Red, I really like you. You're a very smart, intelligent guy, you know cars and are fun to party with, but I hope when we come to visit in May you're not going to verbally smack around the U.S.A. every time we sit down.:biggrin::biggrin:
No worries! Just smacking online - you Americans are to big and scary to bait in person!:tongue:
I'm more irritated by the war on drugs than the war, again economically not politically if you can separate them.
War on Drugs cost more and yielded less results! it costs $30k a year to keep an inmate in prison in California - California's budget for schooling is $7,000 per student. You'd think if you spent more money educating people better, keeping them from dropping out etc. you wouldn't have to arrest as many? Also, if you made Pot legal and got rid of mandatory minimums (which only result in locking up more people - they're not a deterrent) you'd have less people in prison, so fewer $30ks!
I had heard we are sending the bil to Canada so it really doesn't matter to me what the bill is. :wink: :biggrin:
Talk about a Cheque thats gonna bounce!:tongue:
Ick gad.

You miss the point. Even if bin Laden or al Qaida was never in Iraq, I'd be happy to have spent 16.5k on taking Hussein's regime down. And I'd do another 16.5k for more forces in Afganistan if possible.
Why? Iraq was a sovereign country that had a better standard of living than MANY other countries run by dictators. Why should American Citizens' $$$ go to messing with other countries when people are starving, New Orleans isn't rebuilt, we haven't cured Cancer, Aids, etc. Shouldn't we fix our own mess before we get into others?
where does that figure come from? because we are not even close to any sort of end. Are you saying 16K ... SO FAR?
So far = Expenditure on Iraq to date (traceable, I'm sure there's more under the table) divided by number of households in USA
You failed to mention the 11,000 IRAQ lives lost.
You're kidding, right? 11,000? More like hundreds of thousands! USA doesn't count the killings of Iraqis by Iraqis, they have no idea about the "random violence" there is no census or method of tracking people who are killed by bombs or stray fire, etc. I think its safe to say more people have died under the USA's occupation than were ever killed by Sadam.
Mine too. Although a very close second would be the extraordinarily high number of severely wounded soldiers -- a number that rarely gets reported. People like (for lack of a better term) to compare 4,000 soldiers to the ~50,000 lost in Vietnam and think "Iraq is not that bad, less than a 1/10 of the casualties." But due to body armor and medical technologies the numbers aren't really comparable. Sad fact.
27,000+ and counting severely injured soldiers in Iraq - limbs missing, brain injuries, etc. I know many US Servicemen and women, they do not deserve this fate.
Red, does Prime really need to start another thread like this though? :frown:
Aren't you "The Guy" who starts threads like this?
You're just jealous you didn't start this one!:tongue: