NSX Buffalo Stampede 4 "It's A Lock"

16 April 2007
The NSX Stampede will take place July 11 & 12. You can call Salvatore's Grand Hotel 6675 Transit Road Williamsville NY where a block of rooms @ $ 119.00 for the NSX Car Club has been saved. Call toll free 1-877-614-6835.
Preferred parking will be provided. They will hold these rooms till June 30th. Dinner there July 11th in a private dinning room @ 8:00 PM.
There is no party at Ray Laks Acura this time but they promised to provide tee shirts.
We will leave Russell's parking lot at 8:30 AM SHARP
Saturday will be the Pierce Arrow Car Museum and the Frank Lloyd Wright Gas Station which has it's grand opening June 30th and has some interesting cars coming.
Lunch will be at a Santora's Italian Restaurant which has been serving excellent Italian food for almost 100 years. In the Afternoon we will do a underground boat ride and a Canal Cruise through a double lock system in Lockport, NY
Dinner 8:30 pm Saturday night @ Black & Blue Steak & Crab 5493 Sheridan Drive Amherst, NY
Russell's & Black & Blue are business casual ( NO JEANS )
Sunday morning for those who would like to attend I will be honoring " THE DON'S " quest for the ultimate pancake and visit the best pancake house in Buffalo.

You can make a payment of $70.00 per person to NSXCA. This will cover the following
Pierce Arrow Museum & Frank Lloyd Wright Gas Station--- Pizza,Wings, Salad, and Pop at Santora's---Underground Boat Ride--- Canal Cruise and Locks
Please make sure you sign up before June 30th.:biggrin:
Don't forget your shirt sizes

UPDATE-------I will need to know who is coming to dinner on Friday at Russell's and Saturday at The Black & Blue by June 30thp
Ron---XL---PAID---------- Russell's.------ Black & Blue
Ginnie--L----PAID--------. Russell's.------Black & Blue
Shawna--S---PAID----------Russell's-------Black &Blue
Mark---XL----PAID-----------Russell's-------Black & Blue
Sue----L------PAID----------Russell's -------Black & Blue
Tony---L------PAID----------Russell's---------Black & Blue
Don---L-----PAID------------Russell's------Black & Blue
Carla--L-----PAID------------Russell's------Black & Blue
Roger---L---PAID-------------Russell's-----Black & Blue
Nancy---M---PAID------------Russell's-----Black & Blue
Chuck---XL PAID-----Russell's---------Black & Blue
Nande---S PAID-------Russell's---------Black & Blue
Jim---- L PAID----------Black&Blue
Barb----S PAID---------Black&Blue
Jon--- XXL---PAID------- Russell's
Dan Murphy--- M PAID---------Russell's--------Black & Blue
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Great news.............I'll be there and thanks for organizing this!!

Shawna--- S

** As a secondary idea open to EVERYONE............After Breakfast on Sunday, if anyone would like to venture over the Peace Bridge into Canada I am less then 15 min. away and would gladly host a short cruise along Lake Erie and back here for a BBQ or swim in the pool. You can spend a few minutes or a few hours here soaking up the sun on the deck, kayaking in the pond, or having a beverage. This is not a planned event or part of the Stampede, but a suggestion if anyone wants to visit while they are in the area. REMEMBER - you will need a Passport or Enhanced Drivers License.

Looking forward to seeing everyone

Nancy and I are planning on attending, however, due to "family situation", we're possible last minute cancellation. For now, we plan on being there.
Hey Rich,........bring your AAA card - LOL!!! See you guys soon...........
Please sign us up, Jim and Barb. One large and one small. Thanks for putting this together, looking forward to seeing everyone.
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booked for weekend with you guys!!will have to skip sat dinner for a memorial for my cuz bobby[...Father Baker pray for him...]

XXL for me,S for lucyna......

Ron, I've paid May 28th by Paypal, I'll be at both restaurants.
Hey..........doesn't look like many have registered for this GREAT event..............and in speaking with Ron he is closing this on June 30th so get your dates in order and come on up...................last years event was fantastic - not to mention it was my first NE Region event and that's when I met most of you characters!!
With Kid's Day cancelled & thoughts of just stopping by the camp for lunch, has anyone thought about doing a camp visit immediately before or after BS4? It would be a reasonable "pit stop" for those coming from the NYC metropolitan area to BS4.
Frank.............on Sunday there are a few coming over this side of the bridge to do a drive and BBQ - which is open to all.
Another great event I need to miss but Lauren was selected over the other county-wide goalies for a Premier soccer team and we have a tournament that weekend in Rhode Island. This is a big step for her and may ultimately lead to her playing in a tournament in Europe in the next season or two so we need to show off her skills that weekend. However, for anyone on the fence this is always a great event, with wonderful hosts Ron & Ginnie and excellent nsx family taking in the sights. Ron & Ginnie aways make a memorable weekend and I would encourage everyone to try to make it.

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Thanks Bob for the kind words and GOOD LUCK to Lauren. After what I've read about her, I'm sure she will be outstanding
Planning on driving up Friday afternoon so that I can join you for dinner Friday & Saturday night, should I simply Paypal NSXCA for $70 and put a note that it is for the Buffalo Stampede?
Yes the $70.00 covers the events on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you in Buffalo
I need your shirt size
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size M (just me, no Amanda this trip :( )
room booked
paypal payment sent

Look forward to seeing everyone
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Hey C'mon everyone - sign up for this great event as cut off is June 30th.............I've ordered good weather so your cars will stay clean and Ron/Ginnie have organized a GREAT event............hope to see more of YOU there!!!

Shawna, from the other side of the bridge