You may be aware that the factory uses a damper in between the master and slave cylinder. This valve uses a flexible rubber diaphragm to reduce vibration from the clutch spinning when the driver depresses the pedal. When this diaphragm moves, less line pressure acts upon the slave cylinder, clutch fork, release bearing, and ultimately the clutch.
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<img border="2" src="" width="200" height="150" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5"></a>We performed testing of eliminating the clutch damper and the effect it had on clutch release travel. In order to accurately set up a measurement of the slave's movement, it was necessary to assemble this unit out of the car including all of the factory clutch hydraulic system. You can see the slave, hose, damper, master cylinder, and pedal assembly.
The effect of the damper was more significant than originally expected. By removing the damper, for the same amount of clutch pedal stroke, the slave travel increased .085". In addition, when tested in a running car, we found that it produced a more direct engagement feel and slightly reduced pedal effort. .085" may not sound a lot, however, at the clutch pedal, more than 3/8" of an inch was gained in pedal height. This allows aftermarket clutches with narrow release envelopes (ScienceofSpeed Sport, RPS, Clutch Masters, Comptech, Exedy, etc.) to have a much broader range of adjustment. The additional benefit is that the increase in release travel improves clutch life by reducing the amount of time that the clutch is dragging during transitioning between engaged and disengaged when the driver depresses and releases the clutch pedal. This significantly increases clutch life, especially for "street driven" vehicles which see lots of stop and go traffic which causes the most wear to clutches.
The kit includes custom made machined billet aluminum adaptors which are a direct fit for the factory slave cylinder and the factory clutch damper bracket. Unlike other hose assemblies available, it is not necessary to bend or modify the factory clutch hard line in any way. Everything fits exactly how the factory components fit. The kit also replaces the factory rubber slave hose with a stainless steel braided reinforced clutch hose. To finish it off, the kit includes a factory rubber o-ring for a complete installation.
As of today, this kit is now being included with the ScienceofSpeed Sport Clutch & Flywheel as well as the Billet Twin Carbon Clutch & Flywheel. Existing owners may upgrade to this kit for the same discounted upgrade price. The kit is also compatible with all other aftermarket pull type clutches for the NSX that use the factory slave cylinder.
For more information, please see here:
Are you looking to keep the factory clutch damper and want to replace the hose only? Please click here.
-- Chris
<a href="">
<img border="2" src="" width="200" height="150" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5"></a>We performed testing of eliminating the clutch damper and the effect it had on clutch release travel. In order to accurately set up a measurement of the slave's movement, it was necessary to assemble this unit out of the car including all of the factory clutch hydraulic system. You can see the slave, hose, damper, master cylinder, and pedal assembly.
The effect of the damper was more significant than originally expected. By removing the damper, for the same amount of clutch pedal stroke, the slave travel increased .085". In addition, when tested in a running car, we found that it produced a more direct engagement feel and slightly reduced pedal effort. .085" may not sound a lot, however, at the clutch pedal, more than 3/8" of an inch was gained in pedal height. This allows aftermarket clutches with narrow release envelopes (ScienceofSpeed Sport, RPS, Clutch Masters, Comptech, Exedy, etc.) to have a much broader range of adjustment. The additional benefit is that the increase in release travel improves clutch life by reducing the amount of time that the clutch is dragging during transitioning between engaged and disengaged when the driver depresses and releases the clutch pedal. This significantly increases clutch life, especially for "street driven" vehicles which see lots of stop and go traffic which causes the most wear to clutches.
The kit includes custom made machined billet aluminum adaptors which are a direct fit for the factory slave cylinder and the factory clutch damper bracket. Unlike other hose assemblies available, it is not necessary to bend or modify the factory clutch hard line in any way. Everything fits exactly how the factory components fit. The kit also replaces the factory rubber slave hose with a stainless steel braided reinforced clutch hose. To finish it off, the kit includes a factory rubber o-ring for a complete installation.
As of today, this kit is now being included with the ScienceofSpeed Sport Clutch & Flywheel as well as the Billet Twin Carbon Clutch & Flywheel. Existing owners may upgrade to this kit for the same discounted upgrade price. The kit is also compatible with all other aftermarket pull type clutches for the NSX that use the factory slave cylinder.
For more information, please see here:
Are you looking to keep the factory clutch damper and want to replace the hose only? Please click here.
-- Chris