence, violently react against it. A sort of conventional wisdom spreads rapidly which not only curses firearms in general, but leads men to believe that they are an outmoded defense, for no better reason than that they want it to be so, and this brings with it a form of catharsis. To inspire a sense of guilt, we condemn ourselves as being our own worst enemy. A veil is drawn over the good that the Right to Bear Arms affords and the freedom it provides.

We live with the good and bad from our rights every day. The right to free speech, a free press, and yes, the right to bear arms. We constrain them at our own peril.
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All I wanted to do after hearing of this today was to come home and hug my little girl. God bless those poor families and may all the victims rest in peace.
This is not insanity but just plain evil. I don't remember being more angered by any other shootings than this one. I have a 6 and a 14 yo boys and I just can't imagine these families will EVER recover from this ordeal. Forgive me if I sound sick. Since that scumbag is dead and all the families will never have a chance to confront him face to face, I would think letting them kick the hell out of that piece of shit's corpse might offer a little consolations.
I don't really know what to say. It's horrific. I have two boys (7 and 5) and this scumbag pretty much drove through my neck of the woods to get to where he did the shooting. It's my understanding now that he killed his mother and drove to the school where she was a teacher. I'm a gun enthusiast and I really don't know what to do about this problem. We have very harsh gun laws but they can not stop some crazy person from doing this kind of thing. It's getting a lot more common these days. My heart goes out to the families. I can not imagine what they are going through.
its just so unreal to ingest the chain of events that happened, I don't have any children of my own like many of you I'm sure do, but its so sad to see how some sick bastard comes in point blank, take these children's lives with so much hope and joy for years to come. All to be taken in a matter of seconds. No one will understand why but I know I will be praying for the families and friends endured by this tragedy.
We have very harsh gun laws .

no, we really don't.

This shooting makes me angry. Those kids didn't do anything to die. It's ironic that on the same day a lunatic goes into a Chinese school with a knife, tries to kill roughly the same amount of kids. They all survive, the kids in the U.S. all die. There goes the marketing slogan "guns don't kill people, people kill people" devised in some marketing boardroom. Turns out, guns do kill.

Someone explain these numbers to me. The rest of the world thinks we are nuts:

. We have very harsh gun laws but they can not stop some crazy person from doing this kind of thing. .

I don't know about that. If it is true that he used hanguns all legally purchased by his mother - which they said he did, then maybe if his mother hasn't bought 4 handguns, he would not have had such easy access to the guns. In the end, his mother died being shot by her own gun by her crazy kid.

If she didn't have so many guns, would that have stopped him from doing this? Who knows. He probably would have found a way to get some guns, but it might have taken a while. Maybe someone would have caught on to him buying a bunch of guns and warned someone. It's all just speculation on my end.
no, we really don't.

This shooting makes me angry. Those kids didn't do anything to die. It's ironic that on the same day a lunatic goes into a Chinese school with a knife, tries to kill roughly the same amount of kids. They all survive, the kids in the U.S. all die. There goes the marketing slogan "guns don't kill people, people kill people" devised in some marketing boardroom. Turns out, guns do kill.

Someone explain these numbers to me. The rest of the world thinks we are nuts:


We have something in the order of 300 million guns in this country. Japan bans all gun ownership, even by law enforcement. They've also never had a gun culture in their history where gun ownership by ruled citizens was deemed acceptable. Japan is also a police state. Switzerland has laws requiring ownership of weapons by citizens along with mandatory training. Really what it comes down to is we have a cultural problem exacerbated by the presence of guns. We'd pretty much have to become a police state in order for a gun ban to work or to enforce laws some want to impose. That's doesn't even come close to addressing what we do about the 300 million guns out there now. Chicago and DC have some of the strictest laws regarding firearms in our nation yet black teens are serving as target practice in these areas. It's a complex problem that starts with people.
I actually grew up with, and was friends with, a person whose nephew was killed in this shooting. There a no words that can express any of our sympathy, what do you do???

I'm a supporter of gun ownership, however there has to be greater control. Now that I have children I'm more inclined to protect my family where ever we go, however I now also think about their safety in the house. For that reason, I've bought two safes which no one but myself can access to my guns. It's going to be impossible to remove guns from our society, however we must make it more difficult for people to own guns. Maybe a family background check is needed. I don't know. However the first step that needs to be done is to provide a safe environment for our children. If this means having more armed security at every school, then so be it. I'd rather my children walk past an armed gaurd at school than hide from an armed crazy person on a shooting spree in a school.

When innocent kindergartener's get killed it's time to do some serious soul searching.
WTF is wrong with people?
That's the wrong point of view IHMO. Your psycho guys are living freely among all the others, are even allowed to buy guns (thanks to the rifle society) and now you're shocked that this happens. That's hypocritial. I'm sorry to say I'm not. It happened in the past and will happen in the future until you fix the real problem. This is the backside of the medal.

All my condolecences to the people who have been hurt or killed.

EDIT: I know I'll get a lot of critism for the following video I came across but it shows that good and bad are very close to each other. Dumb people do dumb things and sometimes to other people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMC93BY88j8 It's even more thinkable to come across such a video on www.
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