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How Fast is Too Fast?

alright, due to the large number of misunderstandings let me rephrase what I posted, just because your car is fast, doesnt mean you should speed. I'm not fighting against NSX drivers, I'm fighting against people not using their brains.

whatever, I give up. If you want to break the rules, fine. I honestly could care less if you fly off the road into a tree, as long as it doesnt ruin the life of somebody else. Too bad it totals a pretty nice car though.


speaking of the devil, heres a thread about wrecking NSXs. theres quite a few that have been wrecked lately.

If you want to push the car, go to the track. whats so hard about that?
I have 2 NSXs both SCed and a third engine in development also SCed.
I am a charter member of the "FI Brotherhood" where the motto is: "More is never Enough".


It sounds like your go-fast crack pipe cravings are running strong my friend. Soon your manifold may read "Jato" instead of "Honda".

I've found that the old mantra that "straight lines are for fast cars and corners are for fast drivers" really does hold up to the test of time. The scariest thing bar none I've ever rode-in on the track was a $8000 Supercharged civic on some Avon's being abused and raped into finding a 1:30 with a good driver, and we might have hit 120mph top speed. That is one session I'll never forget for the rest of my life.

Sure you could easily pull the same time out in a nice NSX tooling around, but it is not the same. I don't care how many go fast parts you bolt on, some cars at a given level of setup are just really not meant to physically do certain things- and tend to provide the largest shot of adrenaline in return open lapping. You climb back into a prepped race car or nice high end late model road car and some of the edge actually gets lost, as they are built to do it. Sure you can get slightly better lap times and see higher speeds, but I think some of the driving excitement actually gets lost (non-withstanding the fear of balling up a 240K F430 or whatever).

whatever, I give up. If you want to break the rules, fine. I honestly could care less if you fly off the road into a tree, as long as it doesnt ruin the life of somebody else. Too bad it totals a pretty nice car though.

Nothing else need be said.

On the track going 'too fast' by proper definition is not about exceeding what the car can do, it is about exceeding what you can make the car do.

On the street, as stated 'too fast' is simply 'too fast' everything else being considered. Like video taping yourself doing 120mph through four way public intersections with no safety gear, barriers, competent driver, etc... during the middle of the day then posting it on the internet... come on...what else really needs to be said about one's judgement?

Their is method to the madness for those whom just don't get it- sell the NSX and buy a Yamaha R1. For one, it is actually fast- for most first time riders without school only being limited by the size of their cahonies. Two, you get a helmet out of the deal, so your family gets the option of open casket when you screw up.

Since, when you turn yourself into a pancake on the side of the road, despite what the police might say to your next of kin no one really truly will care as it will be just your life in your hands - which is all anyone here is really asking.
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speaking of the devil, heres a thread about wrecking NSXs. theres quite a few that have been wrecked lately.

If you want to push the car, go to the track. whats so hard about that?
The post you linked to are all single car accidents except for three. One of the three someone pulled out in front of the NSX and one was hit by a motorcycle. So only one of the accidents involved another vehicle when the NSX was at fault and apparently they are not a member of prime (or don't want to speak up). So linking to that does nothing for your theory that we are reckless and unconcerned about others on the road in our car as you said "which is not even THAT exotic".

Why you are even trying to purchase a car this plain and ordinary :rolleyes:.
The prupose of this thread is to find out what you would do in a no speed limit country or one that has a high speed limit.
If i was on the autobahn in my gf's bmw318 I would not take it over 80mph because it does not feel safe going that fast. (1989 bmw)
In my NSX i would feel fine cruising at 80 with a short burst to 150.
Please, tell us what you can do - not what you won't do:tongue:

There is a fundamental problem with US interstate speed limits that simply won't change anytime soon. All speed limits in the US are determined by the 85th percentile rule. That is, traffic in the area of which the speed limit is to be set is monitored and the speed limit becomes set to the speed at which 85% of the monitored cars are travelling. Turns out that 85% of drivers drive appropriately regardless of an imposed speed limit.

However US interstate speed limits are universally set at 65-75 MPH with 95% of interstate at 65 mph. These limits have NOT been calculated using the 85th percentile rule. As we all know, most people drive over 65 mph on the interstate and in SoCal most drive at about 70-80. Based on the use of the 85th percentile rule we can reasonably say that most people naturally drive at speeds which are "safe" for any given condition.

Speeding tickets are a huge revenue generator for the government. In addition, by giving so much latitude to most cars travelling over 65 mph it effectively allows police to stop anyone on the road at anytime since at least 85% of cars are travelling at more than 65 mph. The government really likes this idea and it will be very difficult to change

Most stretches of US interstates are just as safe and clear as any stretch of the Autobahn which, in many areas, imposes no speed limit. The fundamental difference is the quality of the driver, the car, and the ignorance of passing laws. On the Autobahn there is NEVER any passing on the right, ever. Lane discipline is strictly obeyed.

It is also ridiculous to state that a Ford Pinto is just as safe at 65 mph than an NSX. The NSX is a much safer car to drive at high speeds. Driving an NSX at 90 mph is not the same as driving a Pinto at 90 mph, period.

Therefore, at least on US interstates, 65 mph is an arbitrary number that simply does not reflect where "unsafe" speeds begin. Sure, the faster one drives the less safe it generally becomes, but where do you stop? Why not make the speed limits 50 mph then?

My conjecture is that since 85% of people drive at least 75 mph in SoCal that more accurately reflects the reasonable speed at which people should probably drive. IMO the only reason 85% don't drive even faster is because your chances of being pulled over are much higher at around 75 mph. In SoCal it is absolutely normal to see traffic moving at 80-85 mph. And in a high-performance car it would not be unreasonable to drive at around 90-100mph.

If I had to put a number on it personally I would say that on US interstates, assuming normal driving conditions, 85-95 mph would still be a "safe" speed and 95-110 mph would still be "safe" for a car like the NSX. Obviously, if lane discipline, etc. were practiced here it would be very safe.

These numbers are just personal opinion and conjecture.
Hey I'll pipe in as I live in a country where the driving standard is abismal at best...Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

I'm not an advocate of speeding or anything but I do think one's more at control and focusing more when driving faster (my opinion specific to myself rather the general public). I'm not saying that you have the right to weave in or out of traffic like some people I see everyday as obviously people don't know the limits and/or response a car will give when given sudden movements (in and out of traffic).

But in the UAE we have 5 lane highways that are becoming and were much like the Autobahn. People driving anything fast (SUV's, Corollas, etc) and as a result the accidents became rather tragic and needless. That being said I believe driving a car like an S2000 (mine) or NSX (get mine at the end of the month!!!!) at a speed higher than the posted speed limit is okay as long as your not being stupid (40+ m or KM higher) and are crusing where your constantly aware of your surroundings and checking your mirrors all of the time.

The posted speed limits are 120km/h and I usually cruise at 135-145km/h depending on where the speed cameras are. Why? I don't get caught up in the uneven flow of traffic that normally occupies the 3 or 4 lanes on the right hand side of the highway.

Also when a car is approaching from the rear at a high speed they always flash the headlights to notify you that they are oncoming...this rocks.

The post you linked to are all single car accidents except for three. One of the three someone pulled out in front of the NSX and one was hit by a motorcycle. So only one of the accidents involved another vehicle when the NSX was at fault and apparently they are not a member of prime (or don't want to speak up). So linking to that does nothing for your theory that we are reckless and unconcerned about others on the road in our car as you said "which is not even THAT exotic".

Why you are even trying to purchase a car this plain and ordinary :rolleyes:.

Because I like the car...?

umm, way to further my arguement.... so 3/10 of those accidents were with another car. 7/10 by themselves. I'm sure maybe one or two of those people have legit excuses, but I'm sure out of those 7 people that got in an accident on their own, a majority of them were doing something they shouldn't have done. The OP asked if it was "ok to speed in an NSX or similar sports car". I answered the question. No. It doesn't take 2 cars to make it an accident buddy ;). Amazingly enough there are people that can manage to throw common sense out the window and total their own car because they thought the speed limit was just some silly sign with numbers on it.

anyways it seems like there are quiet a few people, sadly, that feel they are above the law because they have an "NSX or similar sports car" as the OP calls it. All I'm saying is that doesnt give you the right to speed or drive like an asshole.

I would rather get along with everyone here. I'm not here to argue. But when I see someone blazing 100+ through intersections filming himself and thinking its cool, sorry, I have to speak up.
You guys are just saying "I'm above the law because my car is a sportscar and it can go fast so that makes it ok to break the speed limit."

All i'm saying is keep it on the track if you dont like the speed limits...atleast its a safer more controlled environment where you are less likely to colide with something or someone. =)
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I am amazed at how many posts say they would speed at 3am to be safe. I would be terrified of large animals and drunk or tired drivers. While going fast in the day you can see far down the road enabling you to anticipate possible dangers. Why would it be safer at night? (plus the police will single you out easily)
I am amazed at how many posts say they would speed at 3am to be safe. I would be terrified of large animals and drunk or tired drivers. While going fast in the day you can see far down the road enabling you to anticipate possible dangers. Why would it be safer at night? (plus the police will single you out easily)

Hmm, well in my case, one night around 3am, I was on my way home on a long stretch of highway with a tall barrier in between with no breaks for opposing traffic to go through. Not a soul was on the road, animals cannot get on the road as it is blocked off on the side and the itch for speed came on:biggrin:
On the street, as stated 'too fast' is simply 'too fast' everything else being considered. Like video taping yourself doing 120mph through four way public intersections with no safety gear, barriers, competent driver, etc... during the middle of the day then posting it on the internet... come on...what else really needs to be said about one's judgement?

I am amazed at how many posts say they would speed at 3am to be safe. I would be terrified of large animals and drunk or tired drivers. While going fast in the day you can see far down the road enabling you to anticipate possible dangers. Why would it be safer at night? (plus the police will single you out easily)
I drive around 1000 miles a week in my company vehicle between the hours of 10pm and 6am (3rd shift). After about 1am there are less drivers on the road, very few LEO's and the animals, well two out of three isn't bad. :smile:
that speed law that you guys were mentioning earlier, "safe speed limit" i thought that means if speed limit is 65 and its pouring cats and dogs with heavy fog ontop of it, cops can pull you over if your going 65 because its unsafe. as well as if your going 65 when everyone else is going 40. I dont think it means "well everyone was going 80 so i was just going with the flow". I could be wrong but, honestly if your going to go faster than the speed limit, accept the concequences.

something I love about prime is that everyone is relatively mature in their logic and debates but does not flame. unfortunately something that I noticed shortly after joining and reading a lot of posts is, some of the owners here seem to think that because they have an exotic, which is not even THAT exotic...they can break the rules and drive wrecklessly. I've seen all sorts of threads talking about speeding, trying to take corners too fast, spinning out and hitting things, accidents, street racing, and unfortunately it seems less shunned than forums plagued by 18 yr olds with a fresh lisence. Ie 240, evo, sti forums.

just because you have a semi-exotic, doesnt give you the right to break the rules and endager other people. Oh and guess what, when you die on the 405 and your car is in a ball, my ass has to sit in an extra hour of traffic becuase they blocked the whole damn freeway to clean up your brain matter.

if you want to push it, take it to the track and quit giving NSX owners a bad name.

Yeah every one looks at me like I suck because of the NSX I have and all the people on this forum.

I agree with them thinking that because I would also.