how to humanly deal with a cat problem

wait for the cat outside with one of those waterguns with a water reserve in the back and chase him while spraying him continuously... also dont forget while your running to scream like a seminole indian... the cat wont come back...

well at least i never saw it again.....
4. Antifreeze and milk. <--- easy and humane. Cat goes home, falls a sleep, and that's the last time he ever climbed your car.

Normally I like your comments- if my cats were outside cats, (they are not) and I found out you did that to my cat(s) you could not run far enough fast enough to save yourself. Please do not post crap like that.[/QUOTE]

OK - I see a sense of humor is clearly too much to expect. I know Captain and although he has an aggressive sense of humor, I would hardly take him seriously with regard to his "solutions." Get a grip people... some perspective if you can muster it please. Besides - it's not like he said anything bad about a dog. Geez...
I can't believe out of all the smart people here no one has the hood and leave it open????? Come on guys I thought you were a bunch of smart people:tongue: :biggrin:
I have a large pest trap for raccoons and opossums. Toss a can of tuna in there. Place it under the truck or close by but keep it fairly concealed from public view. Wake up EARLY or go check it late that night because the sucker will be whining a storm. Take a nice LONG drive. Kitty finds new home.
My friend had problem with cats, well actually his neighbour's cat. He got himself a 'repellent' spray for cats sold by pet store here. All he have to do is spray all four wheels to avoid 'unwanted' cat byproduct and I believe he sprayed a piece of cloth and put it on his car hood/roof, he claimed it seem to work well. I have no details of the spray, but I'll try to ask him if I see him.
Lay a small mouse trap on your hood. The cat will jump and will not return to your truck anymore. It work for a friend of mine.
Hi guys,

Thank you for your suggestions. I didn't know there was a spray available - I'm going to look into that. The hood idea sounds great but exposes yourself to quite a bit of liability of theft / maliciousness.
I can't believe out of all the smart people here no one has the hood and leave it open????? Come on guys I thought you were a bunch of smart people:tongue: :biggrin:

yeah do that, but don't forget to put up the sign that says "FREE PARTS". :biggrin:
OK - I see a sense of humor is clearly too much to expect. I know Captain and although he has an aggressive sense of humor, I would hardly take him seriously with regard to his "solutions." Get a grip people... some perspective if you can muster it please. Besides - it's not like he said anything bad about a dog. Geez...

I've got a sense of humor. Some things just aren't funny though, you probably think cancer jokes are cute. I'm entitled to my opinion, and telling me to 'get a grip' makes you sound obnoxious more than anything. It's no big deal, really, and if Captain can post his humor, i'm sure he's got thick enough skin to take a little heat for it. I doubt he's upset, and if he is i'm sure he'll speak up for himself. You forgot the guy's b-day Monday, shame on you!
I've got a sense of humor. Some things just aren't funny though, you probably think cancer jokes are cute. I'm entitled to my opinion, and telling me to 'get a grip' makes you sound obnoxious more than anything. It's no big deal, really, and if Captain can post his humor, i'm sure he's got thick enough skin to take a little heat for it. I doubt he's upset, and if he is i'm sure he'll speak up for himself. You forgot the guy's b-day Monday, shame on you!

Cancer jokes - cute? Hardly. And obnoxious? I tell you to try to afford a reasonable amount of latitude to posters clearly going for a laugh and you accuse me of lacking compassion for people with cancer? Certainly an unimpressive insight into your character. I point out the obvious and you attack me... and I'm the obnoxious one? I think you forgot your pills this morning. Guilty as charged for missing the guy's birthday though.
Happy birthday Captain- I know you would not do this, but that is how idiots get ideas...from reading it somewhere. If you have ever had a pet poisioned, it is not really funny.