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Easiest way to own a NSX

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And you have evidence for this?
Or are you still sufficiently deluded to think that continuing to attack Nick is somehow big and cool?
Why are you spending your time joining here just to be nasty to someone you don't know? It is pathetic. Don't you have friends and family that you can spend quality time with instead? It might make the world a nicer place.

No dipshit but I though I would join the mob and have some fun, if you can't deal with that looks like you are making posts in the wrong thread.

And you talk about me being nasty to someone. Looks like you are just the same pathetic hypocrite, trying to be all high and mighty giving me shit. How pathetic are you don't you have any friends and family to go spend quality time with instead of hanging out in this forum giving some pathetic guy like me some shit for making fun of a kid toucher? Stop giving me shit and go make the world a nicer place moron.
It may not be the easiest, but I'm sure that we can agree that it's the best... The best way to own an NSX is through an honest life. I've got years of schooling and working ahead of me to get to my dream (a Berlina Black NSX) but it's a moment that I've been dreaming about for years and a dream that keeps me going through my automotive technical education. Speaking of dreams, there's a turbo kit in my bedroom asking to be played with. See, Nick, hard work yields real results... Even if you're a 20-year-old girl working part-time through college. Thanks to Prime for the laugh!

- Ami

Sounds like you are headed in the right direction.

Also nice to see another B18C1 owner who loves the NSX. Many of us NSX owners had/have B18C1 / C5 Integras. (I still have my DC2 GS-R, though it's gathering dust in storage). :smile:
Linked from this adult forum: http://www.fivepercentfriction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=894

Nick obviously isn't the brightest or best educated person around.
Having sex with a 15 year old was wrong, even if she was representing herself as being much older. Society has now punished Nick for this with the court system. It is not for others to become a lynch mob and punish him again.
His initial post on here was a deceit. It did not break the law, he is only an affiliate. The admins and moderators here should have just deleted it. Instead they have whipped up an internet storm which will do this site a lot of good in many ways. So, shrewd marketing from them.
The worst behaviour on here is not from Nick. The people who have hounded him are vastly worse. It makes you lose faith in human nature when you see the mindless pack mentality displayed here.
Even worse are the people who have harassed Nick and his family in the real world. These people are criminals, they have broken the law. I hope there is some justice and that these nasty, vicious people get their just deserts.

Indeed. Well it's good know the webmasters of this page have probably made over 1000$ ruining his life. I don't know any responsible forum "admins" that would let this go on as long as it has. And to actually profit from this? I'd be ashamed to be a part of this website.

In this thread anyone who is actually decent enough to point out this blatant bullying gets accused for being Nick under alias and an army of badly raised 14 year olds with poor photoshop skills spamming *pwned*. As if nobody but Nick himself would come to his defence? To those whom this concerns, are your morals seriously so twisted that you figure that's the only explanation?
I seriously doubt Nick has even been reading this past page 3. I know if I had hundreds of people calling me a pedophile and through each comment go out of their ways to make my life worse, I wouldn't have the stomach to read it all. At some point I'd break down. Maybe I'm just weak.

I've been on the internet for alot of years and thus seen alot of immaturity and mean behavior from people under aliases. But never before have i seen anything makes me lose as much faith in humanity. Seriously. You people are FAR worse than Nick. You people are DISGUSTING. What gives you the right to be the police and judge? To take it upon yourself to ruin his life because of some weak as assumptions that are highly exaggerated and in most cases false, due to extraordinary ignorance displayed by many here in this thread. He was an affiliate of website promoting them for them. There is a bill that got accepted at US congress recently that barred online gaming sites to accept money from US credit cards. That does not mean poker/blackjack is illegal. There are other ways to get money on the sites, LEGALLY. Newsflash, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of US people playing poker online and blackjack.
www.pokerstars.com www.fulltiltpoker.com www.pacificpoker.com the list goes on * 10.
And on this particular matter it is ABSOLUTELY AND BEYOND DOUBT a FACT that he DID NOT break any laws promoting that website.

As for the 15 year old girl, you people weren't the defendant, the victim, the jury, the judge. You have NO IDEA what went on. To forever mark his name as a pedophile? For having sex with a 15 year old and judged in the USA of all countries? Can you imagine how many cases there are of boyfriend having consesual sex with his girlfriend that later get convicted and registered sex offenders? Or girl suing because her parents found out and made her? The bottom line is that this is EXTREMELY presumptuous. And even if he was a pedophile (a pedophile is someone who's 20 and likes 15 year olds? If you believe this you've never been a 20 year old male or you're a liar.), what business do YOU have to do this? I'm talking to Nxsprime.com webmasters right now, you have NO business doing this. This is NONE of your business and completely uncalled for.

I apologize for the angry post, I'm not normally an angry person but I don't think i've ever witnessed such unjustice on the internet before. I thank god I was raised better than the people of this thread.


seems this forum and the guy's website got millions of visitors to it because of what happened.
ironically, nick has probably made a fortune off this.
his site also has affiliate ads on it, so even just by visiting that site is making him money.

want the easiest way to own an nsx?
set yourself up to get owned on a forum in relation to a website you run.
any publicity is good publicity. you'll end up with thousands or millions of visitors every day which means alot of money when it comes to the internet.
you can put affiliate banners or popups on there so those visitors just there to laugh at you can even be triggering other systems
that will target visitors from other sites that haven't heard about you or your site before, in exchange for the amount of visitors seeing their ads on.
then those people may even signup to your services. and you could also put ads on that pay per view.
it'd get you a pretty steady income.

it's really quite ingenious. think i might just try that myself.. apart from the pedophile part.
I'd be ashamed to be a part of this website.

Bye then.

To those whom this concerns, are your morals seriously so twisted that you figure that's the only explanation?

Can't think of any other good reason to defend a peedofyle.

And on this particular matter it is ABSOLUTELY AND BEYOND DOUBT a FACT that he DID NOT break any laws promoting that website.

How do you know the ins and outs of gambling website law if you aren't involved in it? You are either Nick or someone else involved in illegal gambling. You can call it 'affiliation' and deny that it is illegal all you want - but that sounds very much like people who say that "stalking" is just another term for "perserverance".

As for the 15 year old girl, you people weren't the defendant, the victim, the jury, the judge. You have NO IDEA what went on.

Neither do you - or do you?

To forever mark his name as a pedophile?

That was the US Justice System, not us.

For having sex with a 15 year old and judged in the USA of all countries?

People in the US judge paedophiles harshly, yes. Your point? What do you mean 'of all countries'. Britain judges pedos harshly. So does Australia. So do most, of not all, developed countries.

Can you imagine how many cases there are of boyfriend having consesual sex with his girlfriend that later get convicted and registered sex offenders?

You are IMMEASURABLY dense. A 21 year old should not be in a sexual relationship with a 15year old. PERIOD - END OF SENTENCE - END OF DISCUSSION.

And while you are deftly prolonging the discussion that Nick would prefer just go away... ISTR The original defense was that 'she claimed to be 18'. If he was in a steady relationship then he should have known her age (or are you going to reach into your suspiciously detailed knowledge of this incident and dispute that suggestion?)

Or girl suing because her parents found out and made her?

It's called statutory rape because the girl cannot, under law, consent. Her 'consent' is irrelevant. Her parents are supposed to protect her from predatory boyfriends who would commit statutory rape.

The bottom line is that this is EXTREMELY presumptuous. And even if he was a pedophile (a pedophile is someone who's 20 and likes 15 year olds? If you believe this you've never been a 20 year old male or you're a liar.),

So you're admitting you like 15yos? Why don't you have a seat, right over there. /chris hanson

what business do YOU have to do this?

So much to choose from. I can't decide which personality trait is more disgusting - statutory rape of a juvenile, as reported on the sex offender registry, or his pig-headed unwillingness to tell the truth about anything.

I'm talking to Nxsprime.com webmasters right now, you have NO business doing this. This is NONE of your business and completely uncalled for.

Webmasters ain't doing shit. Its the members exercising that 'right to free speech' thing.

I apologize for the angry post, I'm not normally an angry person but I don't think i've ever witnessed such unjustice on the internet before. I thank god I was raised better than the people of this thread.

And yet YOU PROLONG THE DISCUSSION by continually posting statements that are either incorrect, suspicious, apparent admissions of your own sexual attraction to juveniles, etc and the only effect you have to get called on your BS.

If you want to do Nick a favor, then STOP POSTING.

BACK TO THE CARS!!!!!!!!!!!
The speed pick up isn't in the front wheel of barely any bikes anymore. They're all in the gearbox

Then that's one mighty impressive bike. I went on a Busa only once back in the summer of last year but being in the Derbyshire Dales of England there wasn't enough straight road to really open the taps. Still had 130mph on a shortish straight though :biggrin:
1. There is no crime
2. No I didn't read it simply because I don't care enough to,

HOLY SWEET JESUS! You have outdone yourself. You again repeat your assertion, but admit to not even looking at opposing arguments. Just out of curiosity, have you even read the law?

you are holding onto his "crime" like your life depends on it. Despite what your moral theory is or that of others who have written words on the internet to spin it, the facts are still the facts.

I have no "moral" theory. What I have is a legal theory. What you have is, also a legal theory. The trouble with your theory is that it is both murky and unsupported by the facts.

Legality is an interpretation of the justice system not some guy on a blog on the internets.

What does that say about your assertion that he has committed no crime?

Attorneys jobs are to spin. I can find you another pro gambling attorney to counter his argument if I gave a fuck enough to spend the time. Again this is fact not rhetoric.

So a pro-gambling lawyer is going to spin something in favor of a conclusion that he does not like? You're killin' me. :rolleyes:

Nick does not own and operate an illegal gambling operation. Being an affiliate is not illegal.

True. He doesn't own/operate an illegal gambling operation.
False. Being an affiliate of an illegal gambling operation is illegal.

"Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal." 18 USC § 2(a)

In the event you are still not understanding, feel free to print it out and have someone read it back to you, pausing on the words with more than four letters to insure your comprehension before moving on. Plan for a full afternoon for this in your schedule.

The only thing I am having difficulty understanding is how you can be so dense.

The irony is that you stated that the board owner could face liability for people who harass Nick. How? You also said that it is illegal for people to picket a sex offender's home. Again, how?

You have made two assertions with no support. Your first one is almost certainly wrong, and the second one is most likely wrong.

As I said, come back when you have something new. Keep in mind that rephrasing your previous bare assertions is not "something new."
True. He doesn't own/operate an illegal gambling operation.
False. Being an affiliate of an illegal gambling operation is illegal.

"Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal." 18 USC § 2(a)
Absolutely. Being an affiliate of a legal gambling operation however, is completely legal. Back up your assertion that the specific gambling sites he was advertising are running their operations illegally?

Oh yeah and.. we've moved on. So should you.
Dear concerned citizen,

Thank your for your question to Vice President Richard Cheney. He appreciates your responce and will try his best to respond to each and every email received. Unfortunately, because of the volume of emails received, he may not be able to get to yours individually. Rest assured that he is taking your concerns to heart.

Thank you
The Office of Richard Cheney
Vice President of The United States Of America
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: January 5, 2008 4:20 PM
Subject: re: thread at nsxprime.com

Hi,check out this thread, TOTAL OWNED!!!
Dear concerned citizen,

Thank your for your question to Vice President Richard Cheney. He appreciates your responce and will try his best to respond to each and every email received. Unfortunately, because of the volume of emails received, he may not be able to get to yours individually. Rest assured that he is taking your concerns to heart.

Thank you
The Office of Richard Cheney
Vice President of The United States Of America
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: January 5, 2008 4:20 PM
Subject: re: thread at nsxprime.com

Hi,check out this thread, TOTAL OWNED!!!

Haha you are a major stoner. Pretty damn funny though.
Dear concerned citizen,

Thank your for your question to Vice President Richard Cheney. He appreciates your responce and will try his best to respond to each and every email received. Unfortunately, because of the volume of emails received, he may not be able to get to yours individually. Rest assured that he is taking your concerns to heart.

Thank you
The Office of Richard Cheney
Vice President of The United States Of America
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: January 5, 2008 4:20 PM
Subject: re: thread at nsxprime.com

Hi,check out this thread, TOTAL OWNED!!!

Dude. If I haven't said it before. You fkn rock.

I wish all you people would just go away. This site never really had such a group of foul-mouthed psychos till this thread started. :mad:

Thank you mods for deleting some of those previous posts.
Last edited:
Dear concerned citizen,

Thank your for your question to Vice President Richard Cheney. He appreciates your responce and will try his best to respond to each and every email received. Unfortunately, because of the volume of emails received, he may not be able to get to yours individually. Rest assured that he is taking your concerns to heart.

Thank you
The Office of Richard Cheney
Vice President of The United States Of America
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: January 5, 2008 4:20 PM
Subject: re: thread at nsxprime.com

Hi,check out this thread, TOTAL OWNED!!!

ROFL! I'm just picturing what going through Dick's or one of his lackeys' mind when they read this!
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