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need help picking out photos *NWS*

Sorry bro. but none of them worth for porfolio IMO. But I guess with photoshop you can do wonders.
She didn't even smile for once. But I do like her hair...;) looks like she is a mommy (Can you say MILF?)
I'm not trying to be rude but are you going to PP any of them?
As a fellow photographer I'm guessing you'd want the truth... Composition and posing isn't all too great. Neither is the lighting(harsh uneven shadows). And shes not very photogenic. Lastly a lot of these poses look stiff and forced. But not to fear, I've been in far worse situations and still pulled through. You just have to be extra patient and wait for the right moment.

As for an addition to your portfolio, I really think you nailed it with IMG_3338 and would choose that one out of them all. Great framing, and very natural pose/expression from your model. Some post processing, time, and care should turn in to magazine quality :] Hope this helps.
I don't know jack about it but a little PS in some of those shots that clearly show stretch marks would go a long way. I only glanced a few of them but what the above posters mentioned seems dead on even with my lack of experience. Gotta start somewhere.
I'm not trying to be rude but are you going to PP any of them?
As a fellow photographer I'm guessing you'd want the truth... Composition and posing isn't all too great. Neither is the lighting(harsh uneven shadows). And shes not very photogenic. Lastly a lot of these poses look stiff and forced. But not to fear, I've been in far

That is exactly what I told my buddy. I only had my camera and no other gear. It was very spur of the moment for me. If i had my studio lights and small generator then maybe things would have come out a lot better. The girl has a slamming body and she was super cool, but yea those facial expressions, achk! It was her 2nd time modeling.

Check out my port at http://www.modelmixture.com/user/ryancsmith/gallery . I think I have some good pics in there.
I like few of yours. Like Jordan says, 3338 looks good and I think 3331 is up there as well. I've done some good shots that ended up being amazing after a small PS treatment.

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you were invited but you were in South America. When you get your WW side skirts on i'm going to do a shoot with some girls and your car.


The skirts are on and the X is looking good.............:biggrin: