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Ferrari 599 GTO T-boner

BATMANs/SWIFTVISION and others are not wrong. This question should be addressed to you.

I worked in SG and Malaysia for 2+ years recently and as a Chinese-American, it was a culture shock. SG on the surface is very westernized and up-to-date but once you turn the 1st page, everything else is very ancient, old Chinese thinking.

I walked behind girls off the bus late at nite and they never looked back scared. That is because Sr. PM LKY has such a strong hold on everything there and his party of PAP(People Action Party) is 90% vs the opposition WP(Workers Party) and its against the law NOT to vote. I don't call that a Republic gov.
I did not know the meaning of free speech until I was there. LKY pointed his son to be the PM now....how sweet. His son is not as shrew as the old man but the system allows him to have full control of everything.

SG wants real foreign talent for a long time but the Muslim population is turning out too many kids vs the Chinese so SG started importing people from China even running restaurants and 2nd tier national teams from China so they can become instant citizens to represent SG. Most local kids are so over-burdened with school work and passing tests, have little time to play sports. The children suicide rate is also not published but when I was there, there were 4 such case.

SG let this businessman in cuz he is rich and I personally saw a blue lambo at a food court late at nite with a douche(local means Ah Beng) and his hot, 5'6" asian GF. There is no place to drive in the whole country with any car. there are cameras everywhere. Even if you go to Sepang F1 track, its easy to get pull over from the Malay police since you have a SG plate=$$. Unless you are one of those Sultans driving a red BMW with NO speed limit.

I can go on and on with many more examples but whats the point, its asia. You can only be what others allow you to be IF you graduate from a good school with an education that is based on learning by rote. that is the way it is and I've never been to Brunei but if you a Malay descent, you are privileged and don't have to do anything in life. If you are Chinese descent, you have to work very hard and still not able to get ahead.

We have our share of big problems here in the US but I kissed the ground at LAX after I came home. SG/asia is good only for visit and not to stay. At least SG is relative clean.

I was referring to 'grind babies' comment... Reason I asked where.
.... atomic bombs and nuke plant accidents??! .. C'mon, that is not right. Those people have brother, sisters, sons , daughters... Parents. Regardless where it is. Human life are precious.

Wait... You work SG and Malaysia? Why work there if you think it is that bad?
I'm familiar the US and how everyone outside US seem 'different'. I know as my work similar to you brings me opposite side of the world and mainly US past 6 years. You have your own government, perspectives are differents. Free speech in some countries I've visited is where illegal immigrant can rally a strike asking for equality?! Shrug , I don't know not my place to say. And must admit I always take the good side of anything as I respect where I go to as I am a foreigner. And not only in US, anywhere around the world. Respect is what I think is important, if one can't do that. Stay at home.
I guess with my work collegues are from South America to North America. Europeans from Denmark to German to name a few. From Canadian to English... Well you get the idea. Mutual respect is the key, what gets to me if people takes the worse of where anyone are from and throw it infront of them..

Chinese- american..? Ok what relevent is that ? Singaporean are different than mainland Chinese, and I'm sure you know of this.As you are different from any other chinese decendant from around the world.
By the way why are there 'Chinese- American'? I thought either your an American or not. Curious where the word comes from...
Anyway, just as I said all depends on where you go there are good and bad... Anywhere in the world. And I have travelled.... I'm sure you have too.
.... 'IF' I graduated?... and I thought I was old fashioned :biggrin:

As for the Brunei comment... just shows how much you know. :frown:
But if you do come to Brunei let me know. A primer is always someone I can show around.:smile:
Cheers as the English put it or aye if you're in Scotland. :wink:
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I was referring to 'grind babies' comment... Reason I asked where.
.... atomic bombs and nuke plant accidents??! .. C'mon, that is not right.
>No human rights in China...that is not new. ck Youtube you will see a 2yr old girl got run over by a car but no one pays any attention. In fact, in most asia, if you don't get in a good school and go overseas and study, you are doomed for life. so studying in Great England is a great move for you esp. if you go back to Brunei.

Wait... You work SG and Malaysia? Why work there if you think it is that bad?
>there are a lot of international companies there including the US mostly high tech. I was sent as an expat by my company but I was naive, I was the number two-man in the company....that was a mistake on my part. If I were a different race other than Chinese, it would have been a lot better. Its not so much how bad SG is; you always hear positive things about SG but it just mean the press is extremely controlled.You only have and hear one side.

Free speech in some countries I've visited is where illegal immigrant can rally a strike asking for equality?! Shrug
>in one of the recent protests, a sign saz "Today we protest, tomorrow we vote!" (its sad but very true)

Mutual respect is the key, what gets to me if people takes the worse of where anyone are from and throw it infront of them..
>in my case, I wasn't trying to change/reject the culture but was not accepted as soon as I open my mouth....the reason? internal jealousy IMO and I thought we were all chinese race there:frown:

Chinese- american..? Ok what relevent is that ?
By the way why are there 'Chinese- American'? I thought either your an American or not. Curious where the word comes from...
>it made no difference in the US but not in asia...if you had to ask:confused:

Singaporean are different than mainland Chinese,
>Yes indeed....very much so and the SG make sure mainland knows that...not for much longer I think.

Anyway, just as I said all depends on where you go there are good and bad...
>everybody knows how good SG is....that is how they roll in the press.
The fact that the island is governed entirely by the dictates of the Lee Ruling Family is public knowledge. The fact that there is no rule of law and if ever you seek legal recourse. the late JB Jeyaretnam was selling his book title "The real truth about SG" station by the Newton MRT station and I almost bought one for $6 bucks but thought, Nah, I can figure out whats going on in SG. PAP probably watching who buys the book and track them down. and the younger WP leader - Chee Soon Juan was/is in constant hot water with Lee.

As for the Brunei comment... just shows how much you know. :frown:

But if you do come to Brunei let me know. A primer is always someone I can show around.:smile:
>thx for the invite....besides the food, I can't think of any reason to go...unless I become a No. 1 man in one of the oil companies like your foreign colleagues.

We better stay on topic b 4 Batman gets :mad:
... But of course. When mind is set. You believe only your own thoughts and believes. Pointless to argue honestly.
Take care and I do hope life will help show you more.

who is arguing? mind is always open until proven wrong. just share my experience and what I observed first hand. I thought asia has changed over the years....how silly of me.
No, I'm perfectly fine with the current discussion.

It's good to see what and how people contemplate.

:biggrin:Alan es da man:biggrin:

It doesn't take much to figure out the families of these future lawyers, bankers and divas. Money does grow on trees:tongue: I doubt they are gonna do any time and I am sure they don't have low GPA.

who is arguing? mind is always open until proven wrong. just share my experience and what I observed first hand. I thought asia has changed over the years....how silly of me.

Yeah,you're right it is not an arguement. It's more that you seem to see it different as I do. But just sound that you're not as opened as you think you are. As I said anywhere you go of course you can find the worst.
You said you expect Asia to changed..? Changed to what..? System you born into? System where you are taught, raised and.. believe.
With nations different history and backgrounds . Unlikely to happened.
ISR, Jin-

Liftnot and batmans are good people and they may seem harsh or have a funny sense of humor, but they are just sharing their perspective on their experiences over there. Maybe its one sided of how they saw it, but at the same time I am sure there are some truths to it.

The US is not free of corruption and its share of political grease and BS, but its definitely more opportunity here then there is in Asia unless you are heavily connected like Liftnot has said where the government regime owns or has a hand in everything or you happen to know the family who is connected in Asia to do business and to get the deals done.

Asia is just a different animal in how things work....I get it...I've been there...seen it....experienced it.....met with people who control big things there.....its just how it is and it will be like that until things start shifting more.....I have to say it has gotten better but not much as it needs to be.

The good old boys club will always exist and some are harder to get into than others.

I look forward to visiting Brunei and Singapore some day.....will be back in Shanghai and other parts of China maybe this summer so we'll see.

Otherwise carry on gentlemen I always enjoy reading your discussions.

No worries. I'm always up for good discussions or jokes for sure! :biggrin:
I'm also sharing what I've seen and experiences. 2 decades of travels does that at times.I can share some interesting sights and sounds but we can leave that on another thread :smile:. Seriously there are places where some might refer to 'third world' where some innocent families just want to make end meets, and trust me it's not a laughing matter as some would joke about.
Some of the comment earlier in thread let me to respond and honestly I don't care too much about politics in Asia or US or anywhere around the world. Everyone with their rules and systems and everyone thinks they got the better ones. But generalization, seeing the worse of any place and value of human life... reason for my post.

No doubt in US there are lots of opportunity, and US is a great place, depending where you go as it is HUGE!. And I do agree with the statement about connections and opportunity in Asia. No argument. And as I said the politics was not the reason I post my respond.

p.s. Out of topics . For Asian countries, don't go where the tourists are. :wink:
The US is not free of corruption and its share of political grease and BS, but its definitely more opportunity here then there is in Asia unless you are heavily connected like Liftnot has said where the government regime owns or has a hand in everything or you happen to know the family who is connected in Asia to do business and to get the deals done.

Asia is just a different animal in how things work....I get it...I've been there...seen it....experienced it.....met with people who control big things there.....its just how it is and it will be like that until things start shifting more.....I have to say it has gotten better but not much as it needs to be.

Are you talking about all of Asia or specific countries within Asia? If specific countries, which countries are you referring to?
Are you talking about all of Asia or specific countries within Asia? If specific countries, which countries are you referring to?

I wasn't referring to all of Asia, obviously every country/region has their own systems/politics are how things are run/done and Asia is enormous with subdivisions everywhere.

But I was referring to a HUGE part of Asia which is China but i have been to other places as well. So sorry if I did not clarify it for you.