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Friday Nights - Kansas City (Dean and Deluca)

11 August 2003

Since the weather is now warm, we have started hanging out at Dean and Delucas on Friday nights again. This is a nice place to socialize and talk cars. The ladies even like it because they can visit and enjoy the food. There is outdoor seating right next to our cars.

The Krispy Kreme meets on the first Saturday are real hit or miss. If the weather is bad, we don't show and you have another month to wait. Meeting on every Friday works out pretty good. You don't have to get up early, you have a place to sit, they want us there, the the girls like it better than hanging out in a parking lot eating dounuts.

The management at Dean and Delucas encourages us to meet there. They have offered us a 20% discount on Friday nights, on all prepared foods, sandwiches, salads, coffee drinks, beverages, and pastries. Basically, anything you would like to consume on site while hanging out on the patio (Don't stock up for the entire week).

Are we going to see some NSXs there? You guys in?

Location: Town Center (119th between Roe and Nall)
Time: About 7:00 PM

Jerry Dobson
VP KC Viper Club
VP KC Ferrari Club
Hey Jerry, you said to keep reminding you about the proposed drive to Springfield to (Premere Motorsports?) Any more thoughts? Gary :confused:
I was just talking to the guys about driving down to Springfield. I have a HUGE Viper event coming up next week. Renting Heartland Park, KS Speedway, and the Woodlands! I will know more after this event.

Speaking of... Part of our event is Autocrossing. Do any of the NSX guys Autocross? I will have THREE Autocrosses setup on Sunday the 26th at the Woodlands. That has never been done before. That will be a lot of driving time with minimum waiting. SCCA and Porsche club is helping out. There will be a fee to run. I will be out there, come on out if you like.
How long are you guys usually out at D&D on Friday night? I have a friend coming into town this Friday after like 8-9 o'clock but we may try and head out that way if you think most of the group will still be there.
There were 4 NSX's and about 6-7 others. A Ferrari even showed up for a while. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it this Friday, I'll be in Wichita.
Last Friday night the Viper Club rented Heartland Park, so we did not eat at Dean and Delucas. We will be there tonight (Friday).