There are so many HID-wannabe bulbs out there that it's easy to get confused.
The 1st-gen HID-wannabes are usually higher wattage halogen w/ a blue tint. Because they're higher wattage and have a blue tint, I'd stay away from them like hell.
The 2nd-gen HID-wannabes (PIAA SuperWhites, Philips/Narva, etc.) are actually xenon-halogen bulbs w/ a slight blue-like filter, not a blue tint on them. Functionally, they aren't HID even though they have xenon in them. The xenon basically cools the bulb and this and they appear brighter, but in reality the light is actually whiter; the filter filters out the yellow light you'd find normal halogen bulbs. If you're going to get an HID-wannabe, I'd recommend these bulbs.
FWIW, it's really necessary to have some "incandescent yellow" in your headlights for rain and fog visibility. Yellow light has better clarity in these situations than blue light from the HID and HID-wannabes you see. I'd at least keep the foglamps as regular halogen bulbs.
Personally, I have a set of the 55W Philips/Narva xenon-halogen bulbs in my 300ZX. While they don't look as bright (and blue) as HID, they look closer to HID and better than those 85W blue-tint halogens.
Hope this helps!
[This message has been edited by mdoan300 (edited 19 March 2001).]