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etrade...,.. work damit

It's all about gambling to make some quick bucks, not fundamentals.

Yep, it's a gamble. The price per earnings is around $100, which is really high. We're all hoping the hype will cause it to go up.

Got it at $38 flat, but don't know when (probably late in the day). We'll see how it goes. I only purchased half of what I was originally considering, after I saw the price/earnings. I'll go somewhat long, depending on how it does in the next few weeks/months.
Scottrade was also slow this AM, so I cancelled my FB limit order. Glad I did now. My guess is that FB will be below $38 in the near future, although their income growth over the past 2 years was really quite good and it is up over 1% in after hours trading. As Yogi Berra said, " Predictions are hard to make, especially when they're about the future."
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My guess is a year from now the stock will be under 20 and ten years from now will be basically worthless.

These types of sites come and go and facebook is already on its way out talking to most high school kids. How is MySpace doing lately?

A lot of hype and very little worth. As soon as advertisers realize that the money they are spending are not getting them returns they will bail and then it will sink fast.

Good Luck to everyone that bought the stock.
33 and change at the moment.

Where is all the enthusiasm that was evident when this thread was started.....

I believe the enthusiasm was based on hype.

I had a very hard time buying into that offering that put their market cap at 100bn while they only have an estimated 1bn annual earnings. I know the .com's have always been able to get away with playing the intrinsic value card but I personally can't do it.

I would be really curious to find out how many of the private stakeholders have already cashed out.
debating......do I want to get more since it spiraled down? It appears I'll be long on this one!
debating......do I want to get more since it spiraled down? It appears I'll be long on this one!

Wait till after their first real earnings report, it is safe to say there will be a big crash there and then if the PE gets low enough then I would say go long.

Nothing against FB or its usefulness but it is way overvalued at the moment.
After waiting a long time I started a facebook page and although I use it generally to showcase photos (mostly of my dog) I have to say that I have never once clicked on any ads. I wonder what the percentage of users is who have also never clicked on an ad.

Equally curious as to what monetary effect would occur if every facebook user opened their page at least once per day and clicked on one ad.
Also, who would click ads on their mobile phones, which some people say it's where the money is for Facebook?
I have had a FB page for years and frankly, I have to admit, it has helped me keep up to date with my close knit group of friends. I'm not an addict (I think) but I use it daily. It's a communication tool. With that said.. I have NEVER clicked on an Ad.

They are advertising in the traditional sense; using banner ads. Those worked maybe in the 90s when people didn't know better. Part of what they need to do is to cultivate the personal relationship between the consumer (me/you) and the seller (corporations). Google cannot do that. Facebook can. Though their implementation is piss poor at the moment. They need to go further than giving facebook pages to GM for example.
The future of facebook is much more than what is IS today.
I have heard on the 'net that there will be some kind of FB phone.

Also here is where they will get eyes in the future. Say you want a Pediatrician in your home town. You google it and a paid ad or the one that comes up first is the one that most people click on.

The way FB intends to do a search is similar except if a friend "likes' a certain Pediatrician/restaurant/business or whatever you are searching for, your Friends recommendations come up first which is more personalized.

I am not saying buy or don't buy.....I'm just adding what I found written elsewhere.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I just wish FB better "qualified" their Likes. I go onto my little bro's FB page and likes are given out like curse words.

Google still has a much better qualifying algorithm. FB has a lot of work to do but the potential is huge. I think Mark Zuckerburg is a douche but i'm on the fence about his ability to build FBs revenue stream. I think he can do it.
The future of facebook is much more than what is IS today.
I have heard on the 'net that there will be some kind of FB phone.

Also here is where they will get eyes in the future. Say you want a Pediatrician in your home town. You google it and a paid ad or the one that comes up first is the one that most people click on.

The way FB intends to do a search is similar except if a friend "likes' a certain Pediatrician/restaurant/business or whatever you are searching for, your Friends recommendations come up first which is more personalized.

I am not saying buy or don't buy.....I'm just adding what I found written elsewhere.