Cop punches girl in the head

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Here's more of the video. Looks like ABC cut some off.
You can see the chick trying to 'get at' the cop and being held back and then breaks free. IMO, his life was in danger with 4 hands grabbing near his gun. I'm not sure it would have been out of line for him to pull his gun and fire.

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Here's more of the video. Looks like ABC cut some off.
You can see the chick trying to 'get at' the cop and being held back and then breaks free. IMO, his life was in danger with 4 hands grabbing near his gun. I'm not sure it would have been out of line for him to pull his gun and fire.

No way! The cop threw a punch right to the face, this was just pure rage for being pushed. I bet you that if his guy's wife did the same thing she would come away with a black eye. He should have stepped back, pulled his weapon/taser/pepper spray and commanded her to desist. The girl pushes him back and is separated from him and he re-engages. This was a case of rage, he was going to show her who was in charge. Guy needs to be fired.
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No way! The cop threw a punch right to the face, this was just pure rage for being pushed. I bet you that if his guy's wife did the same thing she would come away with a black eye. He should have stepped back, pulled his weapon/taser and commanded her to desist. The girl pushes him back and is separated from him and he re-engages. This was a case of rage.

Unless you're a cop, you don't know. Unless you live in that area, you don't know.
I am not a cop nor do I live there, but I can tell you, I have many freinds in blue and have the utmost respect for most police officers. Of course like anything else, there will always be the bad ones.

In this case, we didn't see what happened before hand. What I see is 2 girls, going after an officer, they are resisting, plain and simple. They are NOT listening to his commands, plain and simple.
We were not there and we can't make the call, but I think he did the right thing. Maybe he couldn't reach for his taser, or feared they would get it. You can see it's just 1 officer and a group of lookers. Does anyone jump in to help the officer? Personally I would rather be punched then be tasered, but that's me. To me it makes no difference if the threat is a man or a woman, you resist, this is what happens. This doesn't mean he would wail off and his wife either. A fight with your significant other is not the same thing as being in a crowd of people you don't know.

Simply put, when you're stopped/questioned by Police be respectful if not it only makes it worse.
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Unless you're a cop, you don't know. Unless you live in that area, you don't know.
I am not a cop nor do I live there, but I can tell you, I have many freinds in blue and have the utmost respect for most police officers. Of course like anything else, there will always be the bad ones.

In this case, we didn't see what happened before hand. What I see is 2 girls, going after an officer, they are resisting, plain and simple. They are NOT listening to his commands, plain and simple.
We were not there and we can't make the call, but I think he did the right thing. Maybe he couldn't reach for his taser, or feared they would get it. You can see it's just 2 officers and a group of lookers. Personally I would rather be punched then be tasered, but that's me. To me it makes no difference if the threat is a man or a woman, you resist, this is what happens. This doesn't mean he would wail off and his wife either. A fight with your significant other is not the same thing as being in a crowd of people you don't know.

Simply put, when you're stopped/questioned by Police be respectful if not it only makes it worse.

I won't disagree with you that the girls should not have resisted. You or I would not be in this situation. However, they are trained professionals and this officer did not react in a professional manner, he let rage take over.

The girl in the pink comes over and pushes the officer. At that moment, they are separated. He wasn't defending himself to get her off of him. He should have stepped back and done what he was trained to do - which I'm sure is not re-engage and punch the person in the face.

Look it's not an easy job and some people should not be officers, this is one of them.

As a professional pilot we are trained to handle certain situations. Every one reacts differently and every situation is unique and you don't know until it happens. In the two major emergencies I have encountered in my career one First Officer handled it well and one froze and cried like a baby leaving me virtually alone in the cockpit to handle the situation. He was subsequently forced to resign. Some people, regardless of their training and past performance don't have the disposition to perform certain tasks. This cop should find something else to do for a living.

I don't envy police officers. Their job is hard and they have split seconds to make judgments and life or death decisions. But so do other professions. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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I won't disagree with you that the girls should not have resisted. You or I would not be in this situation. However, they are trained professionals and this officer did not react in a professional manner, he let rage take over.

The girl in the pink comes over and pushes the officer. At that moment, they are separated. He wasn't defending himself to get her off of him. He should have stepped back and done what he was trained to do - which I'm sure is not re-engage and punch the person in the face.

Look it's not an easy job and some people should not be officers, this is one of them.

As a professional pilot we are trained to handle certain situations. Every one reacts differently and every situation is unique and you don't know until it happens. In the two major emergencies I have encountered in my career one First Officer handled it well and one froze and cried like a baby leaving me virtually alone in the cockpit to handle the situation. He was subsequently forced to resign. Some people, regardless of their training and past performance don't have the disposition to perform certain tasks. This cop should find something else to do for a living.

I would agree that they are almost separated for a split second, but look closely, they are both still going after him. It's not, hey we are separated now let's talk. Both these girls are in a rage, and until the punch the officer doesn't even look very upset he's just trying to calm them down.

I think we will just agree to disagree.
Here is the key you are missing. The cop bites his bottom lip as he re-engages and punches her. In behavioral psychology this is a classic sign of rage. I stand by my assertion, he should have stepped back and taken control of the situation. He didn't.

The girl in the black is now 3' away and not moving towards him and the girl in the pink is standing still waiting for the retaliation, which I'm sure she has been in fights before and knows it's coming.

I don't think that he should have stepped back and "talked". He should have stepped back and drawn his weapon/taser/pepper spray and commanded them to get on the ground. He didn't.
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cop vs cop :biggrin:

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I don't think that he should have stepped back and "talked". He should have stepped back and drawn his weapon/taser/pepper spray and commanded them to get on the ground. He didn't.

I think with the belligerent actions of those two women, that would have been a big mistake and someone could have ended up seriously injured....or even dead. What a mess that would be.

I'm not the biggest proponent of police officers and I surely don't condone police brutality, but I think the officer was well within his duty to use physical force to defuse that situation. Which he did.
No way! The cop threw a punch right to the face, this was just pure rage for being pushed. I bet you that if his guy's wife did the same thing she would come away with a black eye. He should have stepped back, pulled his weapon/taser/pepper spray and commanded her to desist. The girl pushes him back and is separated from him and he re-engages. This was a case of rage, he was going to show her who was in charge. Guy needs to be fired.

Wrong... rage would have been multiple punches. They teach cops to punch/jab people to stun them and re-take control of the situation. There was also a crowd forming.. to pull a weapon (pepper spray or gun) imo would have made it even worse.

She was way out of line... we need to let cops do their jobs... and she deserved everything she got.
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Couple of observations on my part...

1. Police officer should not have punched her.
2. He should have shot both of them.
3. Do Not J-walk.
4. It's George Bush's fault.
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Couple of observations on my part...

1. Police officer should not have punched her.
2. He should have shot both of them.
3. Do Not J-walk.
4. It's George Bushe's fault.

Whoaaaaa! There's no e in Bush.:biggrin:
Well the first problem I see is that he didn't put enough hip rotation in his punching mechanism. A more efficient punch would incorporate more twisting of the body generating the power from the feet. He should also try to make more a snaping motion, rather than trying to "push" his punch. :wink:
Wrong... rage would have been multiple punches. They teach cops to punch/jab people to stun them and re-take control of the situation. There was also a crowd forming.. to pull a weapon (pepper spray or gun) imo would have made it even worse.

She was way out of line... we need to let cops do their jobs... and she deserved everything she got.

+1 she totally deserved it
Wrong... rage would have been multiple punches. They teach cops to punch/jab people to stun them and re-take control of the situation. There was also a crowd forming.. to pull a weapon (pepper spray or gun) imo would have made it even worse.

She was way out of line... we need to let cops do their jobs... and she deserved everything she got.

I agree. There is zero need to be belligerent to a cop, the moment you do so, you are on your own and deserve what you get. If you have behavioral issues, switch to decaf, and maybe cut down on the redbull. :wink::biggrin:

PS That Chris Rock video is classic gold, but has some truth to it.
I think she got what she deserves and wouldnt be surprised if these two planned this. Just two girls looking for a payday IMO .... lets hope this dosent get twisted now. I bet Rev AL is already there to make sure justice is served
At that point he should have radioed for back up if he didnt already and then just peppersprayed both of them. Just because they are a girl doesn't mean they don't deserve to get punched if they are assaulting a police officer.......

If anything he should have used some take down moves instead of the punch, that would have looked a lot better.....but not every department uses the koga methods for arrest and control tactics and some academys don't have any a.c.t really at all.

It just never looks good when you punch a female so he's going to get in some kind of heat regardless.

Also you have to remember depending on the situation and I am not talking about this might not even have a chance to reach for pepper spray or whatevers given on your situation.

It'll be interesting to see what happens out of this...whether the department will back him up or let him fry.
First video, cop did the right thing. I probably feel he was getting physically tired and had just enough left in him to punch the girl and take her into custody. Had he grabbed her arm and twisted her around to cuff her he would have been placing his back to the other girl in black and thus leaving his weapon exposed to be grabbed by the girl in black.

Second video, the cop should have allowed the girl to make her phone call. He obviously turned the camera off and beat her because she was being defiant.
EDIT. If that were Renee punched in the face that hard because of her prior surgery she would be dead. This is something that every officer needs to keep in mind, physical force is sometime necessary BUT the individual may have a condition where normal physical force just to prove who is in charge may end up killing someone. I am sure there are people who wouldn't have a problem with that on their conscious but I would hope that it's only a few people. To the officers on this board please keep that in mind when physical force is necessary.

Third video, the off duty cop should have been let go. The on duty officer was obviously pulling him over using the fishing technique that other officers here have said they use. Once he informed the on duty officer that he was an off duty officer he should have been on his way, HOWEVER the on duty officer was a FOOL for allowing him to go back to his car to get his ID KNOWING that he had a gun. IMO that was a huge mistake and could have cost him his life if he was in fact not a cop and had a shot gun in the car.
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Clearly the guy is a Ryu from Street Fighter 2 fan. He gave her a weak jab, thinking she would block or get stunned, but he didn't move in for the throw or leg sweep quick enough.

Lesson learned, always use the shoryuken, 60% of the time, it works every time. :biggrin:
Third video, the off duty cop should have been let go. The on duty officer was obviously pulling him over using the fishing technique that other officers here have said they use. Once he informed the on duty officer that he was an off duty officer he should have been on his way, HOWEVER the on duty officer was a FOOL for allowing him to go back to his car to get his ID KNOWING that he had a gun. IMO that was a huge mistake and could have cost him his life if he was in fact not a cop and had a shot gun in the car.

Agree 100% no self preservation sense in the duty officer and a lot of arrogance and ignorance.