Need XBOX 360 HELP!

3 February 2006
So Cal
I am now on my 3rd XBOX 360 due to software problems (freezing). I returned it back to Best Buy yesterday with no problems. The problem I am having now is that I no longer have the software CD's for the FFB Wheel and wireless internet. The FFB wheel seems to be working correctly without the CD, but I can't connect to XBOX live without the wireless internet. Does anybody have the Wireless CD they could send me, or copy it for me and send it to me. I will pay for shipping and the cost of the CD-R. Thanks. :cool:
damn. i thought i was the only one having problems. i got mine with an extended warranty almost a year ago and i think i've had the damn thing for about 2 total months. what a piece.
damn. i thought i was the only one having problems. i got mine with an extended warranty almost a year ago and i think i've had the damn thing for about 2 total months. what a piece.

where did you buy it at? And why are they keeping it when you have it repaired? When mine freezes up, I just take it to Best Buy and they swap it out for a new unit... :wink:

no takers on the cd?
where did you buy it at? And why are they keeping it when you have it repaired? When mine freezes up, I just take it to Best Buy and they swap it out for a new unit... :wink:

no takers on the cd?

Toys R Us. They will only give me a new one if it breaks for the same reason 4 times (I'm on my 3rd time right now). Do they let you keep your hard drive? I have so much stuff on mine. I would hate to lose it all!
Just buy a PS3. :biggrin:

I have BOTH, and I prefer the 360! The PS3 is a great system, with better graphics, but the XBOX is a better, more user-friendly platform IMO. Plus, there's alot more games for the 360 right now, so I hardly use my PS3. :tongue:

Toys R Us. They will only give me a new one if it breaks for the same reason 4 times (I'm on my 3rd time right now). Do they let you keep your hard drive? I have so much stuff on mine. I would hate to lose it all!

Screw that! Knowing their policy now, I will never buy electronics from Toy's-R-Us. Best Buy used to just swap it out, no questions asked. You could just bring your console in (without the cables or anything) and they would literally pull one out of a box on the shelf and just swap out the unit. But they started getting fraudulent returns, or systems that weren't broken, so Microsoft started charging BB if they returned a working or fraudulent unit.

Now, I have to bring the system with all the cables, a remote, and a game. They test the system right there, and IF it freezes then they swap it out. They let you keep all your cables if you want, your hard drive, and the remotes. Or you can swap it all out for new stuff too if you'd like. :wink:
I have BOTH, and I prefer the 360!

Screw that! Knowing their policy now, I will never buy electronics from them. Best Buy used to just swap it out, no questions asked. You could just your console in (without the cables or anything) and they would literally pull one out of a box on the shelf and just swap out the unit. But they started getting fraudulent returns, or systems that weren't broken, so they started charging BB if they returned a working or fraudulent unit.

Now, I have to bring the system with all the cables, a remote, and a game. They test the system right there, and IF it freezes then they swap it out. They let you keep all your cables if you want, your hard drive, and the remotes. Or you can swap it all out for new stuff too if you'd like. :wink:

Best Buy it is from now on!
I have BOTH, and I prefer the 360! The PS3 is a great system, with better graphics, but the XBOX is a better, more user-friendly platform IMO. Plus, there's alot more games for the 360 right now, so I hardly use my PS3. :tongue:

Screw that! Knowing their policy now, I will never buy electronics from Toy's-R-Us. Best Buy used to just swap it out, no questions asked. You could just bring your console in (without the cables or anything) and they would literally pull one out of a box on the shelf and just swap out the unit. But they started getting fraudulent returns, or systems that weren't broken, so Microsoft started charging BB if they returned a working or fraudulent unit.

Now, I have to bring the system with all the cables, a remote, and a game. They test the system right there, and IF it freezes then they swap it out. They let you keep all your cables if you want, your hard drive, and the remotes. Or you can swap it all out for new stuff too if you'd like. :wink:

I have a 360 and it's on it's way back to microsoft to be repaired, it was under warranty. Shifty does this CD come with the console? if so i can check my original packaging.
Shifty does this CD come with the console? if so i can check my original packaging.

Unfortunately not. If you are on "Xbox Live" and you are using the wireless antenna, the cd comes in the box with the wireless antenna when you buy it (you have to buy the antenna separately to go wireless). It's not that big of a deal, I'll just buy another antenna if I have to, it's just a waste. :rolleyes:

Also, every time I bring my Xbox back to BB, they give me the option of pro-rating a new warranty, so I paid $10 and got another 2 years of coverage. :biggrin:
I know I'm not helping here (don't have an XBOX), but every Microsoft product I've ever owned crashed at one time or another.

it's a good thing they don't make cars. :biggrin:
I had heard of some failures but this is not good. Buddy of mine just had his stop reading discs so he got another, going to take it from him and send it to Microsoft to see what happened.
I know 5 people with 360s. Most have had theirs for a year+. No one has ever had a problem. I spilled liquor all over mine once. The controllers redefine durability. Drunken frustation once caused me to throw mine an estimated 40 mph into a wooden cabinet. It emerged unscathed.
I know 5 people with 360s. Most have had theirs for a year+. No one has ever had a problem. I spilled liquor all over mine once. The controllers redefine durability. Drunken frustation once caused me to throw mine an estimated 40 mph into a wooden cabinet. It emerged unscathed.

I've heard about those 6 limited edition XBOXs. I didn't think they really existed.
Wow didnt read this thread. well i finally bought a console since my PS2 in 01'.

I can finally live up to my nick :) NSX + XBOX :)