• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

How can we improve the Second Generation NSX forum

17 November 2002
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
The folks who are on Facebook Second Generation will often say that they don't like the NSXPrime Second Gen forum because often they will get or see disparaging comments levied their way. Having said that, The Facebook forum does not have a good organization. Other than a section on files everything just adds to everything else. So if you are searching it is not very intuitive. I have to think that Lud wants to bring the forum back to its glory days. Through his efforts many of us who typically post comments have been designated as Moderators. That is good but I feel something is lacking.

Often when I see a comment that has no detail or support, I find myself trying to find out more about the person. So I look up their public information only to find that it is blank. I believe, and I encourage like minded people to offer their ideas on how we can improve this forum. So. my paradigm is open to criticism and input.

Perhaps we need to require anyone who is going to post in this section a requirement that they fill out their personal information. I am not asking for SS# or bank accounts, but we should know what they drive, what cars they have owned, what they do business wise, etcetera. This may seem like it is frivolous, however if the goal is to improve the community then creating a barrier to easy access will help insure those who participate at least are car enthusiasts.

Social media allows people to post autonomously and say really bad stuff. Perhaps requiring a picture of someone would help. The Moderators could be responsible for approving people once we established standards. All you have to do is take a look at Twitter and you will see how bad it can be.

I use Zoom a lot and the beauty is there you are whether you are wanking off or just looking smart. (Poor guy will never live that down) Anyway not sure how we could implement something like this but it would be nice to see who we were talking to?

We should define what a successful NSXPrime Second Generation NSX forum looks like and what is the vision for its future. Lud could always share his thoughts on what he wants to see. It cannot just be about numbers of participants. It needs to meet the needs of the community. I fear that if we don't find ways to improve it will continue to die a slow death.

We should have a section on files of interest for the Second Generation. There are some really valuable assets out there. We could also track the sale of cars and other things of interest. There is a YouTube fellow who discusses the depreciation of various cars. That kind of stuff would be beneficial to many of us.

In the spirit of continuous improvement and in support of the cars that we like, lets find a way to improve the forum. Look forward to comments. Perhaps a survey both here and at the Facebook site would help?
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Great post here. The upcoming forum upgrade will address many of these issues, but I'm interested to see what others suggest. Thanks for starting it [MENTION=6718]drmanny3[/MENTION]!
I'd like to see the new forum software first, then the implementation of the the ideas we've already been discussing half a year ago. They contained the Gen 2 updates too.
So I think it's time to act, not to talk. :)
Relatively a new member here but I really appreciate all of the great discussions and forum members for their help/guidance through my ordering process. I am not a huge fan of facebook in general but I did "apply" for membership today without a VIN with the expectation that I won't get accepted. That's fine for now but sure would be great to see this forum flourish because it's just filled with plethora of great info here (as you may have noticed with resurrection of a few older posts).
In 2016, I got a PM here on Prime with the title "New Owners Forum" asking me if I had the new NSX on order. Unstated (but, I think, clear enough) was the question of what I was doing in a forum for a car I'm not buying. I responded by politely saying I didn't have a second-gen NSX on order but that I followed discussions about the car with interest.

Yes, I had posted about a car I wasn't buying. Is that wrong? Among other things, I posted accurate tech info info in response to questions people had about the NC1. When I joined Prime in 2002 all were welcome, no matter whether they owned an NSX.

Some people make a point of listing all the stuff they own. You see this in audio forums, camera forums, etc. I don't find that information very useful. In a camera forum I pay attention to whether information posted is sound, and whether photos posted have good composition and lighting and so on. I don't need a list of all the lenses the person owns. The model year of my NSX has always been in my profile here, my profession also, but it's not important to me whether other people list that info about themselves.

I am skeptical that barriers to access would make for better forums. I like that the forums are moderated. I'm all for clear rules and moderation in online forums and I don't know of anything else that works as well.

Prime was a great resource when I joined in 2002 and was researching the NSX before buying one. Much of the tech info that's now in the wiki was then in a well-organized FAQ section.

The NC1 has been around for five years now and Prime doesn't have organized pages with information about the car. There's some info scattered in forum postings but that's not the same. Reviving the wiki would be to the benefit of the forums. It's nice when you can help a newbie by citing a FAQ or wiki page that answers their question (and then some).
Tom239, you make some good points. You are not the problem as you have a vested interest in the cars, owning an earlier version vs the current NC1. Folks like yourself are the kinds of people we want (I believe) to participate. I guess I get frustrated with the Trolls that sometimes show up on this forum. Yes as moderators we can identify an overt problem and do something. It is the person who is purposely negative because they enjoy the turmoil. Listing the items you have whether cars or cameras does let me know that you are someone who is involved and invested. I teach for a living. I have instructed for Cal State Fullerton University for around 15 years now. I always encourage people to express their opinions. However, I require that they be specific in their thoughts. I don't like something, does not cut it. Tell me why you don't like it. Otherwise it is just a passing fart. Perhaps my expectations are beyond this forum.

Someone mentioned that there is new software. I have not heard anything and would be interested in what is coming. Perhaps we will all learn something new.
I believe that this is a great idea and should be implemented.

One of the major issue with Prime with respect to the NC-1 was making it Private. I used Prime as a resource before buying my NA-2, 18 Years ago and still use Prime daily. Most of Us use the information on a Forum to gain knowledge about a Car before we purchase, this is not the case for NC-1 on Prime. Hence you have people making stupid comments or assumptions about the car.

"...Perhaps we need to require anyone who is going to post in this section a requirement that they fill out their personal information. I am not asking for SS# or bank accounts, but we should know what they drive, what cars they have owned, what they do business wise, etcetera. This may seem like it is frivolous, however if the goal is to improve the community then creating a barrier to easy access will help insure those who participate at least are car enthusiasts..."

Elitism at it's best. Why does it matter what kind of job someone has? Who cares what kind of car they drive? You're only going to alienate people wanting to participate with that attitude.

There's a lot more to enjoy in life than just owning a car. My opinion that the car is a POS is based on my ownership. My experience may even help someone out who may also be having quality issues with their NC1.

Restricting access to a sub-forum is not what this site was built on 20+ years ago. Just remember that.

don't we have an ignore function still working?
I totally agree! I've joined many forums before purchasing cars to gather information. Keeping things private just doesn't sound like a good idea because I am sure there are tons of great info about NC1 that can't be shared. I am also not a big fan of requiring personal information other than email address. Now days with privacy issues, I would like to keep things simple.

I believe that this is a great idea and should be implemented.

One of the major issue with Prime with respect to the NC-1 was making it Private. I used Prime as a resource before buying my NA-2, 18 Years ago and still use Prime daily. Most of Us use the information on a Forum to gain knowledge about a Car before we purchase, this is not the case for NC-1 on Prime. Hence you have people making stupid comments or assumptions about the car.

I say we have a hand/foot size requirement....sorry Larry.....
"...Perhaps we need to require anyone who is going to post in this section a requirement that they fill out their personal information. I am not asking for SS# or bank accounts, but we should know what they drive, what cars they have owned, what they do business wise, etcetera. This may seem like it is frivolous, however if the goal is to improve the community then creating a barrier to easy access will help insure those who participate at least are car enthusiasts..."

Elitism at it's best. Why does it matter what kind of job someone has? Who cares what kind of car they drive? You're only going to alienate people wanting to participate with that attitude.

There's a lot more to enjoy in life than just owning a car. My opinion that the car is a POS is based on my ownership. My experience may even help someone out who may also be having quality issues with their NC1.

Restricting access to a sub-forum is not what this site was built on 20+ years ago. Just remember that.


Says the person who is one of the primary reasons for NC1 owners leaving the site. Your behavior is in large part why a "rebuild" is necessary.
Its easy to scapegoat DocL but he is long time member not a troll. I get that his inflammatory rhetoric turns folks off...but we can still all get along..you can ignore him, you could also empathize with the crappy experience he had mostly brought about by a craptastic dealer...I would have no problem looking past that if I was a NC1 owner...I have met him and know him and he is one of those shirt off the back car guys...imho
You want more traffic to the site, quit being so judgmental about posting stuff.

For example this car forum: https://www.ctsvowners.com/forums/

They have a NSFW thread.

The majority of this forum pertains to a car discontinued some 15 years ago, with US sales of less than 10k units.

The 2nd gen has about 1500 units sold (US).

Maybe add a Civic type R section.
I think most NC1 owners get pretty bent when someone talks poorly about their cars. The fact it.. it's not selling. What's the average, maybe 10 units a month in NA? You can't police a free-flowing forum when the overall market dictates such a large percentage of enthusiasts don't see it like owners do or else there'd simply be more owners. Sure, perhaps non-owners are missing out but so what if they are? I don't think it has to be our mission to "educate" people. That's too heavy handed IMO. I'm opposed to negativity in general, and occasionally I've been guilty of having criticisms of the NC1, but anytime someone has any criticism to say there's a small, a very small, sometimes 1 owner, who feels compelled to type a long dissertation of why their point (the criticism) is to be proved wrong. That just sparks the fire and both ends get defensive - the essence of Facebook's business model actually.

I just don't think you can force good sentiment. It can only be seen and observed and grows organically. Sure, a platform that helps foster and makes communication more efficient will go a long way but if there's no fire lit... the blaze will not spread. Over time the car will speak for itself. It's been 5 years since it's release. Perhaps its going to take another 5 before people "wake up".

If I was an owner and I want to "educate" people about the car i'd drive it Cars and Coffee. I'd joint rally drives. I'd post youtube videos etc. I wouldn't attack folks who don't agree with you.
PM sent because if I posted it, it would just get taken down.

Also, the CTSV owners forum came about because the CADILLAC CTSV forum turned into a pile of crap.

I sold my V but I still find the forum entertaining and if I can help anyone that is a plus.
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I wonder if the Tesla or Mclaren forums are the same way when non-owners post about the well-known absolutely horrible build quality of those cars? Is it just the NC1? My thought has always been if I paid $200k full sticker for a car, I'd get a little upset if people starting calling me dumb for buying it. I get that. Then again, I bought the car for me, not other people, so I ultimately don't really care what they think. Some people have called me stupid for doing what I am doing on my S Zero build. But, if I'm being honest, I could give two s#$ts about their opinion- I'm doing this for me. I choose to ignore them and respond to/engage instead with members who are positive. Presumably NC1 owners feel the same way? Food for thought- if enough NC1 owners start posting here, eventually they will drown out the trolls and, combined with active moderation, eventually those negative voices will tire, pick up their ball and move on to other car forums. This happened years ago on the Gen1 forums. No reason it can't happen again here.

We have rules against trolling on the forum and, now that there is a strong mod team in place, those rules will be enforced. However, Lud's vision for NSX Prime has always been a place for a free exchange of ideas on the NSX of all generations. We have to strike a balance between keeping the conversations civil, while allowing people to express their opinions. It's kinda what a forum is for, after all. It's a tough and thankless job, so we should all be grateful we have two great mods in [MENTION=6718]drmanny3[/MENTION] and [MENTION=34518]DJ Iceman[/MENTION] who are (1) actual NC1 owners and (2) willing to volunteer their personal time to help referee all this stuff. I'm also pleased to see other mods chiming in here and elsewhere to support them.

One thing about the new forum software is that we'll have the ability to start a NSX library similar to the old Wiki, which never worked right, and the old, old FAQ. We will need forum volunteers to start populating that once it's up. I agree that this would make the Gen2 forums more active and interesting.
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For the record I think it's a great time to buy. $20k off and good financing options. If this was a stock, buy the dip!

haha maybe the naysayers are just short sellers....
Newbie question but does NSXCA have their own separate forum? Looks like private facebook forum? Just seems like there are too many private forums for such a low production vehicle.
we have our nsxca website....I encourage all new owners to join.
Newbie question but does NSXCA have their own separate forum? Looks like private facebook forum? Just seems like there are too many private forums for such a low production vehicle.

NSX Prime is not affiliated with the NSXCA, but in the interest of Prime being a clearing house for all things/people NSX, we do give them a space here on the forum to help facilitate communication, events, etc.

Says the person who is one of the primary reasons for NC1 owners leaving the site. Your behavior is in large part why a "rebuild" is necessary.

Fish on. I knew that chumming the water would get a bite. If you really believe that I am "...one of the primary reasons for NC1 owners leaving the site..." then I must have a lot more influence than I could have ever imagined. What are the secondary and tertiary reasons?

Its easy to scapegoat DocL but he is long time member not a troll. I get that his inflammatory rhetoric turns folks off...but we can still all get along..you can ignore him, you could also empathize with the crappy experience he had mostly brought about by a craptastic dealer...I would have no problem looking past that if I was a NC1 owner...I have met him and know him and he is one of those shirt off the back car guys...imho

You get it good doctor. Maybe if there was a sub forum on this site about "Dealership Experiences" I would have had a better platform to air my grievances about my ownership experience. You know that I am far from a car snob. I still enjoy the many friendships that I formed over the years. I still keep my NSXCA membership active because supporting the club to me is a worthy cause. But those days will end soon.

I think most NC1 owners get pretty bent when someone talks poorly about their cars. The fact it.. it's not selling. What's the average, maybe 10 units a month in NA? You can't police a free-flowing forum when the overall market dictates such a large percentage of enthusiasts don't see it like owners do or else there'd simply be more owners. Sure, perhaps non-owners are missing out but so what if they are? I don't think it has to be our mission to "educate" people. That's too heavy handed IMO. I'm opposed to negativity in general, and occasionally I've been guilty of having criticisms of the NC1, but anytime someone has any criticism to say there's a small, a very small, sometimes 1 owner, who feels compelled to type a long dissertation of why their point (the criticism) is to be proved wrong. That just sparks the fire and both ends get defensive - the essence of Facebook's business model actually...

...If I was an owner and I want to "educate" people about the car i'd drive it Cars and Coffee. I'd joint rally drives. I'd post youtube videos etc. I wouldn't attack folks who don't agree with you.

I used to take my NC1 to Cars & Coffee and participated in fundraising Rally's. I'd engage conversations with many people, and most of them didn't have much respect for the NC1. I would also sit to the side in my chair, under a tree, and listen to all of negative comments about the car. People who could afford it couldn't see the value when for $25k-$50k that they could get a car with better brand history. That's just the fact. I didn't care because I was a loyal Acura owner for 20 years, having owned seven Acura products in that timeframe.

Some of you may also notice that I'm no longer a "Moderator". Well I requested to relinquish that status because I just can't keep my mouth shut. I didn't want to cause a conflict with the rules of being a moderator. Thank you Honcho for your understanding.

Good night everyone. :)