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Covid Vaccine

the delta wave is predominantly a pandemic of the unvaccinated.Yes many vaccinated folks will have mild symptoms..the relaxed restrictions put those not protected at greater risk.The folks who refuse the vaccine get sick but don't die seem to accept their fate because they distrust the vaccines so much.

Agree. It’s really sad to see. The only people I see dying from COVID around here are unvaccinated. I haven’t seen a single vaccinated person die from COVID. Thankfully, in my part of Ohio, the COVID situation is not dire…but but it’s coming…from south to north. Getting ready for a long fall.
yep there is alot of science fiction in the vaccines....:rolleyes:
so got my moderna booster....10 months after second dose..first 12 hours nothing ..got tired 12-14..then the flu like symptoms started pretty severe like My second full dose...gone in 24 hours...
I took the Moderna booster 10 days ago. This was nine months after my second Moderna vaccine. I had fatigue, chills, and low-grade fever 24 hours after, but I slept it off overnight and was fine the next day.

In the interim between original vaccination and booster, I had one upper respiratory illness, brought home by my son from school. Thankfully, PCR testing showed it not to be COVID-19.

I’m confident enough in the vaccinations that I’m headed to Florida next week for a cruise. We are driving down instead of flying, to preserve our social bubble. Will be masking up in crowded areas…IDGAF whether people stare or not. Cruise is vaccinated only and masks are required inside except when eating.
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at this point gotta live life...Funny how in retrospect in years past when viewing news feed from other parts of the world where masking for sars was common I was like "never in the US":eek:
at this point gotta live life...Funny how in retrospect in years past when viewing news feed from other parts of the world where masking for sars was common I was like "never in the US":eek:

I agree. NOW I understand what was going on in East Asia, and why back then.

It’s going to be a while before I go maskless outside of well ventilated restaurants. COVID will have to be at a low background level in my community, for months, before I consider going maskless in my office. This is the one time I wish I could’ve gone into neuroradiology LOL.
Yep...I'm a human mushroom...:redface:
so how are all us boosted folks doing...anyone getting symptoms from Omicron?
Pfizer double shot in March
Moderna booster on 12/21
Covid positive on 12/30

Very mild symptoms - headache, 99F, minor cough, weird shooting pains in the stomach and back.

Currently in lockdown - most likely Delta based on 5 day incubation.

The booster was worse than anything thus far - fractured a few ribs the week before ice skating and 102F fever and shakes were not kind.
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Same as above unvaccinated, mild cold like symptoms, headache slightly elevated temperature. I have been getting stuck at work due to OmahaCorn burning it’s self threw most of NY. Long mandatory 16hr working shifts the Covid Quarantine unit two kids at home for Christmas break leaves little to no time for sleep I’m 100% positive I’m getting sick from being over worked and run down. I have been exposed more times then I can count with zero positive tests because I have to test weekly. So far enjoying my 10 days off. Took a few Tylenol and feeling about 80%. I have got Covid D at the start of the pandemic with zero complications or symptoms. Just felt a lil tired kind of like I do now. I do have some upper back pain but I started trail running daily a a few days ago to get in better shape. So I attribute the stiffness to working mussels I haven’t in a while. Other then that I feel pretty normal. Waiting for my official test results to come back but the at home kit is showing positive.
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Same as above unvaccinated, mild cold like symptoms, headache slightly elevated temperature. I have been getting stuck at work due to OmahaCorn burning it’s self threw most of NY. Long mandatory 16hr working shifts the Covid Quarantine unit two kids at home for Christmas break leaves little to no time for sleep I’m 100% positive I’m getting sick from being over worked and run down. I have been exposed more times then I can count with zero positive tests because I have to test weekly. So far enjoying my 10 days off. Took a few Tylenol and feeling about 80%. I have got Covid D at the start of the pandemic with zero complications or symptoms. Just felt a lil tired kind of like I do now. I do have some upper back pain but I started trail running daily a a few days ago to get in better shape. So I attribute the stiffness to working mussels I haven’t in a while. Other then that I feel pretty normal. Waiting for my official test results to come back but the at home kit is showing positive.

are you saying you are unvaccinated and testing weekly because of it?...I'm seeing false positives with the home tests only to be negative when tested in the ER...
so how are all us boosted folks doing...anyone getting symptoms from Omicron?

Don’t know about omicron since we have been on recess but we had three outbreaks in the courthouse resulting from exposure to symptomatic unvaxxed workers before omicron was identified. We had symptoms across the board with our vaxxed and boosted workers. No hospitalizations but all had the monoclonal infusions.
are you saying you are unvaccinated and testing weekly because of it?...I'm seeing false positives with the home tests only to be negative when tested in the ER...

Yeah my job requires us to be tested weekly. Negative test result as of a few days ago on an official send in test to a lab. It’s been about 2 days since I worked the Covid quarantine unit. Got a low grade fever, cold sweats last night and a migraine that was fixed with some Tylenol. Took an at home test today and it’s positive. Just sent my weekly test in early to get the official results. We have a bunch of people already out most asymptomatic or mild flu like symptoms both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated. It is the holidays and we are so understaffed as it is so people are also using it as an excuse to get Christmas and New Years off so there’s that to.
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My wife and I got our booster shots last week (Pfizer / Moderna, respectively) and my side effects were almost none, my wife mild). We are still discussing whether to get our 6 and 10 year old kids their vaccines.

I’m now reasonably convinced that we all will “get” Covid in the next year, whether we have been vaccinated. As previously noted, those vaccinated will be less affected.
I was vaccinated (Pfizer, Jan/Feb 21), and boosted (Moderna, Nov 21). Recently got Omicron before Christmas...... after two days of a scratchy threat (common to me all year) it came on fast and furious! Body temp increased >4* in 2 hours. Body aches supreme. Tylenol controlled the fever, eventually cold symptoms developed (thank you DayQuil/NyQuil). Took me about a week after the fever's start to test negative...... another week of weakness, fatigue, and cold residuals.

Thankfully, I quarantined in the study and an upstairs bedroom/bath and kept away from everyone else. Ether I carried out food from a drive thru or it was brought to me by a masked person.... nobody else got sick. The last two days I finally have felt pretty normal.
^ it’s strange to see how this thing rolls like waves. Seems like every 60 mins it changes. Massive migraine like headache for an hour and then switches to chest and rib pain and coughing for an hour and then feel completely normal for a couple hours to have a mild fever, sore back and joint pain come on. Recycle that for the last 4 days.

Luckily had some codeine/guaifen laying around and knocks the cough out completely.

Overall if it wasn’t for the fractured ribs overall extremely mild.
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Low grade Fever is gone. Migraine is gone. Feeling 95% now lil stuffy but that could just be my seasonal allergies. 10 days off from work will be nice tho.
My mother in law started feeling ill a few days ago; had Covid a bit over a year ago, but refuses to get the vaccine over political reasons. She apparently has the flu, her husband called 911 last night because she was feeling so poor.

Rather than seeking medical treatment, she started taking ivermectin (from Amazon); I’m not sure if that contributed to her trip to ER, but she didn’t disclose that to medical staff at hospital.

I don’t understand it. I just don’t get it.
My mother in law started feeling ill a few days ago; had Covid a bit over a year ago, but refuses to get the vaccine over political reasons. She apparently has the flu, her husband called 911 last night because she was feeling so poor.

Rather than seeking medical treatment, she started taking ivermectin (from Amazon); I’m not sure if that contributed to her trip to ER, but she didn’t disclose that to medical staff at hospital.

I don’t understand it. I just don’t get it.
Sigh... i just don't get it either. I guess they so deeply trust their sources for news and conspiracies that they believe it all, hook, line, and sinker.

About 30% of Americans are unvaccinated... but 90% of Covid hospitals census is unvaccinated. It pretty much says it all.

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The rumoured blood clots make me worry on these vaccines
valid... but the percentages are low. The last I looked, it was 5 or 6 per 1 million doses.

Of course, people are getting blood clots from a covid infection. A few hospitals in our area did record amputations in 2020 and 2021 as a result of covid infections that caused blood clots.

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i work for a 95-hospital health system, so we get a lot of well-vetted information disseminated to the executive teams.

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