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Covid Vaccine

I was vaccinated (Pfizer, Jan/Feb 21), and boosted (Moderna, Nov 21). Recently got Omicron before Christmas...... after two days of a scratchy threat (common to me all year) it came on fast and furious! Body temp increased >4* in 2 hours. Body aches supreme. Tylenol controlled the fever, eventually cold symptoms developed (thank you DayQuil/NyQuil). Took me about a week after the fever's start to test negative...... another week of weakness, fatigue, and cold residuals.

Thankfully, I quarantined in the study and an upstairs bedroom/bath and kept away from everyone else. Ether I carried out food from a drive thru or it was brought to me by a masked person.... nobody else got sick. The last two days I finally have felt pretty normal.


Glad to hear to you fully recovered.

My brother (physician at local Hospital) has been working the Covid unit last couple months, he’s shocked at the numbers of patients they have. Unfortunately not many people are taking the virus seriously.
so how are all us boosted folks doing...anyone getting symptoms from Omicron?

Still haven't gotten COVID-19 now almost two years in. Yay. But I expect to at some point. I did have a minor head cold in November, but I tested negative multiple times.

People out here don't give a shit anymore, they are DONE with COVID. Meanwhile, I'm still masking up at work and with crowds inside. *shrugs*
Hass, thx for the kind words. Hope you and your family are doing well!

Bob, i hear ya.

Our hospital in Cali is stuffed full, highest covid census ever. 50-75 patients waiting for treatment in the ER... no room at the Inn.

On that note, their mental health caseload is quadruple a normal period. People are losing their effing minds...the reality is our society is soft. The least bit of adversity-- no, inconvenience -- triggers Karen Mode.

OMG what would they have done during WW II, our parents and grandparents want off to a brutal war, while back home wexrationed food, fuel, and commodities?

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Hass, thx for the kind words. Hope you and your family are doing well!

Bob, i hear ya.

Our hospital in Cali is stuffed full, highest covid census ever. 50-75 patients waiting for treatment in the ER... no room at the Inn.

On that note, their mental health caseload is quadruple a normal period. People are losing their effing minds...the reality is our society is soft. The least bit of adversity-- no, inconvenience -- triggers Karen Mode.

OMG what would they have done during WW II, our parents and grandparents want off to a brutal war, while back home wexrationed food, fuel, and commodities?

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Agree with every word here. The hospitals I work at here in Northeast Ohio passed their Omicron peak a couple weeks ago and hospitalizations are steadily decreeasing. 99.8% of the people hospitalized with COVID symptoms are unvaccinated. Most vaccinated people I see who are admitted COVID positive (because we screen everyone) is admitted for a non-COVID problem, and they remain asymptomatic during their stay. It's not just a certain political type who's unvaccinated, either, it's a wide swath of just regular people who have said "nah" to vaccination.

I've tired of remininding people that with vaccination, their likelihood of hospitalization and intubation is much lower.

I have many, MANY choice words for the current situation, but will keep them to myself. All I can do is make sure my family is vaccinated and boosted. My 15 year old had his booster last weekend and after 36 hour of soreness, he was back to his normal.

Meanwhile, my consolation prize for near front line work is the 2004 S2000 I just picked up to share garage space with my NSX and CTS-V wagon. Waiting for the transporter to call even as I type.
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Congratulations on the new ride! World's best example of making lemonade out of lemons!!

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Nice gift to yourself...S2000 is a fantastic bang for buck!
On that note, their mental health caseload is quadruple a normal period. People are losing their effing minds...the reality is our society is soft. The least bit of adversity-- no, inconvenience -- triggers Karen Mode.

OMG what would they have done during WW II, our parents and grandparents want off to a brutal war, while back home wexrationed food, fuel, and commodities?

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We have become a softer (kindler) world. But we are better for it as well; at least I’d like to hope so.

I grew up in the Cold War, with parents who were from the greatest generation, kinda a Gen X on steroids. The current youth (under 20) are going to be tougher than those of the Baby Boomer through Gen Z, because all they have know is the War on Terror, the Great Recession, and the Covid plague.

Fortunately we are all softer than the Black Plague era when 1/3 of the population died. For perspective, that is about 100+ times more than Covid (for the US)
alot of my fellow front liners esp in the ER setting are having ptsd like symptoms..just so many intubations and dead bodies over the last 2 years...
alot of my fellow front liners esp in the ER setting are having ptsd like symptoms..just so many intubations and dead bodies over the last 2 years...

I can imagine.

I spent an overnight in a local hospital in May 2020 after an SVT. A huge hospital that was 95% empty because of the virus, but that was during the lockdown and just before one of the surges.

Having lost a partner after a week in ICU 15 years ago, I still have bad memories of that 1 experience. I can only imagine that times a hundred.
Imagine working the same Covid unit, walking by the same room your parent laid in, on same machine the parent was on 6 weeks before passing. That’s what my brother goes through every day.

Couple of his peers go through the same thing.
plus you see all sorts oh healthy looking folks teetering...how can you not be fearful for yourself.....
I’m resurrecting this thread, last week one of my co-workers caught the virus after a weekend of Mother’s Day festivities. Including me, at least 3, possibly 4 of us have tested positive. I had my first booster (3rd shot overall) less than 5 months ago. I’m almost asymptomatic, just started feeling a bit worn out yesterday.
which shot?
yep the curves I have seen around the NE are endemic like...I have likely been exposed numerous times since my first booster in November....my hospital system has not mandated a second booster yet..
I was thinking about getting my booster, but I figured it wasn’t quite time.

I was waiting until the northeast was out of control again which it is close to being near me. Coincidentally I skipped my monthly dinner with some buddies on Wednesday to get my 4th vax. We require our group to be boosted and test negative day of the dinner.

Everyone was boosted and negative. One positive and symptomatic the next day (Thursday). 4th from that dinner just tested positive today. There is no avoiding it unless you live alone in a bubble.
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Yes, I'm pretty sure there's another surge going on right now, much like the omicron surge just after the holidays.

When will society start treating COVID-19 as "just another bug", which is what it has become? If we constantly tested people for every common virus, we could work ourselves into a lather about all of them as well. By this point, everyone who wants to be vaccinated is, so let's just get on with life, please!
agree it is part of the biosphere/ ecosystem now
I did not get any booster shots, and will not be getting any booster shots in the future.

I was fully vaxed and got the Delta variant of covid last summer. Since then my c-reactive protein levels have been abnormally high. I think it is due to the shot or virus. Everything else with my blood work checks out fine. My Endocrinologist and Cardiologist sort of agree with my assumption, but I can't pin point it to being the result of the vaccine or virus.

I'm back outta here.

I did not get any booster shots, and will not be getting any booster shots in the future.

I was fully vaxed and got the Delta variant of covid last summer. Since then my c-reactive protein levels have been abnormally high. I think it is due to the shot or virus. Everything else with my blood work checks out fine. My Endocrinologist and Cardiologist sort of agree with my assumption, but I can't pin point it to being the result of the vaccine or virus.

I'm back outta here.


I’m sorry, but is you condition good, bad, or just out of normal?