Just did seafoam...but no smoke!?!

21 May 2008
I ran 1/3 of a can of seafoam thru my throttle body vacuum tube. As it sucked in the seafoam, the engine started to chug a bit. Gave it a little more gas and it was fine. Near the end of the 1/3 of a can, there was some smoke coming out of the exhaust. I let it sit for 10 mins and started it up. Did some WOT but no smoke, nothing. It runs fine, but did I do something wrong?

i seafoamed my intake a couple weekends ago and it smoked up pretty good (not nearly as much as other cars seen on youtube). did you suck it in from the brake booster hose? how long did it take to get all the fluid in before letting it sit?

maybe you didn't have any carbon buildup ... which is a good thing.
I dont think I did it thru the brake booster hose. This is the hose I used, throttle body vacuum...


It took probably about a minute to suck the fluid. Near the end, I was seeing a bit of smoke come out of the exhaust. Then I let it sit for 10-15 mins. Fired it back up and nadda, nothing.