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Easiest way to own a NSX

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One question I have, is it a conflict of interest if Kim Williford of the North Carolina Adult Probation & Parole Office (as exposed earlier) is the partner of someone previously convicted of a sexual crime? Just a question..

My guess is that they are two different people. The Kim with Nick is listed with Intelius as having lived in Georgia and SC. "Kim" claims to be the mother "of two of his children" with the older being 3. The timing and logistics would not make sense that she was the same person as in North Carolina.
I missed the video. Can you relink it or what page is it on?

<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=0&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=0&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

Is that OK?
just when you think this thread peaked nick and "family" return. it gets better and better.
lol @ nick trying the best defense is an offense strategy

running an illegal gambling site with a pedo record ftl

where's that nsxprime donation link again?
<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=0&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=0&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

Is that OK?

OHMIGOD that's funny.

Thanks. :)
Nick just keeps digging his hole (instead of a 15 year old's, this time...) deeper and deeper. I'm suprised he hasn't dug his way to China.
My name is kim williford and i am not only the fiancee of the "Nick Sitko" you are using for your entertainment. I am also the mother of two of his young children. now i know that you guys are so ignorant that you dont understand the magnitude of what you are doing to MY family. We are being victimized because of this. You are not only allowing this to continue, you are spamming it to get hits to your pathetic forum. I know how this works. in the meantime you are the cause of physicall harrasment that i am having to deal with. mind you I am not a sex offender and i have dont nothing wrong.

We have 2 kids one is 3 and the other is 6 months. i know have to explain this to the daycare center that my child attends. nick has never forced himsef on anyone.

His conviction was in 2001 not 2003 and your facts are wrong. He just turned 21 when this happened and yes this girl lied about her age. i have this documented in court records.

Just so you know i can prove this garbage about him raping kids to be untrue! In fact the mother of the girl didnt want to press the charges, it was the stepfather. You have no idea what you have done to me and my children. AS far as our money and taxes. our hands are clean on that and i have a damn good accountant for proof. I am taking this as far as i can. i have all the documentation that I need to prove he is not a danger to society.I have a lawsuit in progress (thats not a threat, its a promise!) against you, but a few others as well. ill let you guys guess who they are. I hope you
had fun with this thread, because when i expose to the public that you have taken someone who made a mistake and was lied to and drug this families name through the mud. you are right nicks life may be ruined as far as his reputation. Mine is not. I hope you are ready to defend your pathetic site. I hope that you have the money for the attorneys you are going to need. I am not making this up this is not an attemp to get this thread deleted.

At this point your only helping my case by allowing this to go on. I have a hard copy of the threats we have received from this. I have the police report about the person that was beating on my door at 5 am yelling horrible things in my yard. my kids were about 20 feet away from this stranger outside my door just so you know. Nick never ruined a childs life.
This was a teenage girl that looked like she was 25. You however are allowing me and my kids to be victimized. thats no ok with me. I promise you that I would not pursue this if i had no options. I have them, there are laws that protect sex offenders in cases like this case. it is known as a "romeo and juliet" case.

So enjoy all the hits your getting. Enjoy all your laughs. I will
be in touch one way or the other. Feel free to email me.

I want to thank maladymg for at least understanding that this is horrible for Nicks family, I understand that he is a registered sex offender and you think you "caught a Predator"
Nick is not a predator. HE is a good father and We have been together since 2002.He was still in counseling when i met him.Yes there are horrible people out there that deserve what they get. I promise everyone of you Nick is not horrible. Anyone of you that want to contact me and get the REAL DETAILS, feel free. my email address is: [email protected]

Hi Kim:



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Doing the old late-night read through of the day's events and I particularly enjoyed this line:
You see, we've got it all wrong. Good 'ol Nick **cough** Brad Majors

I stopped reading when I realized you are actually still dumb enough to think I am "Nick". I get it now, all you guys are 14. Hf.
She looks like a stripper that Nick brought home for the night.

Does anyone else suspect that she's the Oompa Loompa's sister?
My name is kim williford and i am not only the fiancee of the "Nick Sitko" you are using for your entertainment. I am also the mother of two of his young children.

Good morning Kim (for the purposes of this post, I will suspend my well-earned skepticism for a moment),

In light of Nick's multi-forum history of "aliases", it would be fair to presume that you are one of three "people": Nick, a close friend of Kim, or actually Kim herself. I include a friend since I can imagine that one of Kim's friends would feel a need to protect Kim and her children from the public worldwide flaying of Nick over his deceits. And that is the gravamen of the worlwide "ownage" of Nick - - - "deceits".

He started a thread about how he purchased his NSX which has been exposed to be a spam attempt to draw attention to his status of being an affiliate for a gaming website. He lied when caught immediately and attempted to insult the intelligent members of this forum which resulted in a search of public records confirming his Whois registrations.

He lied again when shown the Whois information and further hurled insults at the board members. When his SO status was revealed in the public records, he again denied that it was him. Further searches of myspace and public land records continued to show that his lying was becoming pathological and at that point the world tuned in to watch the show.

He then attempted to cover up his lies by deleting images in his gaming/spam site directory that showed his car with his license plate fully visible. By now the contradictory evidence became overwhelming and the "can't pass up a train wreck viewers" became glued to their screens.

This all started with a lie and some spam.

Now I am willing to play devil's advocate for a moment. I recognize that a registered SO has difficulty getting legitimate employment as well as finding a place to live. Based upon your description of being the mother "of two of his children" I would presume he has more children out wedlock as well. Assuming he is the good father you portray him as, I would like to think that he is doing what he can to support his children. Perhaps he turned to online gambling as a stopgap measure to get him through the post-conviction phase. I don't know if that is the case because we have never heard from the "real" Nick, the one who might like the world to know he made a mistake as a 21 year old and is not the type hanging out in playgrounds for entertainment. We have only heard from the lying, sociopathic "Nick" who attempted to prey on unsuspecting website forums to spam a gaming website as one might prey on a 14 year old.

I would also like to think that the Kim who is a mother of 2 would not be pleased to see private photos of her displayed for all to see on Nick's myspace page. After all, the internet is available to all and most moms would not like the world to see photos of them bending over a pool table while being scantily clad.

This thread has become viral because people just love to see a liar getting caught. I may be dating myself but that was always the highlight of the Perry Mason shows as well as Columbo. It made for good TV and now with the internet it makes for "entertaining" cyber surfing fodder.

I would suggest this, whether you be Nick, Kim or a concerned friend of Kim's. It is probably way too late to put a bandaid on this hemorrhage but a tourniquet might help. In addition to people watching Nascar for the car wrecks, people also love those Oprah moments when someone is able to redeem himself. Why don't we try for one of those Oprah feel good moments to ring in the new year.

Nick, come back as the "real you". Own up to your indiscretions and accept responsibility for your actions. If Kim is real as she claims, then the final "ownage" has occurred. You have been outed by your fiancee. The lies have come full circle and what we all knew to be true has been verified by the mother of your children.

Don't let your kids grow up to learn their dad was the "most owned" liar of 2007. Let them see their dad as being worthy of their respect, someone like many who made mistakes in life but learned from them, and then work on being a faithful, loving husband and father and turn your life around.

Let that be the viral thread of 2008.
My god, I can't believe I've missed this entire thread. I've got a lot of reading/catching up to do here.:redface:
This all started with Nick spamming the forum with a gambling site - which is a landing page that he developed (primitively) as an affiliate for SkillRush.com. He doesn't make his money playing online spades - he makes his money by receiving a 25% commission on all the money the poor saps who sign-up to the gambling site lose.

I urge everyone to contact SkillRush to let them know about their rogue affiliate:
To the individual claiming to be the wife of Nick with 2 children you have my complete sympathy. You are involved with a liar and a liar does not only lie here, but elsewhere (such as his personal life) as well. May we remind you Nick had a Myspace page. I do not remember him making it clear that he had two children and a girlfriend. In fact, he did not make any mention of you. The reader would conclude he is a single guy and very available. I appreciate you clarifiying the last lie by Nick claiming "it's not me" to also be untrue. .

But he loves me, blah blah blah. Some women just love to be mistreated. They thrive on the drama.

Anyone call Springer yet? Nick may already have been on his show, who knows.
Doing the old late-night read through of the day's events and I particularly enjoyed this line:

You see, we've got it all wrong. Good 'ol Nick **cough** Brad Majors (my gay porn name in the late 70's, BTW) was just pretending. Ah! Tee hee! He was just playing a game like GI Joe and Cowboys & Indians! And he wasn't spamming, lying and being deceptive promoting an illegal site. No no, he was being unfaithful. And we have been way too hard on him.

You see Nick old chap, you can't even be honest with yourself about why this is happening and why I continue to see a donkey when I try to post in a thread about NA1 vs NA2 0-60 times, or try to look at the hottest girls I have ever seen...*tear*. :frown:

The immature, euphemisitic language you use to describe your mistakes and mitigate your responsibility tells us that you are the type of person who always looks outward for the source of all his troubles in life--when he looks at all. How's that been working out for ya, champ? Perhaps you might want to try the opposite approach. You never know, it might just work--it certainly hasn't been tried yet.

Let me explain something to you. And to your g/f, who obviously shares the same attitude of looking outwards for the solution/problem. (BTW, my wife and/or mother would have slapped me upside the head, asked me what I'd done to cause this and told me not to be so stupid and this might not be happening, but that's just me): you have had the ability to end this thread since post 3. You might not believe me, and I know, that's a hard concept to grasp, but it's ostensibly true. You have to understand this, and I really hope you do, because then this thread will possibly serve as the wake up call you needed in life and it's all worth it.

No one likes a douchebag and the nature of the internet is such that it has no mercy. But it has forgiveness. And it has reason and morals as a whole. And a very short memory. It's people, that's all it is. But they are anonymous and they don't pull punches. Some are unreasonable, but most simply want justice. Don't give them a reason to punish you any more, Nick. The punishment may be harsh but when you want to play with the big boys and spread your gambling site spam vomit and deceive us, you get big-boy consequences. That's life--no matter where you go.

People have no mercy when you try to take money out of their pockets or profit from a private site like Prime and then pretend to be a big man and throw it back at them. Look within yourself and you can figure out how to end this. It might not seem it, but it's not too late to come clean and end this nonsense. Come on man--if you really do have children, do it for them. Remember--life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. Come on He-Man. You have the power.

So, Nick Sitko/NSX_NICK/Kevin 1965/Brad Majors/KIM_NSX, I hope you do the right thing, and when I wake up tomorrow and log on to tell someone all about this "snap-ring issue" they keep hearing about, I don't see a MFing donkey.

Wouldn't dropping a name such as "Kim Wilford" constitute identity theft if the person in question did not make the post?

I doubt it. I also doubt the person posting under Kim Wilford is the same person who is a probation officer. If she is in fact the same person who is involved with Nick I would highly doubt she would post on this thread and chance being exposed. I can't imagine it's legal and defiantly not moral to be a probation officer and date/marry your clients.
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