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heated debate at work

15 January 2007
Omaha NE
(just blowing off Steam) I have a picture of a White NSX-R NA2 as my background on my computer and one of my coworkers came up to me and asked me Why I wanted a car with no power or torque? He told me "Your better off keeping your Saturn" (I drive a 2004 Saturn Ion Redline) "How do you figure that" I replied. He told me the NSX was slow had no balls. and that his Charger could beat one. I told him "Your charger is almost as heavy as a Greyhound bus, 2nd of all, even if you have enough power to pull a head on a straight, the NSX will pass you again in the corners. Then he pulled the Corvette vs the NSX, and I told him go get your Corvette, whos car has more heads turning to look at your car. and that was the end of that arguement(had to get back to work.) I get tired of the "NSX has no power line" I would gladly drive a NSX over any GM,Chrysler, or Ford Vehicle...well I would have to drive the Ford GT atleast once, but I would still keep the NSX(when I get one) just venting sorry...
a nsx is as fast as a c5 vette in a straight line, and we would absolutely destroy a non SRT8 charger in the straight line too. A lot of people under estimate these cars, but tell them that the 02's can do 175mph stock and some can do 110mph in 1/4. if he knows anything about cars, he would know that those numbers are no slouch even by todays standards.

tell him that his charger needs another 100hp ( if its a R/T hemi )to beat a stock NA2 NSX and that a SRT8 is a drivers race with a na1 with bolt ons or a stock NA2. and we will destroy him on the highway due to superior gearing and aero.

we need more nsx owners around who truely knows its straight line potential to show these people. I know i was once a doubter until i dug deeper into this cars abilities.

in a road and track article a few years back, they did a 0-150-0 race and the NA2 was a whole 3 seconds faster than a C5 vette to 150mph. sure on paper the nsx has no power but its so well engineered it can do more with less. a vette weights similar and puts down over 300whp stock and have similar aero cd, but the nsx walked it in that article.

there are a few videos of a nsx with only a intake racing a auto C5 with bolt ons and the NSX was destroying it until it hit around 120mph and thats when the vette finally over took it. one of the reasons why the nsx lost was because its roof was off and the aero drag slowed it down a little, and the c5 just made that much more power.

also we have a member here named snakey who raced a bone stock NA2 NSX with a his 375whp C5 vette and from 40-120mph they were neck and neck.

tell those un educated fools not to underestimate our cars. sure its not the fastest things on the road but its no slouch.

it is a drivers race between a c5 vette and a nsx in most cases, but the biggest difference is the nsx won't fall apart like a cheap chinese motorcycle. that is where the difference cost between these two cars.
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Although I have not really gotten any remarks as blunt as the one you mentioned, I've had plenty people ask me why I bought a Honda instead of a 'real' car like a Porsche or Ferrari.
First of all, I always answer with the question how much experience they have with either and the usual answer is absolutely NONE.
People just repeat what they read in the magazines without thinking things over.

I've had the same discussion about diesel engined cars many times over. Someone comes in and tells me just how much torque their BMW or Audi diesel has and are surprised how little the NSX has.
I always answer with something like: "Wow, so your Audi has a 450 Nm torque-engine. So, how much is left of that at the wheels."
And by then, they have already lost me. "Huh? What do you mean, torque at the wheels."

Then I have to explain that because they have a tractor engine that's not capable of high RPM's, the need very tall gearing which, in effect, reduces their engine torque to that of a much lower torque petrol engine.

Just a small example. Last Sunday, I was at the Dutch Zandvoort track where the TimeAttack races were held. Individual drivers try to post the fastest times for ONE lap at the track.
In the Semi-Pro class, the winner was a driver with a 900HP Skyline.
Number two in that class was just 0.6 seconds slower. And he was driving a 500HP Evo VI.

Just shows you a little HP-figures can mean on the street.
Who really cares what dumb people think?

I listen to what you and Stu talk about all the time.

PS. Ive been in a charger RT8, and it is not remotely special. Cheap looking, it felt like a boat to drive, and it didn't feel fast at all. Don't go back and beat up on your friend's car, just smile and look forward to driving your NSX!
well i'm not the one to just roll over and die when i'm being insulted. i would at least make an attempt to educate them or at least get the word out. if he refuses to listen or believe than fine, but at least i tried and that is how i sleep at night :smile:
I assume the Charger dude is fat and the OP is not. I would have said the Charger needs all that displacement to haul his ass around. Oh - and it is a Dodge. The only Dodge that deserves respect is a Viper. The new Challenger is nicely done but with the Camaro it might be the last of the retro-cars for awhile.

Does this guy know that Toyota is in front of Nascar now?
(just blowing off Steam) I have a picture of a White NSX-R NA2 as my background on my computer and one of my coworkers came up to me and asked me Why I wanted a car with no power or torque? He told me "Your better off keeping your Saturn" (I drive a 2004 Saturn Ion Redline) "How do you figure that" I replied. He told me the NSX was slow had no balls. and that his Charger could beat one. I told him "Your charger is almost as heavy as a Greyhound bus, 2nd of all, even if you have enough power to pull a head on a straight, the NSX will pass you again in the corners. Then he pulled the Corvette vs the NSX, and I told him go get your Corvette, whos car has more heads turning to look at your car. and that was the end of that arguement(had to get back to work.) I get tired of the "NSX has no power line" I would gladly drive a NSX over any GM,Chrysler, or Ford Vehicle...well I would have to drive the Ford GT atleast once, but I would still keep the NSX(when I get one) just venting sorry...

Just ask him why a person with a head but no brain will ask such a dumb question???

Show him the Youtube Video of the Type S Zero pulled a 12.4 1/4 mile, and other one where it completely kick the living day light out of the Corvette on the track.
Does your coworker wear a hair mullet, gold chain, and a mustache? Then he must be a redneck-NSX hating HATER!!!
The thing is, the NSX (in today's standards) doesn't have a lot of power or torque. I wouldn't have a problem if someone said that because there is a lot of truth to that statement. However, it is only 1/2 the picture. By that rationale the Lotus Elise and Ariel Atom suck because they don't have a lot of "power or torque" either. :rolleyes: The simple fact is this, if someone says the NSX doesn't have a lot of power or torque, then don't let it bother you because that statement is true. If they base their entire opinon of a car based on that just statement alone then either try to explain to them that a car is more than just a dyno number or come to terms with the fact that they are a complete idiot.
And as a counterpoint to the OP, I was at a Porsche dealership today and three employees commented on my 1998 NSX, with one person saying "Damn, this is one of the nicest cars I've ever seen!"

Moral of the story: The positives of owning an NSX far outweigh the negatives.
The sooner you accept the fact that a stock NSX is a relatively slow car, the better. :biggrin:

I didn't buy mine for speed. I bought it for looks, fun to drive factor, and exclusivity.

There will ALWAYS be something faster than what you drive, no matter WHAT you drive.

There will ALWAYS be someone richer than you no matter HOW rich you are.

Just learn to live in that world.

hey thats my car!! hahah good stuff! it was not my best run and that mach1 driver serious screwed up, but i saw him do his best run and i still would've beaten him.

i would say this is a better video of me even though i lost


i was reeling him in real good and i just rolled off the line, he did a full burn out and was on slicks. if the race was 5 ft longer i would've beaten him.
(just blowing off Steam) I have a picture of a White NSX-R NA2 as my background on my computer and one of my coworkers came up to me and asked me Why I wanted a car with no power or torque? He told me "Your better off keeping your Saturn" (I drive a 2004 Saturn Ion Redline) "How do you figure that" I replied. He told me the NSX was slow had no balls. and that his Charger could beat one. I told him "Your charger is almost as heavy as a Greyhound bus, 2nd of all, even if you have enough power to pull a head on a straight, the NSX will pass you again in the corners. Then he pulled the Corvette vs the NSX, and I told him go get your Corvette, whos car has more heads turning to look at your car. and that was the end of that arguement(had to get back to work.) I get tired of the "NSX has no power line" I would gladly drive a NSX over any GM,Chrysler, or Ford Vehicle...well I would have to drive the Ford GT atleast once, but I would still keep the NSX(when I get one) just venting sorry...

I would have told him, shut up or your fired. It's great being the boss. :biggrin:
Most people look at the size of the engine and draw false conclusions about vehicle performance. Most people don't even bother looking at the listed curb weight of their car. They just see HP and torque. If your coworker is that ignorant, then he should try to race an Ariel Atom. That thing will tear the flesh off your face. Personally, I find an NSX with a loud exhaust tends to intimidate most people so they don't even try.
A guy once told me the same thing. My response was... "Yeah you're right, the NSX is not that fast." and walked away.
No time to argue with IDIOTS.
i wouldn't be so quick to dismiss them as idiots. i see them as uneducated about this car since its not very common to find anything on it.

i've gotten a lot of other to understand this car a lot better just by taking the time out to give examples like what i listed above. 99% of the time they are surprised at what it can do with so little power and they give the car a new respect. if they still refuse and give me a hard time, that is when i agree with you guys and just leave the idiot alone.

i will try my best to convert a lot of uneducated people into nsx fans or at least have them respect this cars abilities. the most common one was that it was too weak to compete against ferrari but non of them knew what a 348 is and once you say that, it becomes totally understandable. hell even if you compare the na2 to a 355 its not too far off. The 355 is not even that quick stock for its power and most of them only puts down 290-300whp stock.