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Front License Plate

5 June 2000
Cypress, Texas USA
Ok I've noticed from the pics that several of you don't have front license plates on your cars. How is it that you get away with this?

I took mine off for 1 day and got pulled over.
(Todd how do like that! The next day after PIR I took it off.) I only got a warning but what a pain. Maybe it's only the local cops. They follow me all the time.

Also is there a better mount than the OEM setup?
Or you pay them big $$$ to keep their mouths shut and turn a blind eye. HAHAHA Only kidding. I think its funny I got nailed once in my truck but never in the X or my new suburban.
Sorry, hejo..... what luck.. But the answer is that many states don't require it. As you know, I'm in Fla. and don't need it.. Hate that front plate...steals the elegance of the front. My site has changed...if anyone cares
Totally redone..

Pls. visit my site w/ lots of info and pics. Brand new classifieds and Message board. It may take a bit to download but it's worth it, I hope @
I think most cops understand why nice car owners want to take off their distracting front plate, and would rarely bother us.

Agreed. I'm in a state that requires a front plate. I don't use it on my NSX or my daily driver (haven't for 20 years) and have yet to get stopped for it.

However, I do keep the second plate inside the car, in case I get stopped by a cop who's worried that I'm using the second plate on another car.
Hejo, I live in WA and its required to have a license plate here..but I guess my opinion on that whole issue is that a "ticket" due to not having a license plate isnt a moving violation and shouldnt affect your driving record, and #2 Think of the ticket as a "No Front License plate" Tax that you pay at random times of the year...
Well, I have actually given this a lot of thought... let me share what I have learned with the group. I live in VA where a front plate is REQUIRED by law. I have had my 2000 Spa Yellow NSX-T for about 6 months now and get followed all the time both to and from work. They have even taken to using a motorcycle cop and running radar just 100 yards from my house. I think there is a bonus out there for the first person who nails me.

In all that time, they have never stopped me for no front plate. I have a thoery about this. If they are behind me, they don't realize there is no front plate. If they are in front of me, they don't know I am from Virginia and require a front plate. And if they are coming the other direction, and happen to notice and then glance back to see if I have one on the rear and decide to stop me, they have to ask themselves one question... do they feel lucky.

You see, if I am going 50 MPH, that is about 75 feet per second. If they are also going 50 mph, then that is an additional 75 fps. If you take into account that they would have to be at least 3-4 seconds past me to get a good angle on my plate, and then add a few more seconds to decide to stop me and a few more to look both ways and try to turn around... then we have a grand total of about 10-12 seconds. In that time, I have moved 1,800 feet further down the road (about 1/3 of a mile). In order to catch up with me in the first 2 miles, the cop would have to be going over 100 mph for 2 minutes.

Since most of the instances are in town or in traffic, and 100+ mph pursuits for a missing license plate is frowned upon, I think they are willing to let it pass.

Gordon G. Miller, III
2000 NSX-T #51
The 5O, heat, in Portland metro is bad. When they see my red NSX its like a bunch of rabid dogs foaming at the lips waiting for the slightest reason to pull me over. They follow me around as well. Although I must say I do not have a front plate and have not been pulled over yet.

Originally posted by hejo:
Ok I've noticed from the pics that several of you don't have front license plates on your cars. How is it that you get away with this?

I took mine off for 1 day and got pulled over.
(Todd how do like that! The next day after PIR I took it off.) I only got a warning but what a pain. Maybe it's only the local cops. They follow me all the time.

Also is there a better mount than the OEM setup?

i'm in the new york area where it's required.I dont keep mine on but it definatly gives the police a reason to pull you over.i've been harassed a few times for it but never given a ticket.I tell them that the car didnt have the front bracket when i bought it and its on order but i do keep the other plate in the car in the pass. map pocket behind the seat.
it definatly gives the police a reason to pull you over

That's the main reason I keep mine on. I figure, with a car like the NSX, the police are just looking for something to pull you over. I'll suffer a couple of coolness-points to deny them that option.

A couple of related questions:

1) Does the presence of the front plate severely impact aerodynamics at normal highway speeds (that is, less than 100 mph

2) Does the presence of the front plate make the car more visible to radar? From the front, the car looks somewhat "stealthy", but with a big flat square plate in the middle, it must shine like a 100 watt bulb.

-Bob ('94 #496)
Originally posted by G-man:

then we have a grand total of about 10-12 seconds. In that time, I have moved 1,800 feet further down the road (about 1/3 of a mile). In order to catch up with me in the first 2 miles, the cop would have to be going over 100 mph for 2 minutes.

Don't forget that radios are MUCH MUCH faster than your car!!!!
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I've decided to put my plate back on. The town I live in is known for it's heat. I did look into the ticket and although it's not a moving voilation it is $140. I rather carry my tools to take off the plate for pics. Maybe I'll fashion some quick setup.

Ok a couple days later and spoke to some guys in the office who are into cars as well. They tell me it's only about $40. Guess I might find out the truth soon.

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 13 October 2000).]