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Lombard Street Photoshoot


I wanted to avoid posting to the main thread, but your PM inbox is full. Please contact me at your soonest convenience.

James, Jimbo,gabe, Danny, jill, ashik, are they coming to lunch??????...bill

Bill, I'm the event organizer... of course I'll be there!

Jimmy probably won't go... I heard a rumor
Danny, Gabe and Mohammed never sent payment
Jill doesn't have access to Prime, so I'll call her to find out

Bill, I'm the event organizer... of course I'll be there!

Jimmy probably won't go... I heard a rumor
Danny, Gabe and Mohammed never sent payment
Jill doesn't have access to Prime, so I'll call her to find out


Sorry folks.:frown: As much as I would love to attend this awesome event, I just don't trust my clutch right now on the hills. Have fun, drive safe and take lots of pics for me. :biggrin:
hey James, we cancelled our afternoon plans so we will be able to make it for the luncheon....

1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
3) Chuck
4) Dtrigg
5) Bill aka racer-ex
6) whzzbad (I'll be running the Bike escort)
7) Larry + 1
8) DansPlan +1
9) Ron +1 (RonNRaider)
10) nsxtaxi (Lynn)
12) XO-NSX +1
13) 02#154 (James)
14) s4play (rick) +1

Is all the info on the first post up to date? Are we still all meeting at 8? What time will the drive from Ft. mason to Lombard begin?
1) 02#154 - James (paid)
2) Dhalsim - Roger (paid)
3) Whatisreal7 - Allen
4) XO-NSX - Thanh (paid)
5) MikeC_587 - Mike (paid)
6) Dtrigg - Doug (paid)
7) LarryNSX - Lawrence (paid)
8) iCEE - Chuck (paid)
9) ONEADAM12 - Dave
10) racer-ex - Bill (paid)
11) NSX86 - Gene (paid)
12) 03 raw nsx - Rich Wong (paid)
13) ryan1926 - Ryan (paid)
14) Ara
15) s4play "rick" (paid)
16) NSX GT - Gabe Tong
17) Edub - Eric (paid)
18) nsxtaxi-Lynn (paid)
19) NMYMIRR - Jackson (paid)
20) mpkr91 (paid)
21) jimbo
22) BluryNSX-Danny
23) Ashik-Mohammed
24) SFNSXguy (paid)
25) May a.k.a. Ms. Purple!! (paid)
26) DTMagic - Jill (paid)
27) Calexand - Chip (paid)
28) Steve Hygelund
29) SuperCarnitas - Rich (paid)
30) BaynSac- (paid) (pending payment receipt)
31) Ron Nicolas (paid
32) yojack1 - Better late than never! Thanks James!! :) (paid)
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1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
3) Chuck
4) Dtrigg
5) Bill aka racer-ex
6) whzzbad (I'll be running the Bike escort)
7) Larry + 1
8) DansPlan +1
9) Ron +1 (RonNRaider)
10) nsxtaxi (Lynn)
12) XO-NSX +1
13) 02#154 (James)
14) s4play (rick) +1
15) yojack1 +1 (if healthy)
I made reservations for 30...

1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
3) Chuck
4) Dtrigg
5) Bill aka racer-ex
6) whzzbad (I'll be running the Bike escort)
7) Larry + 1
8) DansPlan +1
9) Ron +1 (RonNRaider)
10) nsxtaxi (Lynn)
12) XO-NSX +1
13) 02#154 (James)
14) s4play (rick) +1
15) yojack1 +1 (if healthy)
16) Jill (definitely, maybe)
Redoing the lunch count to be more useful. As a user experience designer, it just offended me to have it ignore the +1s in the count, as it made the numbers useless and forced manually adding it up.

For the lunch:

1) Mike
2) Dhalsim +1
4) Chuck
5) Dtrigg
6) Bill aka racer-ex
7) whzzbad (I'll be running the Bike escort)
8) Larry + 1
10) DansPlan +1
12) Ron +1 (RonNRaider)
14) nsxtaxi (Lynn)
16) XO-NSX +1
18) 02#154 (James)
19) s4play (rick) +1
21) yojack1 +1 (if healthy)
23) Jill (definitely, maybe)
24) Chip +1 (the +1 is a maybe)
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I tried to, but can't edit the original post so I'm going to post the highly anticipated detailed itinerary here.

Meeting time: The main group should meet at no later than 7:15. The SFPD is prepared to escort us at 8:00am, but we need to get everyone signed in and accounted for. I also expect that the officers will have instructions for us before we head for Lombard street that we'll all need to hear or at least know about beforehand.

Meeting place: There is an entrance to Fort Mason at the intersection of Bay and Franklin streets. The entrance road is Franklin. As you drive in you'll come to MacArthur Avenue where you'll make a left into a very large parking lot. This is where you should be when we meet up. Here's a link to where I'm talking about.

The shoot: We're going to have one or two cars already at the site (we'll have people already at the site for setup). The other cars will be led to the top of the crooked part of Lombard, at Hyde. Ease your way down the street and park with only about 3ft between your front bumper and the rear bumper of the car in front of you. Quickly get out of the car and get out of the shot! :biggrin:

The photographer will shoot a few frames and then we all get back into the cars to begin the "rotation". The front two cars will exit and turn left at Leavenworth (the bottom of the crooked part of Lombard) and drive one block and make a left on Chestnut. BE CAREFUL TURNING LEFT HERE, AS THERE IS A STEEP HILL YOU'LL BE TURNING ONTO (Chestnut) AND THERE'S A SMALL BUMP AT THE BOTTOM THAT WILL SCRAPE YOUR LIP IF YOU DON'T GO SLOWLY (I've driven my NSX here, and I did not scrape but I drove slowly over the bump... I'm pretty low so I think everyone should be safe if you drive SLOWLY over the bump. You'll see what I mean when you make that left turn.)

Once safely on Chestnut it's a steep-ish drive up to a stop sign at Hyde. Keep a large distance between cars going up Chestnut. This will allow the car ahead to stop at the top of the hill where it starts to level off and it's not so steep while the car behind continue to move up and not have to stop on the steep part of the hill. Once the car in front crosses the intersection (Hyde) the next car can then stop on the level part of the hill at the top, etc. Let's try to abuse our clutches as little as possible!

Continue one more block to Larkin. Make a left on Larkin, go one block and then another left onto Lombard. Again, like when turning onto Chestnut, be careful turning onto Lombard. This time, it's not a bump, but rather a small dip that could have you scraping your lip if you don't go slowly. Continue to the crooked part of Lombard and enter the hill again.

While the front two cars are doing this, the remaining cars will move down two spots so that there is a new set of cars in front and everyone is two spots further down the hill. After a while, everyone will eventually be one of the front two cars. This is the best we could plan for. BUT... if we're quick in getting through the first rotation, we can continue to shoot and see if we can get everyone in the lead spot. Don't assume this will happen, though. After the first rotation with everyone in one of the front two spots, everything else we get done in the time we have will just be gravy. I hope this motivates people to be as quick as possible in positioning the cars while still being safe. Remember, we have the location until 11am. This means we have to be completely gone and the photo gear cleared up by 11, not shoot until 11am.

After the shoot: The SFPD will escort the main group to the restaurant. The group that was at the site early will stay longer to help clear the area and see off one of the photographers (we're negotiating having the secondary team of photogs follow us to the restaurant and join us for brunch).

From there, we'll all enjoy some food together, and do our usual BS that we do :tongue:. If there's interest, we'll see if we can figure out a short drive. Maybe to the Golden Gate and/or Palace of Fine Arts and/or <insert some other photogenic site> for more pics with our own cams.

  • The cars should be clean, but they don't need to be detailed.
  • We should be respectful of the residents of San Francisco, especially our friends on Lombard street. Our cars are loud enough as-is so let's not rev our motors unnecessarily. Remember that PD will be right there!
  • If you're going to the restaurant, bring cash. We're not going to ask for separate checks.
  • Don't be late! There will be a required sign-in at Fort Mason and if you're not there to sign, you will be declined participation.
  • If you don't have my cell phone number, please PM me so that I can get it to you. If you run into any trouble getting somewhere or somehow get separated from the group you'll be able to call me.

I think that's it. If I missed something, or if you have any questions, post here or shoot me a PM. You can also send me a message via my Prime e-mail address. Otherwise, I'll see you all on Saturday morning!


Great directions - maybe because it's too early in the morning but your description of going up the hill makes me nervouse and wish I had my s2000 clutch in the NSX instead! :biggrin:

Looks like we'll be up pretty early Saturday similiar to our Japantown show where we met up at Stonestown! I was looking at the map, when we turn onto Franklin from Bay Street, shouldn't it be a right turn into that large lot?

can't wait!

Great directions - maybe because it's too early in the morning but your description of going up the hill makes me nervouse and wish I had my s2000 clutch in the NSX instead! :biggrin:

Looks like we'll be up pretty early Saturday similiar to our Japantown show where we met up at Stonestown! I was looking at the map, when we turn onto Franklin from Bay Street, shouldn't it be a right turn into that large lot?

can't wait!

I've driven the route I described about a dozen times as well as many of the surrounding streets when I was trying to find the best route. My NSX made it no problem, stock clutch and all.

And yes, most of us will turn right from Bay. The left I described is where the parking lot area within Fort Mason is.:smile:

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Great directions - maybe because it's too early in the morning but your description of going up the hill makes me nervouse and wish I had my s2000 clutch in the NSX instead! :biggrin:

Looks like we'll be up pretty early Saturday similiar to our Japantown show where we met up at Stonestown! I was looking at the map, when we turn onto Franklin from Bay Street, shouldn't it be a right turn into that large lot?

can't wait!

Don't worry about going up the hill on Chestnut Street. Like James said, just give the person in front plenty of room so you won't get stuck behind them at the stop sign and then roll onto the flat spot. Believe me, I've made an art of this by living in San Francisco. Same thing if you're driving in the City and have stop lights. Just time your driving so you always hit a green light versus a red light.:biggrin:
James, make sure there isn't going to be a front plate ticketing frenzy by the PD! :tongue:

I'll get in touch with my contact at the SFPD and tell him about how most of us don't have front plates and ask if we can have leniency. I think he'll get a chuckle out of that!

Hey james...........I dont want to start a big mess or anything but I was just wondering if we were going to organize the cars by color or just random?

If we had a bunch of red, white & blue cars.............just thoughts going through my head.........never mind them...........:smile:
Hey james...........I dont want to start a big mess or anything but I was just wondering if we were going to organize the cars by color or just random?

If we had a bunch of red, white & blue cars.............just thoughts going through my head.........never mind them...........:smile:

Oh man. Isn't there always one in the crowd?:wink:

Roger, if we have to get out of our cars and walk up and down the street, do you think it would be a good idea to bring my Power Scooter rather than have to walk up and down the hill?:biggrin:
Oh man. Isn't there always one in the crowd?:wink:

Roger, if we have to get out of our cars and walk up and down the street, do you think it would be a good idea to bring my Power Scooter rather than have to walk up and down the hill?:biggrin:

You should definately bring your scooter.............should I bring a defibrillator just in case?
You should definately bring your scooter.............should I bring a defibrillator just in case?

LOL :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Do I qualify for antique license plates?:confused:
I was there last weekend and the NSX is lower than the plants/flowers around there so it's gonna be tough to take pictures or even see the NSX unless from top down, roof or balcony for instant.
Any caravan from the south bay?
For those of you who are planning to eat at the restaurant after:

I called to make reservations and they want to force us into a limited menu. Can you guys take a look at their menu and let me know what you think you'd order. I need to get an idea of what most people want and then get those as our options.


1. Steak & eggs
2. Corned beef hash


1. New england clam chowder
2. One pound buffalo chicken wings


1. Beer battered fish & chips
2. Grilled atlantic salmon
3. West coast carbonara
In order of preference:


