Ha.............Guess the Gecko does not always land right side up.
Just a little miss-hap last Sunday while ATV'g. This jump got in my way and the ATV didn't want to go over, so once we approached the ATV changed it's mind and thought it was like a horse and stopped and flew me off into the air just to show who's boss.
The ATV was fine, and I was able to ride out. I knew I blew out my right knee again and probably tore ligaments I didn't know I had, not to mention the cracking sound I heard as I landed. Hmmmmmmm, Doctor Aron was much better at diagnosing the problem then the guys in the hospital with the big degree wearing the green uniform.
I guess since I wasn't withering in pain they felt my leg was okay other then some damaged ligaments which couldn't be assessed due to the swelling. X-rays were done but they said there was nothing that showed up and I was told to take Advil and see my doctor within the week. Okay - give me the x-rays and I'll take them to my surgeon who will need them - so as I waited I was called back in and told that I was right, I have a small 2" crack in the big leg bone just below where it connects to the knee. Can't put any weight on it so the juvenile doctor who couldn't make a diagnosis decides to cast me toes to hip until my Thursday appoiintment with the orthopedic surgeon.
Good thing I waited for the CD of the X-rays or I'd be home sitting in my hot tub. Oh, and yes the ligaments are screwed which is worse then a break as that needs physio for a while. Guess I save money on gas and insurance as all my toys sit idle parked up on jack stands.
Not to worry - the only pain is in my ass as I haul around the cast and unable to drive. Should have been the left leg - then I would be out running around - but I am getting exercise going up and down my stairs. All is fine, not a problem and will be back in no time driving the NSX, riding, racing, playing, and yes - atv jumping and all.
Looks and sounds worse then it is and I guess having lots of experience tearing up my knees keeps me positive for a successful recovery. At least I don't have to worry about shoveling snow, and if since I won't be able to race at Calbogie, and assuming I can drive - I could make a showing at Est Fest. Guess it all hinges on whether I'll be having reconstructive surgery, full knee replacement (since it was already screwed up big time) or hopefully just some intense physio like I've had over the last 30 years of injuries.
Talk soon, enjoy the nice weather.
Just a little miss-hap last Sunday while ATV'g. This jump got in my way and the ATV didn't want to go over, so once we approached the ATV changed it's mind and thought it was like a horse and stopped and flew me off into the air just to show who's boss.
The ATV was fine, and I was able to ride out. I knew I blew out my right knee again and probably tore ligaments I didn't know I had, not to mention the cracking sound I heard as I landed. Hmmmmmmm, Doctor Aron was much better at diagnosing the problem then the guys in the hospital with the big degree wearing the green uniform.
I guess since I wasn't withering in pain they felt my leg was okay other then some damaged ligaments which couldn't be assessed due to the swelling. X-rays were done but they said there was nothing that showed up and I was told to take Advil and see my doctor within the week. Okay - give me the x-rays and I'll take them to my surgeon who will need them - so as I waited I was called back in and told that I was right, I have a small 2" crack in the big leg bone just below where it connects to the knee. Can't put any weight on it so the juvenile doctor who couldn't make a diagnosis decides to cast me toes to hip until my Thursday appoiintment with the orthopedic surgeon.
Good thing I waited for the CD of the X-rays or I'd be home sitting in my hot tub. Oh, and yes the ligaments are screwed which is worse then a break as that needs physio for a while. Guess I save money on gas and insurance as all my toys sit idle parked up on jack stands.
Not to worry - the only pain is in my ass as I haul around the cast and unable to drive. Should have been the left leg - then I would be out running around - but I am getting exercise going up and down my stairs. All is fine, not a problem and will be back in no time driving the NSX, riding, racing, playing, and yes - atv jumping and all.
Looks and sounds worse then it is and I guess having lots of experience tearing up my knees keeps me positive for a successful recovery. At least I don't have to worry about shoveling snow, and if since I won't be able to race at Calbogie, and assuming I can drive - I could make a showing at Est Fest. Guess it all hinges on whether I'll be having reconstructive surgery, full knee replacement (since it was already screwed up big time) or hopefully just some intense physio like I've had over the last 30 years of injuries.
Talk soon, enjoy the nice weather.