front outer tie rod end

21 July 2011
Westchester, NY
How hard is it to install these? My front left one is leaking (grease everywhere) and I'm thinking of just replacing them both. My 91 has 138k miles.
Heck, *anything* is possible if you have the tools, skills and knowledge :smile:

What I'd like to know if there are any special tools needed. If so, which ones, and an explanation / write-up would be nice.
It's not that hard at all. If you have basics skills and tools you should be able to handle the job. Remove both cotter pins, remove the nuts that hold them then simply loosen the lock nut and then unscrew. Biggest thing is marking where the existing ones are located so you can make it to an alignment with everything being completely out of wack. Definitely have an alignment done after.
In 2009, the boot cracked on my outer tie rod end. The joint was tight & smooth, no signs of moisture penetration, so I simply replaced the boot. The problem was pressing the tie rod stud out of the sleeve that fits into knuckle. For some reason, the sleeve came out with the tie rod end when I used a conventional tie rod end puller. I wound up taking it to a local machine shop to separate the two. They used a press, and it was near maximum force on the press when it let loose with a bang and separated.

Larry B told me I should have used the Honda ball joint/ tie rod end separator shown in the manual. However, I'm not sure it would have been able to apply enough force.

I don't recall taking any pictures.

Do a search on the topic (2009 - 2010 timeframe). GoldNSX and I exchanged some emails on this when he had a related problem shortly after I did my repair.
Good point.. One of mine did the same as well. Any regular tie rod end separator usually works. I had a generic one that I used.

In 2009, the boot cracked on my outer tie rod end. The joint was tight & smooth, no signs of moisture penetration, so I simply replaced the boot. The problem was pressing the tie rod stud out of the sleeve that fits into knuckle. For some reason, the sleeve came out with the tie rod end when I used a conventional tie rod end puller. I wound up taking it to a local machine shop to separate the two. They used a press, and it was near maximum force on the press when it let loose with a bang and separated.

Larry B told me I should have used the Honda ball joint/ tie rod end separator shown in the manual. However, I'm not sure it would have been able to apply enough force.

I don't recall taking any pictures.

Do a search on the topic (2009 - 2010 timeframe). GoldNSX and I exchanged some emails on this when he had a related problem shortly after I did my repair.
Very easy, did mine in 30 minutes both sides. Rent the tie rod puller ( part 27175 ?) from autozone the rest is simple. Good luck.
Thanks! This was the info I was looking for. I'm going to rent the puller (below) and mark the position before removing the original ones. I need an alignment anyway so I figured this would be the best time to replace these.

BTW, where is a good alignment shop in Westchester? Hate to take my NSX to some local place that has never seen one before :)
Hmm, I looked at the rear tie rods and although I can't see a tear in the boots they look dirty. Pics posted below. What do you guys think?
Probably road grime. I'd say leave it. If there aren't any visible tears and there is no play in the rod end it is fine.