New NSX owners' gripes....

In that video the driver of the Ferrari didn't look like he could bang ultra quick shifts like the drives in the NSX. Probably due to the fact that hes on familiar to the left hand drive.

According to Motor Trend, they did a test where a they pitted the 355 against an NSX and they were really close 0-60 like with in like .2 secs so if your boss thinks thats whopping your ass I guess hes right. I think that difference could be made up by the drivers.
I dont even own an NSX but I know just about EVERYTHING about them and reading these responses on this post make me sick to know that you guys have to put up with pure ignorance on the street. I just recently moved to Grand Rapids MI and half the people up here dont even know what kind of car mine is and its just a GSR. When I talk about the NSX and how its my dream car, they just get lost and wonder what the hell im talking about.

Also, I love Ferrari's and Porsche's and the Porsche Turbo and 550 Maranello are two of my top 5 dream cars. Hell, even the Viper GTS is in my top 5. But when I tell people that the NSX is my #1 car of all time and I'd live in one if I had too, the just dont understand. There is so much more to the NSX than just a car, a pricetag, speed, and common things associated with the car. Sure, a Vette costs 1/2 the price of an NSX, but its not an NSX. And until people can understand that, then when they win the lottery or something, then they had better buy that Vette and not an NSX just because it costs more.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the NSX is so much more than just a car. It's the most elegant and luxerious user friendly sports car on earth and even Mario Andretti said its the most comfortable out of all. The biggest arguments I get in are with Domestic V8 owners that say that their Z28, SS, Trans Am, or Saleen can whoop an NSX and is better. What do I tell them? I say you can always make a car as fast, but you can never match the class.

Dont worry NSX owners, there are people like me out there that know EXACTLY what the NSX stands for and immediately begins daydreaming about owning one as soon as one drives by. And I will never forget a man by the name of Vernon Kim that let me drive his NSX before he even knew my name.

'99 Black GSR
Huh? you keep telling us NSX owners how ignorant we are and how you know "EXACTLY EVERYTHING" about the NSX even though you don't own one. All I hear from you is

There is so much more to the NSX than just a car, a pricetag, speed, and common things associated with the car.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the NSX is so much more than just a car. It's the most elegant and luxerious user friendly sports car on earth

so that's EVERYTHING you know about the NSX? Reading the technical specs and knowing what events NSX's have entered and won... etc doesn't imply your knowledge of the car is any better than anyone of us. Knowing even the tinest compartment of the car adds to your knowledge of the NSX, since you don't even own one, I'd have to assume that "EVERYTHING" you know is from reading, and who the hell wrote it for you to read? Probably one of us "NSX owners"

You may have dreamed about the car more than any one of us, you may have read more NSX related articles than any one of us, but trust me on this, experiencing one in reality is a totally different story. Until you purchase one and gain enough experience with it, don't come in here and brainless bashing us with no valid back ups.
Unless I'm mistaken, I didn't think that Teej's post was bashing NSX owners. In fact, I thought he clearly aimed his comments towards the ignorant masses who don't know anything about the NSX.
thankyou akira3d.
You are right, there are 4 things I will defend until I die, and the NSX is one of them.

GruppeM, that is just the kind of response I would expect from a stuck up Bimmer or Ferrari owner that didnt read carefully before putting someone down for loving something they didnt necessarily own, not an NSX owner. Kudos to you for sticking your chest out oh so proudly and tough before examining the details.

No I dont own an NSX but at least Ive gotten to experience pure extasy in driving one which was a dream of mine.

'99 Black GSR

[This message has been edited by Teej (edited 24 April 2000).]
Yes sorry! I totally mistaken your post

I dont even own an NSX but I know just about EVERYTHING about them and reading these responses on this post make me sick to know that you guys have to put up with pure ignorance on the street.

What I read it as... I don't even own an NSX but I know EVERYTHING about it, reading this forum make me sick how ignorant you guys are...

that's a big difference
again I apologize.
A note on the Ferrari snobs:

Gordon Murray, the designer of the McLaren F1 Roadcar was asked during its intitial design if the F1 was going to be in the same class as the Ferarri F40. He responded, "No. We don't have anyone here who can weld that poorly."

from Autoweek.
Originally posted by JChoice:

Uuhhh, I think the 355 would win. Unless you plan on a supercharger sometime soon. I'll get a 360 Modena as soon as a $5000 30,000 mile service becomes a drop in the bucket for me. (Any investors out there want to help me get there a little faster?

I just recently moved to Grand Rapids MI and half the people up here dont even know what kind of car mine is and its just a GSR. When I talk about the NSX and how its my dream car, they just get lost and wonder what the hell im talking about

Funny, I was in Grand Rapids MI just a couple of months ago, for the track event at Grattan Raceway held by BMW CCA. A friend and I were both instructing in our NSX's.

When I was stopped at a local gas station, a person walked up to me there. Turns out he was probably the most NSXperienced person in town - the NSX-trained tech from the local Acura dealership. We chatted for about 20 minutes, about the car, the NSX Club, etc.

Funny how one encounter like that can make you feel right at home in your NSX... and forget about any ignorance displayed by those who will never get a chance to understand the fun we have!
I enjoyed reading all the above posts. Everything mentioned is pretty much the same as what I have encountered when trying to explain to people exactly what an NSX is. I love the appearance and design philosophy of the car but I do have some issues I would like to get your feedback on. First of all is the price tag for a new NSX. Given that a used 1991 with around 40K miles can be had for less than 1/2 (closer to 1/3) the cost of a new NSX do you really think the price that Acura is asking for a new NSX is reasonable? They really have not signifigantly changed the car in the last 9 years and I know the reason they cut back production in 1992 (from the levels when they first introduced the car) was because the demand was not there for the a vehicle at that price. Reliability (which is the NSX forte) is a double edged sword. Yes when you buy a new one you are pretty much gauranteed a quality car but on the other side if you buy a used one with a few miles on it you still get just about as reliable a car. Which in the case of the NSX I would think makes it hard to justify the large price difference between new and used.

Secondly is what you get for the money. When people buy a ferrari or high end porsche they are buying status. Sure there may be higher performing cars for less money but they still are not a ferrari or a porsche. That is about the only justification I get from guys who own either a ferrari or a porsche. Sorry to say but the NSX just doesn't have that same "status". So what else can we give to justify the expense of a new NSX over say a new C5 corvette? Performance? Exclusivity? Maybe, but not as much as I think we would like. I see quite a few of the 1991/1992 NSX's around town and since they look nearly the same as the brand new NSX a 2000 model really doesn't stand out like a new one did in 1991. People today I think notice a millenium yellow corvette convertible before they do a new NSX. Also saying that a "corvette" is just a "corvette" is the same attitude that the Ferrari and Porsche guys have when they say that the "NSX" is just an "Acura".

So if it doesn't have the status and it's not extremely exclusive then what about the performance? Well in todays world there are many cars, both domestic and imported, that will match or beat it in most catagories. And these cars cost a lot less. The biggest "gripe" that I have heard from NSX guys is that stock the car just doesn't have enough power. Before I test drove a 1991 NSX I always defended the car on that issue. I once got in an argument with a diehard Porsche guy who said "if you like to drive hard the NSX won't get you hard". Now after driving the car I somewhat understand, but not neccessarily agree, where he was coming from. The car definately needs a power upgrade if Acura wants to keep it in the upper eschelon of the automobile world. For the money that is paid for a new NSX you should get a more powerful engine. Hell even the new Acura sedans are approaching the same power levels.

I still plan on getting an NSX in the future but unless they build a NSX with the performance to match the body I think I will be getting an older used one and put the supercharger on it.

P.S. In response to "when was the last time Ferrari won the F1 championship" I believe it was this year - both constructors and drivers championships. Plus they were second place finishers in the last two seasons. When was the last full Honda team involved in F1 (not just engine but a full team)? Ferrari has earned their status. Honda started to earn it back when Alain Prost was racing but recently have been nothing much more than a supplier of engines (which ironically is what needs to be improved in the NSX). Now Porsche is going the way of Honda by concentrating on making an SUV instead of their racing program. I agree that Ferrari's are expensive, unreliable cars but I don't think that anyone here really should be slamming them for any reason. If you had a choice between the F355 and a NSX to rent for the day at the exact same cost which would you take? I know I would take the Ferrari just for the chance to hear that engine and actually drive one once because I'm pretty certain that I won't be buying one.
Well in todays world there are many cars, both domestic and imported, that will match or beat it in most catagories. And these cars cost a lot less.

I disagree.

Leaving aside "boutique" cars that are not produced/imported in significant numbers (McLaren, Lamborghini, etc), here is a list of all the cars currently available that will beat the NSX in most categories:

- Porsche 911 Turbo
- Ferrari 360 Modena
- Viper

Here is a list of all the cars that will match the NSX in most categories:

- Porsche 911 N/A
- Ferrari 550 Maranello
- Corvette
- BMW E46 M3 (soon to be available)

That's it. That's not a huge list. In fact, it proves that the NSX ranks among the very top cars available. And pricewise, the NSX ranks right in the middle of this group.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 November 2000).]
i believe the 2001 vette, and for sure the zo6 will beat the nsx in all catergories of performance..0-60, 1/4 mile, braking, g force ect. i think the zo6 will do the 60,mph sprint in less than 4.5 seconds.
Magazines (who have fairly consistent testing procedures) have yet to run comparison tests on the Z06. Other Vette models have generally not beaten the NSX in published comparisons. Just to cite one example:

The point remains - there are only a handful of models that can post comparable numbers with the NSX. And three of the above seven cost a lot more money.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 November 2000).]
Now that's funny Lud.

Originally posted by Lud:
Tell them it's the newly redesigned Integra and they can get one at their Acura dealer for $19k.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 17 April 2000).]
actually, only Motortrend have wrote some very mild reviews on the NSX. And we all know why that is. The other US mags like Car and Driver, or Road and Track have some very honest and nice things to say about the NSX. Also, the British absolutely loves the NSX.
German mags seem to think that anything made outside of their boarders are crap.

Please visit my NSX tuning page! Mods, Japanese NSX related stuff, pics!
Lots of interesting posts on this topic -- allow me to chime in

I just bought a 2000 NSXT after selling my '99 Corvette Hardtop. The Corvette was a great car, but you can't judge a car entirely by the stats in a magazine. If you could, I suspect we would all have a Viper GTS in the garage.

I bought the NSX because I love the way the car drives and sounds, and the method of its engineering and assembly. I love the concept, and as a lifelong formula 1 fan, I wanted that great Honda/Senna f1 connection.

Why buy a new NSX rather than a '91 or '92? First, I wanted a six speed and the extra 20 horsepower of the newer car. Second, I wanted an extra 10 years of real-world development work. Third, I wanted to baby the car to death from the beginning. I will say, however, that a slightly used '91 or '92 is the greatest exotic car value known to man.

One final thought -- those who buy a car for the sole purpose of displaying wealth or status are a sorry lot -- they are only happy until a rival buys a more expensive or exotic car, which always happens.
I was surprised to see my thread resurface after so many months.

The topic of conversation has certainly drifted from what initially prompted it, but I thought I'd chime in. I'm now in my eigth month of owning my NSX-T and am as enthusiastic (if not more so) about it as the day I first drove it. I have zero complaints about my car's performance and nothing but good things to say about every NSX owner I've met (I can't say the same for owners of other cars...especially those who own Ferraris and Porsches)

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."
Damn, Im just replying because it seems like everyone else is!!!
PS - NSX's are truely exotic,reliable, sports cars whichs looks are awesome and unique!!
Jus my 2 cents!!!

So perhaps this topic will never die. And I am going to help that out

As for the initial post by Akira3D, the 'ignorance' we see daily from those who know little or nothing about the NSX make it all the more exciting to drive. For everyone who mistakes it for a Vette there are those who mistake it for a Ferrari or even a Lamborghini. In many people's mind, they see the car, and know it is exotic, so they think of the most exotic car they know of and ask if that is what it is. Part of the overall enjoyment I think because the awe of the car is still there.

For the personal aspect of owning the car. It is as close to spirituality as I get. Every day I walk out to my car it makes me smile, such a perfect car, really nothing anyone could say would make me think otherwise.
The NSX is the finest sports car that has ever been built, except maybe for the McLaren F1.

As far as straight line performance goes, I believe the NSX could use some more horsepower. This is the reason that I am adding the Comptech Supercharger. I hope this cures my desire for power, we will see.

In reading the above posts, I believe the BMW M5 should be on the list of cars that can match the NSX's performance. The Z06 Corvette certainly exceeds the NSX in numbers, which I believe is not a good way to sum up a car.

Top five performance cars for me:
1. McLaren F1
2. NSX-T with performance mods
3. 993 Porsche 911 Twin Turbo S
4. Ferrari 360 Spider
5. 996 Porsche 911 Twin Turbo

After buying my NSX about two weeks ago, I am selling my '00 M5, '96 911TT & '87 Testarossa. I guess that just about says it all, I don't drive any of them anymore.

I don't care what anyone else thinks of my NSX, I know how great it is!