• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

Not whining but just checking on marketplace

Re: status quo...

Incorrect, moderators for the marketplace forums were never 'added'/increased.

I assume as it's summer, the moderators are busy w/ their own personal affairs. I guess, just be patient... someone will get to it! :cool:

Oh, I thought I had read somewhere that 2 mods where added,,, Oh well.. Its still slower than normal.
No moderators were added.

I should get to parts approval tonight or tomorrow.

Life, work, and floods come first. So far, I am high and dry, but a lot of others were not so lucky.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming . . .
Okay, even if no moderators were added, there are three (3) moderators that work on that section of prime. How come it is taking a week to get things approved? I posted something for sale about 2 weeks ago and it took almost a week and a half to get it approved. By the time it got approved and posted, I had a hard time finding it on the list because it was so far down! Now I have to wait a month before I can bump it to the top.

I understand the moderators are volunteers and have a life outside of Prime, but if their life is that hectic, then maybe they should relinquish that duty to someone who has a little more free time.

Brahtw8: Sorry to hear about your misfortune with the floods and I hope everything works out for you but this is a prime example of why we have more than one moderator for this section…..
I understand the moderators are volunteers and have a life outside of Prime, but if their life is that hectic, then maybe they should relinquish that duty to someone who has a little more free time.

I would be interested in moderating the classifieds section, if there is a need for a volunteer. I work from home, so I browse nsxprime perhaps more than I should.
Yeah i'm sure plenty of us would be willing to volunteer for the job since were on here all the time anyways. Honestly its pretty ridiculous having to wait for waves of new parts listings every week or so. We all understand that you guys have more important things to do, but seriously if you cant do it in a timely manner perhaps you need some help. It's not like its even that many listings to approve.
I cant seem to get my only NSX n20 specific n20 kit posted for sale. I waited a day and pm'ed 2 different mods. I saw my pm's to mod were read but my n20 kit is still not posted either is a want to buy 3,0 heads either.I had sold this kit a year ago to a member but cant reach him so it is going up for sale

I have never had any issues with posting to the forum and never a problem posting an nsx part I own for sale or want to buy. now It seems I cant get an thread to sell or buy up.

I know I was gone for a year due to my health but it seems things have changed here dramatically

I am assuming alot of newbies or infractions caused a tighter review and could understand that but when the mods read your request for info and dont even respond with a heads up well I just want to know if I am missing some new policy in effect I am unaware of and just be patient.
I read the market rules and I did not see anuthing that would effect my abilty to post there.
somebody please advice, please no users I wish to here from a admin and will be patient. I am sure it is something minor like a time delay and no more.

best regards david.
ps if this belongs in a different thread sorry and please move it there
I cant seem to get my only NSX n20 specific n20 kit posted for sale. I waited a day and pm'ed 2 different mods. I saw my pm's to mod were read but my n20 kit is still not posted either is a want to buy 3,0 heads either.I had sold this kit a year ago to a member but cant reach him so it is going up for sale

David, for the last month, approval seems to be taking around 1 week for classified ads... prior to this, it was every few days, perhaps a 3 day turn around. The situation seems to be getting worse with time, but its still the premier nsx parts advertising venue, and I suppose the price is right.

The concern I have, is if available members with a long history are willing to help, and current marketplace moderators are overwhelmed by the task, why not allow other people to volunteer and speed things up? Why not add additional moderation, when it is needed, and is being offered?
The concern I have, is if available members with a long history are willing to help, and current marketplace moderators are overwhelmed by the task, why not allow other people to volunteer and speed things up? Why not add additional moderation, when it is needed, and is being offered?

This offer has been beaten to death!!!
The only conclusion to why Pime hesitates to approve additional MODs is "Full Control"
We can't change much, because if we can it has been done years ago. Just live with it the way it runs.

Let it die already...:(
All the moderators (and myself) have been overly busy lately. I am turning off the moderation queue for the Marketplace until we can find a better solution.

However, posts / ads that violate the rules will be deleted with no notice or further explanation, and repeat or blatant offenders will be suspended. I am not going to have it turn into a circus. Make sure you read the rules before you post if you have any questions as to what is acceptable.

P.S. Just because I don't respond to every single post doesn't mean we're not trying to resolve the issue. "Just add moderators" is not necessarily as useful as you might think because it can be confusing due to the way this forum is structured and the way the software works. So please put your "jump to conclusion" mats away.

All the moderators (and myself) have been overly busy lately. I am turning off the moderation queue for the Marketplace until we can find a better solution.
That's the best solution...
However, posts / ads that violate the rules will be deleted with no notice or further explanation, and repeat or blatant offenders will be suspended. I am not going to have it turn into a circus. Make sure you read the rules before you post if you have any questions as to what is acceptable.
... and i can say that that it's not hard enough... i can't agree more.... there is a set of public rules... if a post goes against any of them, deleted without any kind of warning ... people must learn to do things in a responsable way...
