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Mac OSX 10.6 aka Snow Leopard sucks

30 August 2005
Don't do it. I just went back to 10.5 as Snow Leopard was causing all my Adobe software to constantly crash. Adobe won't have a fix, they are saying to wait until CS5 comes out (no release date) and buy that. Even Safari 4 was crashing every couple of minutes. Also I lost my printer - Canon MX860 and drivers won't be able until next week ~ maybe.

The advantages I saw weren't that great and the crashes made my mac a giant paper weight. Once Adobe CS5 comes out, then maybe I will stick the Snow Leopard CD back in.
I tend not to jump on a new OS the day it comes out. Heck, I'm still running Tiger on my G5 Quad and only toying with Leopard that I boot off on another internal drive just to play around. I will commit to Leopard when new software I need to use just won't run on Tiger anymore. I may be an OS behind but don't want to deal with new OS issues. I probably won't use Snow Leopard until I buy a new MacBook Pro laptop next Spring which will have it already preinstalled.
Windows 7, even in the current beta form (but not for long) will blow anything coming from crapple out of the water!

I've been running the RTM version of Windows 7 since it was posted on MSDN earlier this month. It's slick, but I don't think it win over any Apple fanbois. I'm not even sure people will upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 -- Windows 7 is very Vista-esque, and everyone hated Vista (except me, of course).

Snow Leopard, I haven't tried yet. I'm still running 10.5 on my MacBook, and haven't really seen the need to spend the $29 yet for what I perceive to be little more than a service pack.
No problems with Snow Leopard so far. Picked up 8GB of disk space too.
I tend not to jump on a new OS the day it comes out. Heck, I'm still running Tiger on my G5 Quad and only toying with Leopard that I boot off on another internal drive just to play around. I will commit to Leopard when new software I need to use just won't run on Tiger anymore. I may be an OS behind but don't want to deal with new OS issues. I probably won't use Snow Leopard until I buy a new MacBook Pro laptop next Spring which will have it already preinstalled.

+1 I agree. If it aint broke (and you aren't doing web it stuff) don't worry about it. I would stay on xp forever except it's lack of memory support and new hardware will eventually not perform on it. A word on updates, as far as updates on name brand products. It's only 1% of the time an update makes anything better. my pc does updates on java , office , adobe smack web browsers etc and they all just seem to get worse. They need to go back to the roots and do one release that they spend time on. Did you ever have to update the os on your Commodore 64? or have to patch Mario on the NES? Has your watch ever crashed? It comes down to getting it out quicker than the next guy rather than quality these days.
Windows 7, even in the current beta form (but not for long) will blow anything coming from crapple out of the water! Return of the PC! :biggrin: (not to be confused with the "other" PC...)

I'm actually considering buying some MS stock before Oct 22nd. I've been using it 10+ hours a day every day since it was released to beta.
Windows 7 rules.
Upgraded 3 PCs with ZERO problems. I like how snappy the OS is now.

Not partial to either PC or MAC since I have both.
This is what Apple users get for getting in bed with Intel CPU's.... :D welcome to the real world of PC's... buahahahaha..... :D

I don't think Apple has felt the pain of that decession YET.
It's easy to load OSX onto any computer. Instead of buying a $3,000 mac, but a A $300 EEE Netbook and put OSX on it. Same experience(for 99% of users) for 1/10th the price.
Should be interesting in 5 years how it plays out.
You are comparing a $3000 Mac with a $300 netbook?

Other than they can both run OS X and Windows, what do they have in common? I can't imagine that the same customer would be interested in both. Now if you you were comparing the $300 netbook to a $900 MacBook, you might have more of a point but even there I think the market is quite different.

The bottom line is most people aren't going to install OS X on a generic PC. Who wants a computer that might break every time you run Software Update?
I haven't upgraded to Snow Leopard. I did try out the Beta for a while. Definitely snappier, and smaller footprint. I won't be buying since I plan on getting a new MacBook Pro this Christmas, already comes with SL, why by the upgrade ;)
I have to agree with some others posting here. I have a new 13" MacBook Pro Unibody and the upgrade makes it fast to startup and shutdown and also very good on disk space. No errors yet, but that is likely because i did the OS upgrade first before installing any other apps.

Can't accuse me of FanBoy faithful, since i am likely the only guy here that has had a $56.8 Million Lawsuit against Apple (for Trademark "G3" infringement) and then went on to still use their products after a 10 year boycott because they are just better "personal" computer for family and lifestyle if not for business.

I still have my G4 Titanium laptop I have had for over 6 years and only upgraded after Apple forced iPhone developers to have Intel-based Mac hardware. Nothing like forcing you to upgrade.
In the words of one of a certain executive, "How did they come up with Snow Leopard; was it because White Pony and taken?"

Use Windows 7 kids - I'm typing on a brand new install right now..
In the words of one of a certain executive, "How did they come up with Snow Leopard; was it because White Pony and taken?"

Use Windows 7 kids - I'm typing on a brand new install right now..

Like I said earlier I use both PC and MAC every day therefore maybe I can be a bit more objective then the poster above.

What do you really get upgrading to Windows 7. A new version of Vista? Early bench marks we are running show it is marginally and I do mean marginally better compared to XP.
Can't accuse me of FanBoy faithful, since i am likely the only guy here that has had a $56.8 Million Lawsuit against Apple (for Trademark "G3" infringement) and then went on to still use their products after a 10 year boycott because they are just better "personal" computer for family and lifestyle if not for business.

It's a devil's bargain to be sure. Apple is about the most evil computer company out there (far more evil than Microsoft -- just without the market share), yet they make the coolest products, so people give them a pass.

For example: I have a friend who made a cool Mac app. Then Apple released their next OS version, and included a virtual clone of my friend's app. It was so similar that people were calling him up congratulating him for selling his wares to Apple. Except that he didn't. Apple just stole the thing from him. Sure, he could sue, but he's just one dude; he can't afford to go up against Apple's Wall of Lawyers. So, he shrugged it off and started development of another app -- for the Mac, of course.
It's a devil's bargain to be sure. Apple is about the most evil computer company out there (far more evil than Microsoft -- just without the market share), yet they make the coolest products, so people give them a pass.

For example: I have a friend who made a cool Mac app. Then Apple released their next OS version, and included a virtual clone of my friend's app. It was so similar that people were calling him up congratulating him for selling his wares to Apple. Except that he didn't. Apple just stole the thing from him. Sure, he could sue, but he's just one dude; he can't afford to go up against Apple's Wall of Lawyers. So, he shrugged it off and started development of another app -- for the Mac, of course.

Are you sure it was Apple that stole his app? Could it have been someone else that stole his idea and submitted it to Apple? Just playing devil's advocate.
Are you sure it was Apple that stole his app? Could it have been someone else that stole his idea and submitted it to Apple? Just playing devil's advocate.

It's possible, if you want to be an Apple apologist. Here's what my friend wrote about it. I'm going to edit out the company and product names, as I don't really want to drag him in to this, and also because they're largely irrelevant to the story:

Many users have contacted [the company], congratulating us on Apple "buying out" [the product]. However, [the company] was not involved in any aspect of [Apple's product], other than serving as ... shall we say ... inspiration. While Apple recently recognized [the product] as 2002's "Most Innovative Mac OS X Product" -- and we appreciate the recognition -- [Apple] didn't hesitate to make use of [the product's] specific innovations for its next OS release, without any concessions to [the company].

That's just what he wrote in public. In private he went into much more detail, with more vitriol (and a bit of swearing). But that didn't stop his love for all things Apple. It's almost like ... a religion.